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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2012 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    My primary shop is too big to heat, 52.5'x90', this is a modified 15'x17' tool shed I'm using instead. I didn't like looking at the dull, drab OSB walls, so I painted it with a few logos I think you'll like! A few more and I'll be done!
  2. 2 points
    Red Square is not only a place to find information but is also a place to find good friends. A Few years ago I became good friends with a member that I met on Red Square, at first he was kinda getting under my skin next thing ya know we were poking fun at each other and then it was like he vanished! I started worrying over him like an ole mother hen and was getting concerned. I heard he was on Vacation or a trip or something So's I drew up one of my Cartoons for him. I guess when he seen it sipping his coffee in the morning he about choked with laughter. Later we met and the WHCC show and that cemented the friendship even further. My latest tractor project has been quite extensive and costly, and any good deals a guy could get along the way would surely help. this friend knew that on my shopping list was a new seat for the new Project Snow Chucker and today when MJ and I pulled in the driveway was a box from UPS. In the Box I found this. Butch My Friend you are a TOP SHELF individual, and thanks so much for the seat and most especially your friendship! And that I dont take lightly. Every time I get in the new Snow Chucker me and my Fat Butt will thank you! It's Quality guys like you that make this forum what it is. Yer Pal ~Dukester
  3. 1 point
    Sometimes it's just the friendships you make and the favors we do for each other that make the Hobby what it is! Thanks Jake! Your the MAN !!
  4. 1 point
    Craig and Stephen: You saved me! She is out walking the track six miles almost every day and a bad posting would kill me!
  5. 1 point
    Looks good, I'm going to have to do that too or start parking them in the spare bedroom.
  6. 1 point
    ok, it finally looks like ive done something!! i spent most of the weekend working on this thing, and im happy with the results so far. this was this morning. and this was this evening not much progress today, just a few parts put back on. this one is definately going much slower than the workhorse 700 i did last year.
  7. 1 point
    Scott, Got to say you got it goin on there. I had asked my daughter about her own Horse back when she was 14 or so. She too wanted a pink one, but with purple wheels. Years passed and never got around to fixing one for her. I can guarantee my granddaughter who is almost 2 will have one. I have a 32E that I plan to fix for her. And all you guys out there get going on the kids memories before it's too late, Mike
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