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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2019 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    If you are going to get upset about people's responses to your comments or posts you may be in for a rough ride. After all many times we post something because we want to hear different opinions or suggestions. If it is only to hear someone agree with us that may not necessarily be a good thing. I too sometimes was a little taken aback by certain comments to my opinions or suggestions, however thinking about them for a while I realized that there was validity to some or much of what was said. Don't be so quick in your judgement. I have been here for a while so my next statements may sound a little biased but there is a lot of not only knowledge but more importantly life experience here. Respectfully my suggestion is to partially quote what was said to me earlier in my life "Look, Listen and....."
  2. 11 points
    It has rained so much here in north central Indiana, I've only been able to mow once. It was like a newly mowed hay field when I was done. Then the rain started again we've had over three inches the last couple of days and the hay field is now literally beyond control. This is what I'll be purchasing this morning to combat the problem......... New sign recently installed on the IN/OH state line. New local Hoosier farmer solution to the planting problem.
  3. 11 points
    I had Radpferd on roller duty. After about 1.5hrs of putting around, I think he sipped down about a cup of fuel.
  4. 10 points
    @Mows4three Here's the pictures you wanted of the train ride from today. Trina took her mom on a tourist train ride which leaves North Conway New Hampshire and travels eight or nine miles north, northeast to a small station in a valley of the White Mountains. At that point the engine uncouples from one end of the train and connects to the other end and the ride is reversed back to North Conway. One of our hiking buddies came with us as well. It was a fantastic trip. We toured the inside of the old station which is a museum now and also the yard which is its own museum in a way. There's also an HO scale setup that began being built in 1971 and is still being modified to this day. I don't know how long the railroad has been in Northern New Hampshire but one of the buildings at this site dates to 1872. There was some information in the station showing that the logging industry was absolutely massive in that area back in the day. We finished off the excursion with an ice cream. Very very long-standing tradition with Trina and her family.
  5. 8 points
  6. 8 points
    Grab your sippy cup and take a nap.
  7. 8 points
    I am happy to report that though there are scum bags out there, there’s still good people left on this earth too! Two weeks ago I found an add for a Wheel Horse non-running about 1-1/2 hours away from me and the price was one of those too good to be true deals. I left him a message 41 minutes after it was posted, thinking “I’m too late and I know it, but I’ll get in line anyway”. I was the first caller in fact, this was Thursday about 3 in he afternoon. I told him I could be there mid morning Friday, but I have to stick around the house until my little niece shows up to hang out with us. He called when I was in the shower about 7 am and left me a message. Here we go, he’s going to accept a better offer or someone showed up with cash first, etc. He just wanted to check that I was still coming because he had a lot of interest, and he said , “maybe I didn’t ask enough money for this thing,” but he’d stand behind his word if I was still coming. Like @JAinVA, I made sure to tell him I was coming to pick it up with the cash he was asking, I wasn’t driving all that way just to look at it. I made it by about 11 am, he had already pulled the listing from CL knowing that if I didn’t take it he could easily raise his asking price and get it. We made the deal, loaded up, I invited him to this site and we shook hands and parted ways. Like a real honored deal, both parties were honest and satisfied. He was happy to know it was going to a good home and that we’re a family.
  8. 7 points
  9. 7 points
    Finally took the Deuce off of Kelli’s RED (523Dxi) and slapped the monster 60” deck on there in time to help Caleb finish cutting the lawn. He was giving JackRabbit(418-C) a workout for the third time this season. Judge (my 8 year old) helped me do the switch over and so while Caleb and I were mowing, I let him wake up Vader (Super C) and tool around the yard awhile—staying away from us. That KT-19 sure sounds tough even just cruising the yard at half throttle!
  10. 6 points
    Every one is entitled to their opinion. When you ask a question on a public forum you will usually get some answers that you don't agree with. From there it's your choice to take them into consideration or disregard them.
  11. 6 points
    I's been raining here for what seems like forever. It's 45°F here right now at 6:25 am. There has been ABSOLUTELY NO field work done by the farmers here locally. Needless to say they are as nervous as a ho in church right now. I'm going to try out my new purchase either today (still raining) or tomorrow. Just have to get it mowed for second time as its way ahead of me.
  12. 6 points
    Before you take off remember they will pull about 4 or 5 times more than they will stop. Garry
  13. 6 points
    Jada took a parade lap with dear old Daddy! That Commando 6 sure does steer easy! Probably the best 80 bucks spent in quite a while!
  14. 5 points
    I’ll give him an A for effort. Now imagine if he put a larger V-twin in it. Granted its still under powered but for a kid to learn how to drive in or just put around a farm, it would be cool. Whole lot better than just junking the truck.
  15. 5 points
    A good comparison between old and cleaned
  16. 5 points
    Gettem Dan How about the good old Wheel Horse exhaust pointing down into one of their cozy little homes....
  17. 5 points
    Speaking of moles, 4hrs after I rolled the lawn the little sob's were digging tunnels again.. It's on now!! I set traps last night, picking up some Tom Cat grub shaped poison to poke into the tunnels tonight, Thurs before it rains I'm treating the yard to get rid of grubs. If this don't work, I've been told that releasing some liquid nitrogen into the tunnels will freeze them out immediately. IT'S WAR!!
  18. 5 points
    Here’s the first of my stuff to post. I’ve got a very nice running 754. Serial number is correct for a 754, as is the 7hp engine. This is an older restoration with some paint peeling, but is still very presentable. Tractor has an all thread rod for a tie rod, but good tie rod ends. The throttle knob is chipped, but I may have another original. The seat has a rem minor cracks, but they haven’t weakened it. Engine runs smooth, starts easy with no smoke or noises. Transmission works great in all gears. I need to switch the wires on the ammeter - I accidentally reversed them. Asking $800 OBO. Remember there aren’t many of these out there! SOLD
  19. 4 points
    Hate is a strong word, I would reconsider posting it the way you did twice in your opening statement. Those people you “hate” are all members here. At 16 years old you don’t know it all. Heck, at 53 years old I don’t know it all. Listen to what has been posted here, maybe read what @formariz wrote a couple times. We have 19,521 members, you can’t possibly expect them to all agree with you. We have the purists who want everything original, we have the custom builders who purposely want mismatched parts on their creations to make it just the way they want, we have the guys who do what they have to to keep a machine in service to get the snow cleared and the grass mowed and we have folks who just love the social aspect of the forum. Image how boring this public forum would be if we all simply agreed on everything and never had an intelligent debate. It would soon lose membership and fade away.
  20. 4 points
    Time for some real work today! I’ve got some 400 grit and soapy water.... plus some rusty old tractor parts.
  21. 4 points
    Suffered a minor (?) setback with a paint issue and had to re-blast all the parts for the tower. But with all the rain and the wife out of town at a meeting I had lots of time to spend fixing my screwup Must have got all my boo-boo's out of the way the first time cause the second go around looks pretty good Got the replacement parking brake arm (still haven't found the one I put in a safe place) cleaned, painted and installed. With the rain I've had to paint inside so it limits the number I can do at a time. And, since it turned real cool I've had to fire up the heater again to help dry the paint. I often ask myself "Are we havin' fun yet?" Ans: YEP!
  22. 4 points
    Before you know it, that thing will be your “go-to” machine. Those diesels are awesome and that one looks saweeet to boot!
  23. 4 points
    We have 11 ish acres of land here. As of last year we built a bridge over a swamp/stream so now we have tractor access to most of it.
  24. 4 points
    Yeah that sucks ---- Maybe tooting my own horn here ... but heres a story of a sale I had. For a while I was rebuilding/refurbing metal tooling and I had a newly finished metal lathe listed on CL for $2500 and quickly got a bite, guy saying he'd be there the next afternoon. I told him it;d be here. Short time later get a call from a town some 300 miles away guy says he'd go $3000, I said no I'd made a deal already. First guy shows up as he said and as we are loading the other guy calls again and said he'd go $3500!! Geez! I paused a minute and told him no! Didnt take but a minute to figure I had a bird in hand and not in the bush. I was happy and the buyer was crazy happy (It was a nice lathe) He called me 2 times later to brag on it and how proud he was of it. Good deal for both of us.....
  25. 3 points
    1 can down, only 7 left for now!
  26. 3 points
  27. 3 points
    The points gap is .020" not the often repeated .20, it's just the tool & die thing in me that can't tolerate this inaccuracy.
  28. 3 points
    A few years ago When clearing out an old shed for a neighbour I found a C121 with deck in a very sorry state, never heard of Wheelhorse before but could tell from the build quality she was a bit special. So to save from the scrapyard I took home and after replacing some engine bits and a new battery she roared into life. Parts over here in rural Wales (UK) are hard to come by so I have had to keep all the rust eaten body parts and renovate the best I could, and been using ever since. Last month i noticed she was dripping transmission oil and getting rusty again so I stripped down back end and rebuilt, gave her new front tyres new seals, sorted out gear stick (with help from this site! ) All the painting is by brush so I afraid she looks a bit shabby compared to some of the beauties on here. so she's a bit rough round the edges but used most days and will probably outlive me ! Anyway thanks for the help, Alfie
  29. 3 points
    The block either has a 1” or 3/4” npt pipe thread, most likely. Putt Putt has a Cherry Bomb, and I welded the silencer core of my Honda Shadow 750 into the outlet and added a tractor flap cap. I added some support from the engine block to a two piece clamp and welded the top half of the clamp to the pipe nipple.
  30. 3 points
    We just went to the store for grillin’ goods. On the way home, I say “I wet sanded the fenders and cleared a few parts today.” “Oh yeah? How’s it look?” ”Pretty good. I told you it was the way to go.” Slight pause... I couldn’t look at her... ”Baaaah hahahahah! You just wait ‘till I tell all your friends about this!” ”I already told them.” more laughter from my wife....
  31. 3 points
    Tell us a bit about the things you like, we probably like them too.
  32. 3 points
    Yep the points gap was maybe 3 times too big ! adjusted .20 at TDC seems to have sorted it . Thanks ! .
  33. 3 points
    I done told that woman we should just clear it!
  34. 3 points
    The above post by formariz is definitely worth reading.There is a lot of wisdom in his post.Try to let his words sink in.
  35. 3 points
    Weather here today has been brilliant sunshine all day. 15C 59F. Got some new slats for a couple of benches first coat of yacht varnish. Got my bicycle and tandem out of the shed and gave them a service. Later went for a ride for the first time in two years. Just 6 miles but enough for now with my dodgy knee.
  36. 3 points
    Be grand for harvesting watercress. Removing the plastic from the early sweet corn last week.  That's how they start of maize over here. It's not removed though. It's biodegradable and the maize grows through it.
  37. 3 points
    Had a mole tunnel about 125' long grab the 5 prong pitch fork and went from one end to the other they stopped digging.
  38. 3 points
  39. 3 points
    @Jack45 I buy mine from Amazon, It's here in 2 days. This is the one use on my 16hp Kohler
  40. 3 points
    Either one of these will work also. Lowes has virtually same stuff.
  41. 3 points
    Not super common, no. same basic failure rate as most any other electric part. of course you know most of us five-year-olds are going to want to see lots of pictures of that rig. Might as well take some pictures of the chickens too.
  42. 3 points
    You know Josh, I re-read your first post here and felt like adding this. It’s good for a kid to learn how to lose, just as importantly, win with a humble attitude as well. I often remind my kids “You don’t have to BE the best, but I do want you to TRY your best.”
  43. 3 points
  44. 3 points
    We’ve had a ton of stuff going on the last few weeks, but the other day I was in the middle of something and my son (4 in August) came up to me and said “Daddy, you’re the best guy I know!” Kids have a way of saying or doing what we need right when we need it.
  45. 3 points
    Now that is funny. Someone still has hope and a sense of humor. The farmers here are doing OK. Most of the English do no-till and their field corn is up 2-3 inches. The Amish work the horses in the rain and most of their produce crops have been planted under plastic for 4-5 weeks. My neighbor has removed the plastic from his earliest sweet corn and it is up over a foot. and he has sprayed and cultivated it one time. Not sure the spraying was effective with rain every day. During the heavy rain, they work inside the greenhouses. Everyone could use some sunshine though. Removing the plastic from the early sweet corn last week.
  46. 3 points
    If you put five 8 x 8 x 16 solid blocks on that rack, at roughly 72 # apiece (360# total), you can REALLY roll the yard flat. Here in Indiana right now, even that would float.......
  47. 3 points
    A thing of beauty Dan! That turned out great.
  48. 3 points
    That's bs that dude wouldn't be welcome on this forum.
  49. 3 points
  50. 3 points
    I believe now, fabrication is finished! Next on the list is pull to the engine, split the transmission from the frame, fix a few leaks, clean then clear the chassis. After that, wet sand and clear all the tins. I am going to re-wire it, with the proper switch, fuses and a light circuit.
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-04:00

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