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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2018 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    As found in 2008 Got it home- Blind in one eye and a broken nose and water damage- Ta Daaaaa!- '74' C-120-
  2. 11 points
    My first Tractor... 1067 400 "Burb
  3. 11 points
  4. 10 points
    The fender pan and seat assembly just needed to be bolted on to 'stage' a picture but I've been so busy I just haven't done it....until I saw this thread and you guys shamed me into it. A good morning for it anyways as I'm in the day before prep for getting my other eye fixed tomorrow. I was given the 657 and a Frankenhorse that started out life as a 500 Special. Both needed a ton of work and a bunch of parts so I combined them to make one good machine. I remember seeing a 500 Special on Chandlers showroom floor back in 1968 and tried to talk my Dad into getting it but he didn't want a Tecky engine. I'm thinking he might have gone with this one. This: and this: Turned into this: I still have a few things to do like the fuel line, belt guard (already painted and ready) and kill switch so I'm close for the maiden voyage. Doc will be telling me to take it easy for a couple more weeks but I'd say that work is taking it easy.
  5. 9 points
  6. 9 points
    Emory's Christmas tractor. He was heartbroken that I didn't have room to bring it to the Big Show this year. Next year it's the first one loaded!
  7. 9 points
    The before... and, the after...which was in essence, just a matter of discovering I could remove the layers of bad repaint jobs... to reveal most of the original paint that still survived underneath.
  8. 7 points
    Great thread @ezeastside!!! There is an amazing love affair with these tractors. They are really a unique machine when you realize that in their inception and the first several decades, they were a family owned affair—the American Dream. As I have spent more time on this site, I have seen how much they mean to so many for a variety of reasons. It also seems like no one can own “Just One” for any length of time without purchasing another and another and another—Right @WHX20? Some have a long standing history with these tractors like @Lane Ranger and @travlindave and others, as we see weekly, have just bought their first one! To see the passion that you guys put in to restore, refurbish, modify, and patina these little red machines is really cool! I’ve already enjoyed this thread and hope that it continues to grow as more and more members find it and or finish projects...
  9. 7 points
    My 701 I bought in PA last year. Cleaned, sanded, and cleared.
  10. 7 points
  11. 7 points
    Here are a few of my projects. This is an early 90's 520 sitting in a shed I found an hour or so north of me. Also picked up a 60" deck with this one. These cleaned up nicely. Then I found a 520HC just up the road with a 2 stage blower. These also cleaned up. I have done many, many more but this is all I have good before and after pics for.,
  12. 6 points
    A little fab project I picked up this week, this belongs to a Yukon Gear and Axle sales rep in the area, doing some prep for his next Colorado trip in a couple weeks... Should fund another Wheel Horse project!
  13. 6 points
    Rebuilt an old K181 and replaced the Tecumseh H60 on 655. Rebuilt original diaphragm fuel pump also. Put a nos Nelson muffler on although not original I like the look and sound. Purrs like a kitten. Added some Harley rear bullet lights and nos tractor headlights. Not original but I like the way they look. Rebuilt starter generator and new regulator put on. New condenser and points.
  14. 6 points
  15. 6 points
    Another GT-14 in the Herd. Not perfect, but it runs & drives. Doesn’t smoke. New carb & fuel pump. New tires. I have a super nice seat for it. We’ll see what becomes of this one.
  16. 6 points
    DO NOT POUND ON THE HUB!!!!! If the lug bolts are not able to be removed you probably need more leverage. The key can't be removed first so don't even try. To remove the hub you will need to use a puller.
  17. 6 points
  18. 5 points
    A close friend of mine was killed this morning at work. I don't have all the details but know enough to say please take a moment to look at what you are doing and think to yourself, "what if this were to happen or if that happened"? In the blink of an eye, things changed and now he is gone, leaving a wife and young son. Always second guess what you are doing and be aware of the dangers associated with it. Also please pray for the Ojeda family. He was a great guy.
  19. 5 points
    This Family of ducks have taken up residence in our neighborhood. Mamma duck came by the shop a few weeks ago. 10 baby ducks were hatched recently.
  20. 5 points
    I still have 8 hrs of work to go, of which i have to spend 4 of them on my back installing a transmission into a chevy box van that i can only lift 2ft off the floor Then its
  21. 5 points
  22. 5 points
    Certainly a lot of talent and love for these machines out there!!!
  23. 5 points
    I love to see the before and after pictures because to me it shows the love we all have for these tractors. From my experience with only one totally complete there is countless hours of time between before and after. I Love every minute of it.
  24. 5 points
    My Honey's 657. Not quite done but close enough for an after pic. Before. After.
  25. 5 points
    I don’t have any complete before pictures but here is what I have of the 1257
  26. 5 points
  27. 5 points
  28. 4 points
  29. 4 points
  30. 4 points
  31. 4 points
    I think all are saying the tire rims are stuck on your hubs. If this is what is happening, you might try putting the lug bolts back in, but not all the way, and then drive the horse around in figure eights. The rims should come loose but not fall off.
  32. 4 points
    My 56 RS-83. Formally Mike Martino’s.
  33. 4 points
    My new addition. Trying to figure out the year. Has factory 6 volt electric start on it. Runs like a Swiss watch!!
  34. 4 points
  35. 4 points
    Not complete. Still needs paint.
  36. 4 points
    Jeeze, all these nice tractors makes it seem like I'm the only one who drives a POS
  37. 4 points
  38. 4 points
  39. 4 points
    Another before... and some afters.
  40. 4 points
    My barn find 953 before. After.
  41. 4 points
    The ugly before... and here is the after.
  42. 4 points
  43. 3 points
    Pics say it all... videos coming soon! 987BCC53-60D9-472D-A184-61A23BEEF43E.MOV
  44. 3 points
    Loaded up a 1067, 1077, RJ59 and 702 ......sorry no pics but will get some ......hauling them over Wednesday nite. Hopefully get back by noon on Thursday with a 400, 857, 753 and a 604......I hate it when work interferes with tractor time!
  45. 3 points
    The way work is going here I may not make it till Sunday...NOT
  46. 3 points
    One of the rarest surviving GT’s out there! Dan’s got a cool story about it too! Mostly covered in the above link—thanks for posting Craig!
  47. 3 points
    Finally had the chance to put the new shoes on one of my 520's. Not looking too bad, first set of new ones I've ever bought. I've always got used ones here and there but thought what the heck lets spring for a set at least once. Lol! $186 including freight I thought was pretty good. I just might go back for more.
  48. 3 points
  49. 3 points
  50. 3 points
    Don’t let him fool you them are just what’s at the house there is a secret shed off site with more treasures in it. Only a few know the whereabouts of it, very similar to area 51. I have heard that you have to wear a blindfold if he takes you to the shed!
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