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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2019 in all areas

  1. 12 points
    Trying to finish up on my wagon this weekend. This is what I have so far and hopefully can get it put together by tomorrow night. I really need this one done to clean up my 5 acres with.
  2. 10 points
    There I was this afternoon minding my own business, when out of nowhere this crazy Horse just up and jumped in the bed of my truck Was hauling some stuff to the city dump today and stopped to visit with my friend Ray (from my C141 story) and our other friend Joe. Joe was telling me about this 753 he bought at auction the other day. I told him he better keep an eye on it cause as we all know they like to multiply, I started with 1 and ended up with 5. He told me I might end up with 6 after we go look at it, and that the main reason he bought it was he knew I would want it and he could trade me something for it. Ended up giving him his $150 dollars back that he paid for it and about three hrs labor on his truck this afternoon. This tractor has been in the area it’s whole life, being originally owned by the school, then was sold to another gentleman who used it until he was no longer able to, after which it sat in his garage up until his estate sale a few weeks ago
  3. 6 points
    76 C-160 Hydro with 42" RD Recycler deck. Used to have to sweep the back yard after mowing but I only have to do it maybe once now that I have the mulcher. If I want to do some "old school" mowing I get out " HHHOOOWWWAAARRRDDD!!! "
  4. 5 points
    After long three weeks she is done. There was a lot of little things wrong with this tractor. Not maintained like the owner said it was.The main thing was the tranny. The hubs where so frozen on the shafts and off the keys way that it busted the snap rings inside while trying to remove. So I brought to my delaer they had they had to recut the rig groove deeper to accept new rings. To cut cost took all parts off that where not necessary and did my own seals and fluid. Price was not bad. They had the parts so why not.
  5. 5 points
    A couple years back I picked up a nice low hours 310-8 with a 42" RD deck and for me it is the go-to mower. I also have a 42" RD deck on the 418-C but don't mow with is as often because the 310-8 uses half as much gas.
  6. 5 points
    Mow 3/4 acre with my trusty 856 with 36in gear drive deck. Why, because this thing cuts the best !
  7. 5 points
  8. 5 points
    I never told anyone before for the fear of being called an idiot, but I actually got up a few times from the couch while relaxing at around midnight and went to the shed just to look at them. I was asked when I came back in, sometimes an hour after where the heck did I go. Of course I did not tell the truth why I went there since that would probably would be the first immediate idiot.
  9. 4 points
    I have an area in my yard that it starting to look crappy, nothing but WH junk that I was always thinking I would need someday. Well that day hasn’t come and most likely never will. And of course being left outside simply ruins everything. This is my first load for the towns transfer station. Hate to do it but it’s time. Don’t hate me guys
  10. 4 points
    Finally no rain to mow in. Other than some stripes not being straight it certainly mows nice. This one was my grandfather's and my little family lives in his house to boot. Chances are I could let go of the wheel and he would take over steering from up there in the big lawn in the sky. He used to mow this yard 2 some times 3 times a week all summer long after my grandmother passed away. I think out of pure boredom. He liked to keep it nice and short but then it would burn out and he would complain for days lol. I mow it once a week and we havent ever had a burn spot.
  11. 4 points
    Annual spring clean up at a local Shrine that I help out with fix it / clean it stuff. Two adjacent lots were recently donated to the Shrine and the C105 performed brush hog duty quite nicely!!! Good Day! DF5EC23A-BEFA-4055-8A6D-9DB9C4A5B2CE.MOV
  12. 4 points
    Another one jumped in the back of the truck today...scored a 753 this afternoon
  13. 4 points
  14. 4 points
    It was time for some fresh air today and o yeah more photos.
  15. 4 points
  16. 4 points
    Swapping the Ag tires for turf tires on the 418-8 and cleaning it up preparing to sell her. Hate to let such a low production rare model go but, I’m down sizing to just one wheel horse and one IH cadet. I will most likely regret it because they are harder to find for me then the 520-8 but......got to put the big boy pants on and say good by.
  17. 4 points
  18. 4 points
  19. 3 points
    Gotta love the snout of a BlackHood!
  20. 3 points
    must of the time it's the 854 with a 36 rd. I did use the 211-4 a few times
  21. 3 points
    The last couple of years a few folks laughed at me wanting a chicken biscuit for breakfast when we were at the Big Show. All I can say is mmmmmmmm......... Us southern boys know how to eat it up! Now, if I could just talk those PA McDonalds into serving them😂!
  22. 3 points
    The frame was built by a guy at work. We traded out some labor on this . I built a case for his guitar amp and he welded the frame together for me. I had some reclaimed white oak floor planks laying around so this is what l come up with.
  23. 3 points
    Next is scrap wood. Feels great to start cleaning up the yard!
  24. 3 points
    Getting the herd ready for the first pull of the season.
  25. 3 points
    Well, based on the advice from all over this forum, I am now a wheel horse owner. The machine is in great shape. Few dents and scrapes on the body, but nothing that concerned me. Starts, runs, and cuts beautifully. It is a series 2 engine, verified by serial number. I found 0 evidence of leaks or actual mistreatment. No noise from the rear end at all, and spun on pavement when hooked to my truck. I am curious about the amount of travel on the deck (hydraulic). It seems to be about half of what my lgt 145 is, but I reckon I'll learn all that when I get it home and off the trailer. The lights are aftermarket too. But I'm not worried about that either.
  26. 3 points
    That could be the VERY FIRST 48 deck that Wheelhorse made....lol. Don't worry about the baffles. My 48" deck has no baffles...they rotted out and I cut out the remains. It cuts fine, just doesn't blow out the clippings as neatly as with baffles.
  27. 3 points
    I'm thinking... we have at least one flipper out there who would love to get his hands on that thing and turn it over for 5 times what he paid for it.
  28. 3 points
  29. 3 points
    My kids are out of school now but my grandson is my little buddy!!! He is 4 and has such a big heart! He loves to help me in the shop and cook in the kitchen. His name is Vincent. His dog in named Rigby and he is a mastif great dane mix, they are best buddies!!! He is changing the oil on his race car and hammering nails at the shop!
  30. 3 points
    I'd go through there every day.... Because I can....
  31. 3 points
  32. 3 points
    Not Quite. The 1 3/4" gear shift knobs that Glenn Pettet sells are threaded for a 3/8" shift lever which fits everything but my beloved 953/1054 models which are a 1/2-13 thread. I needed something to securely hold the knob while I drilled and tapped it for the larger thread. I turned the 1 3/4" hole so the knob fit snugly then cut it in half with a table saw. The saw kerf allows the bolts to draw it up tightly and can be clamped to the drill press without harming the knob.
  33. 3 points
  34. 3 points
  35. 3 points
  36. 3 points
  37. 3 points
  38. 2 points
  39. 2 points
    Great thread @oldredrider! It’s fun to see what everybody uses and why... Our primary mower is Kelli’s RED (523Dxi) with a 60” deck. The power steering, large mowing swath, foot controlled hydro, and it sips fuel for being a 1400# machine make it one of our regulars. Plus momma likes to use her tractor while getting some sun! I often use my 1772 Cub Diesel. I have a 50” deck for it. It’s a fun tractor, gives a sharp cut, uses very little fuel, and is a pretty fast machine. Caleb’s JackRabbit (418-C) is quickly becoming a regular use mower as well. It has a 42” SD but also has the full bagger system which is excellent for those many moments when the lawn is unruly. It has fast gearing and convenient tight steering ratio... There is several other machines that we occasionally use because we have them but the above are our primary mowers...
  40. 2 points
    C105. Why? Only one I’ve got...!
  41. 2 points
    Like the ... also stunned to see a tree standing in OK.
  42. 2 points
    I like it. The removable sides and flat bed will make it very useful and adaptable to your needs. I was considering trying to find one like this for my yard. Did you build it? Or buy it like that?
  43. 2 points
    So my initial plan was to buy this guy and run it while i got my ford back up and running good again. After pulling it off the trailer at my mothers (couldn't wait if i'm honest), that plan may change. I'm about to jimmy the blue one back in to service with zip ties and duct tape and play with the red one.... The hand drive lever is going to take some getting used to, but i can't believe how much easier it is to change implements.... Quick question, any one have any idea what this link in the back may be for? Right under the seat pan.
  44. 2 points
    There is a lot to be learned from other members ideas. You don't have to agree with all of them. We all have different abilities and different amounts we can spend on our Wheel Horses. Thether it's a complete restore, or a Harbor Frieght 212 to keep a Wheel Horse running I'am all for it. There is also an old saying "If you can't say any thing good about something. Don't say anything!"
  45. 2 points
    Update. I did manage to get the 20 sets of metal from the prefab guy for a reduced rate. He does great work and now I'm in the process of making a full set. So we're back in business .
  46. 2 points
    Moved the trailer hitch from my hydro tractor to the 314-8. I hate backing a trailer with the hydro.
  47. 2 points
  48. 2 points
    Even at the house the reception is hit and miss. The only internet available to us is Verizon "Jetpack" wireless internet. The house is about eighty feet further up the mountain and and on the other side of the valley. Depending on the day you have to be VERY patient. But, I love the seclusion so if this is the price I must pay, so be it!
  49. 2 points
    Very sorry to hear that, that situation sucks. I imagine that nearly all of us have been there, i know i have. As said, shame on him for coming to an agreement and backing out of it. He would have gotten an ear full from me as well. Its just bad character to go against his word. FOUR HOURS?!! Wow. He should told you about the other offers before you made the drive. I am glad you didn't buy it, another will show up. I hope hes stuck with it. I had a deal recently that was one of the most profound experiences i have had with a facebook/craigslist deal. It was for a 4x4 ATV that was listed WELL below market value. It had electrical issues so i couldn't hear it run, but knew i had to be the first on the spot or i wouldn't get it. I caught the ad maybe 20 min after posting and got an address and a time. When i showed up, there was already a truck in the driveway and someone looking at it. The seller was the type that would give a bunch of people a place to be at the same time for a serious "first come, first serve" situation. After giving the seller a piece of my mind (politely i may add), the other buyer cut in and said "Hey, do you have your phone on you? Lets see who contacted him first, and whoever that was gets the quad. I've had this situation happen to me and dont want either of us to get screwed, i want to be fair". I beat him to the punch by about 10 minutes. He shook my hand and took off. It was one of the most stand-up things i have seen someone do and i will be damn sure to do the same for someone if the positions were reversed.
  50. 2 points
    I cant agree more guys .These tractors are time capsules and very enjoyable to own . I just enjoy watching them run!! E7B2ACAE-4E85-4177-ADDF-F7A1DFEC7F04.MOV
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