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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2018 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    The wife tells you that you can buy another tractor!! 😂
  2. 10 points
  3. 9 points
    "When a freshly rebuilt engine fires up for the first time"
  4. 9 points
    This is the most true statement on here so far lol but i have to add this you get a horse running after it's been sitting neglected for a long time. Man I love that feeling!
  5. 9 points
    ...it's time for the big show again.
  6. 8 points
    Snow plowing and the harsh weather can take its toll on our (my) machines...so I always have a second plow tractor ready and waiting in the shed. Ive sold off quite a bit of my stock and only have two machines that I would want to work hard and plow with. So my C-105 gets the job of second fiddle. Two ply turfs in the rear with 50# weights on the outside and steel pipe flanges that weigh in around 18# on the inside of the rim. With 65-68 pounds I can avoid chains. Pics of course....
  7. 8 points
    Well as some of you may seen, i had a add up in the other brands section of the classifieds. it was to help a gentlemen out. His son had passed away and left a large collection of tractors. he was a big wheel horse and speedex fan. Well i helped the gentlemen clear it all out and it was alot. At the end of it all, all i took was the stuff i purchased. Even though i drove 45 minutes one way every time something sold or someone came to look, to make sure a fair deal was made for both parties. Well to my surprise i was up there the other day and was given this book that him and his son each got a copy of at the big show a few years back. Then he tells me that the 1056 that was there is mine for helping out. I told him i would pay for the 1056 and he said nope, he only told me it was sold cause he wanted me to have it. He said the 1056 was something his son really liked and and always wanted to get going and keep original as possible, with keeping in mind that somethings would have to be changed due to condition. it has a 12 hp kohler on it, which im ok with. the rear fender pan is completly shot. it rusted all the way through unfortunatley. But i found something there that will work and will suit the need and i think will make him happy when i show him it. im gonna go kinda custom with it but preserve the patina. he said he knew i had to have it when he seen my reaction to the bug lights. he says it takes a special person to like those. but i got it home now and will start a thread on it soon.
  8. 8 points
    That feeling when,,,, the RedoYourHorse decals arrive in the mail.
  9. 7 points
    This tractor was offered to me for $100.00, was left on property that my neighbors son in law purchased a few years ago. They had it running two years ago but said it was running rough with an engine miss, no one knew what brand of tractor it is. It was the rear rims and the engine that gave it away, some of you might be old enough to remember the postal service used these two wheel drive Jeeps to deliver rural mail. The early Jeeps used a four cylinder Chevy engine, due to its durability earned the nic name of the Iron Duke, many of these engines found service as inboard outboard marine engines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Duke_engine The little gem lived 4 hours one way from my home, I actually had a trailer hooked to my truck and was prepared to leave first thing in the morning but sometime during the night common sense told me that with one Simplicity 9020 and an Allis 720 I did not need another tractor project. I offered it to another fellow from one of the Simple forums who lived much closer than I, he jumped on the deal. The fellow who built this home made tractor did a really nice job of it.
  10. 7 points
    Your family loves tractors (almost) as much as you! And when it makes the banner! Quite a few times!
  11. 7 points
    ...your niece and nephews jump out of the van asking when they get to go for a tractor ride!
  12. 7 points
    ...there's a (...or, two) in your mirror.
  13. 7 points
    The guys on Redsquare help you solve a repair problem.
  14. 7 points
    ... you log on to Redsquare
  15. 6 points
    My horse starts with out a jump !!!
  16. 6 points
    …..when you save another from being scrapped!
  17. 5 points
    My nephew goes straight for the C125 any time I have brother come and help me with a project at the shop
  18. 5 points
    Glad you survived the drag.
  19. 4 points
    I just pulled the tires off the wheels of my 855 and the tires are original to the tractor. I thought I would have a hard time breaking the bead but no challenge what so ever. When I got the tire off here is what I found. The original color! The rim around the bead was not even pitted! I have heard horror stories of how hard the tires are to get off the rims,not these! I had both of them off in 45 minutes.
  20. 4 points
  21. 4 points
    When a orphaned Horse follows you Home!
  22. 4 points
    Maybe not for a GT 14 or 520 but this HF table lift picked up my 1267 with no issues and it's stores a heck of a lot easier than a bike lift.
  23. 4 points
    Hope to one day make this stationary and put a wider top on it. Right now at least I can move it around. Doesn’t go as low as I would like it but it raises almost to 6’ high. Will be nice to be able to get a tractor to where I can stand up and work on it.
  24. 4 points
    When you take your horse for a drive
  25. 4 points
    You can add a solid link bar to replace the chain which lifts the plow frame. That will give you down pressure but the trade of with a hydro is, it doesn't float with the terrain as much. Adding a slot hole to one end of the solid bar will allow it to float up and down as far as the slot is long. With a manual lift the blade will float and the lift handle will move as the blade moves. Push on the handle for down pressure. edit, looks like Eric and I posted at the same time. he beat me!
  26. 4 points
    Got mine this past summer for $279. Put a wider board on it. Use it for everything now cause I'm too old to bend over and work on things on the floor!!!
  27. 3 points
    My grandpa used to bake pies like tomorrow was the end of the world. He baked Dutch apple pies by the hundreds (yes, hundreds) of his churches yearly bizzare, and they were always sold out, at 8 bucks a pie, before the day was through. The one thing he didn’t usually do was write his recipes down. He was the middle son of a dairy farmer, and learned most of his recipes from his mom, who didn’t measure or write down a thing either. One recipe that managed to get written down was his Rhubarb Cream Pie recipe. I didn’t like it as a kid, but as an adult, I’ve craved that pie for almost ten years (he passed in February of 2009). This past season I put Rhubarb in here at the house, and I made myself a rhubarb cream pie a few months back. It tasted like it had come from my grandparents kitchen. You always knew it was getting close to Christmas as Paw Paw would make them in the fall. This year for thanksgiving, I’m making another one. We’re hosting this year, and we’re expecting 13, so this pie may not last very long, but I’m happy to carry on the tradition of baking a completely from scratch pie, with rhubarb that I grew. Since tomorrow is the big day for waist lines everywhere, feel free to share what you’ve got cooking, or getting ready to cook, that is a staple at your families table this time of year. The picture with the filling is too large a file, but I did put the filling in BEFORE I put it in the oven 😂
  28. 3 points
    While I enjoy seeing everyone, I have to admit that I am glad when every one heads home & I can have some quiet time . I've had my turkey soaking in a beer based brine since last night, it will be going in the smoker at about 4:00am so that it will be ready for dinner at noon. Happy Thanksgiving all.
  29. 3 points
    Your comment made me think of a picture I saw late last week, it said “We need 6 months between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it’s ridiculous that I have to see these people again so soon.” 😂😂
  30. 3 points
    Took scrap in today and seen this cub near office with weights on. Tires were shot. So I bought the weights. Paid 20 bucks for them lol
  31. 3 points
    I finally got the axles back from the guy that turned and shortened them for me. The tranny's back together with new bearings and seals and I have modified the fender pan support and tool tray to fit the 8 speed and cut a slot in the tunnel cover for the hi/lo shift lever. Once I get done modifying the frame and tins I'll take it back apart to paint it. I considered powder coating this project but decided to stick with paint instead.
  32. 3 points
    Well that sucks! Ice in the trans? That might explain the sudden locking and sound
  33. 3 points
    Well, OK...here is one for New Years Eve and New Years Day. This is a deep dish pizza, cooked in a 16" cast iron skillet. It layers with Mozzarella, tomato bits, pepperoni, browned hamburger, garlic, green pepper, onion, green olives, salt, oregano, basil, thyme and topped with Mozzarella and Parmisian cheese. Bakes for 45 minutes at 400. House smells excellent.
  34. 3 points
    Funny you should mention duck. I don't do it every year, but I have a recipe for 2 ducks. They are marinated (over night) in Sheffield's Port wine, along with some onion, carrots, garlic and salt and pepper. You then roast the ducks and boil down some of the marinade to make a thickened sauce. Top Shelf
  35. 3 points
  36. 3 points
    Venison back strap instead of the turkey has always been a favorite here.
  37. 3 points
    The top link (as I call it) when pushing snow you would want it tilt/curl forward to help the snow to "roll" off the blade better, when doing dirt/gravel dozer work you would tilt it back or straight up to help move more material with out rolling off the blade make sense now?
  38. 3 points
  39. 3 points
    That is a good deal on the lift. A table lift would be real nice. Right now I get along pretty good with my cycle lift. I do wish that it lifted a little higher though.
  40. 3 points
    No difference Sir. They're an ac connection. They're reversible.
  41. 3 points
    You bring home another Wheel Horse tractor!
  42. 3 points
  43. 3 points
    You can just see mine mounted inside. Deep rims off a 520H....with 50# Wheel Horse weights on the outside.
  44. 2 points
    I have a few basic electrical system diagrams that are helpful in understanding how the wiring system works. They are not specific to any particular tractor and do not include safety switches. All use the 5 post ignition switches 103-991 for Magneto and 103-990 for Battery Ignition. I failed to include fuses in the Starter Generator drawing, this is an over-site and I would encourage fuses be used as shown in the other two drawings. Hope this is helpful. Magneto Ignition system with electric start and solenoid. Battery powered ignition system with points, condenser, solenoid and electric start. Battery powered ignition with solenoid, points, condenser, Starter Generator and a mechanical voltage regulator. We have uncovered a shortcoming in the factory wiring diagrams for S/G battery ignition systems with a four terminal voltage regulator. The wire from the regulator "Gen" terminal to the S/G "A" terminal was omitted. This drawing should clear that up.
  45. 2 points
    Harbor Freight has the Motorcycle lift on black Friday sale for 279. Good deal I think. I thought I did ok when I got mine for 299. Marv
  46. 2 points
    I’m the same way, “Glad I got to see ya, also glad to see ya grab your coat.”😂 I thought about brining my bird, but two years ago was my first turkey, and my mom said it was the best turkey she’d ever had, last year she said the same thing. I think it’s because I’m indifferent to how it turns out, so I don’t stress over it and ruin it lol. If it ain’t broke.... I’ve done similar things before... trot out with a grin on my face because here I am winning brownie points for taking initiative and helping out, turns out I screwed up something else (like tradition) 😂 Must not have upset them too badly, you were invited back right? 🤣😂
  47. 2 points
    When considering a replacement keep in mind that a vertical shaft Kohler Twin can become horizontal twin by replacing the oil pump, dip stick and a few other parts. Or, the jugs, pistons, rods, heads etc from the vertical could be used to get your series one a new lease on life.
  48. 2 points
    For a Walbro with the fixed main jet this may work
  49. 2 points
    WH suggests second hole from the top for the top pin through the springs.
  50. 2 points
    I run those weights on the inside of both my plow tractors with no problems. On my 161 I also have WH weights on the outside. I run 520 rims on my 161 and the 161 rims on the back of my 606.....I think, it's hard to keep track...LOL
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