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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2011 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I got my d for 500 2 years ago and it ran backwards when the lever was pushed forward. No gas tank...broken steering wheel...every tire was different....no blade....smoked like a fiend....no 3 pt.....no pto...seat was nonexistent.....needed painted.....came with a mower that needed redone and no snow blade at all. Put close a 1000 into it and it is my favorite tractor. Had a blast getting it fixed. Just about every one of us put new fuel lines, a filter, and rebuilds the carb on just about every one we get. I didn't know how to rebuild a carb but do now. I never opened an engine before but rebuilt the 482 in my D-180. D's aren't cheap to get. Sounds like all you really need is a fuel pump....maybe. The real meat of this thing is the drivetrain. The engine can be redone. Parts can be fixed and welded. Look at it as learning not an obstacle.
  2. 1 point
    I'm really getting tired of this poor me stuff. I have battery chargers and jump packs real easy to start it when it was here. I offered to buy it back and cover anything he's bought back in the beginning. He bought it Sunday I talked to him Monday But thats just no fun, It ran fine in Sept when we blew the hyd line, The tank probobly got stirred up on the three hour trailer trip. I've offered again to drive down and pick it up this Saturday So we'll see what happens. Thats all I can do Duane Moot baerpath
  3. 1 point
    Special Handleing Instructions for a Tec.... Fina a Lake!
  4. 1 point
    Ok,Ok already. Monday has came and went Steve where are you? You must still be stuck on the first floor. I will get around here to see if I can get the bowl games listed. Steve be careful. I know the feeling of wanting to be able to do something and you can't.
  5. 1 point
    As long as I have been around these little red beast, it still amazes me how we can bring home a fixer upper thinking it will only take a little bit to get it going and be a usable tractor. The next thing you know you got a ton of $$$ in it and the end is still not in sight or is still a ways down the road. What is sad is I am guilty as can be in doing this and worst yet is I have done it more than once and to top it off I know it will happen again. I know Duke when your done you will have a very dependable tractor that will chuck as only a chucker can. But you have to admit when you look in the mirror you see the all telling Wheel Horse knot on your forehead where you bang your head against the wall saying why did I ever bring this one home. You know the answer, because it's not just a hobby it's a passion and there lies the reason for the financial decisions we make that could bankrupt a small country. Good Luck, look like is going good so far.
  6. 1 point
    There has been a lot of good replies to this topic. It seems that most everyone is agreeing the cause for the non-function of the hydro is do to thick cold oil. Some of you are trying to overcome this by using a thinner oil. I myself witched to a synthetic oil. I did see a big improvement over using the conventional oil. The improvement was in performance and not the cold issues that seem to effect the Eaton 1100. MY question is still this even with thinner oils what keeps the oil from getting to where it's supposed to go? Common since should tell you that if the oil is not making where it needs to go then something not getting proper lube. Maybe I am all wet here and most certainly do not understand the internal workings of the Eaton 1100. I think we are all hitting around the cause for the cold weather problems I still am not seeing the reason as to why. Maybe a call to an Eaton tech is in order. Guess I will have to put that on my to do list right after I get done with the honey do list, which never seems to have an end?
  7. 1 point
    Going on with the decals Before After
  8. 1 point
    Agreed. Based on what I see of Roosters work and knowing some of the complex stuff I've done, a simple bracket shouldn't be too difficult. Come to think of it, I have a grader blade lift links modeled, both the short floating, and long down-preasure link. I could make some PDF's of those prints if that would help. Let me know.
  9. 1 point
    Thanks John, I wouldn't even want to start to add it up! But I would bet by the time I am all done with it and all the Special groceries & rebuilt and all, I would say about 6 G A buddy of mine and I had a simular conversation and he said Gee thats a little much isnt it? I looked at him and said how much you got in that 4wheel dr truck and new stainless steel Snow way plow? I said ya know look at it this way, when yer layin out in the driveway flat on yer back havin a heart attack from shoveling snow at that point that 6-G would sound pretty cheap when your life is flashing in front of you. Besides enjoy yerself watchin me waste my money! ~Duke
  10. 1 point
    That'd be an easy thing to do.....Happy to do it.
  11. 1 point
    Well nfrom the barn to the yard for a show tommorow still have to do some washing on them
  12. 1 point
    heres one of my 754
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