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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2018 in all areas

  1. 15 points
    Or, the bling I picked up at the show:-) I did not get crazy but I am thankful to the vendors and the collector club folks that help make the show a success. I always find the prices to be just a bit better than I would elsewhere, so I tend to splurge a bit:-) Special acknowledgments to the club( love the t-shirt and hats), @fast88pu wife’s key chains, @wheelhorseman /Lowell’s floor mats(awesome) and @Vinylguy /Terry’s signs and decals. I love my 1 of a kind sign and Decals which will eventually end up on my beast. Nor sure which vendor I snagged the 551 roller from but I’m pretty sure I’ll have it running in a week or less if I get some help from the Granddaughters:-) My thanks to all!
  2. 11 points
    One of my favorite things I got at the show was this “Skittles” diecast GTO that @PeacemakerJack and @Coulter Caleb gave me. Kinda neat to put this with my big show treasures. One day when I have a mancave it will grace the shelves of things collected and will be a very special piece. Thanks guys!
  3. 9 points
    Thanks Bob. 11 years ago I didn't know anything about wheel horse tractors. Without the help of so many dedicated members on this forum I would not be where I am today. So it brings me great pleasure to give a little back when I can. It was truly a wonderful sight to see everyone running around trading their cards and visiting. I don't think the Pond family could have imagined how their products would unite people from all over the Country. It seems more like a family reunion every year than a tractor show.
  4. 6 points
    This may be the one and only time where I can honestly say, “I’m a 10! lol Aldon Trimble
  5. 6 points
    The bling really makes the hauler cozier:-)
  6. 6 points
    I brought home this 8” wheel horse plow. I couldn’t pass it up for the price. I need to wear the paint off of the blade and mount the coulter yet. I also came home with two less tractors and LOTS of parts.
  7. 5 points
    David Cline of Maryland was driving by on his Wheel Horse wrecker conversion when Rodney Burger of Indiana needed a two to his campsite for his 1961 Wheel Horse 701. David's did the job with no trouble.
  8. 5 points
    Oops... almost forgot #66 here.
  9. 4 points
    I would email the club. I’m sure if you explained your reason they may work something out. They had shirts left over from last year so I am sure they would like to sell them.
  10. 4 points
  11. 4 points
    Bringing the color back to life
  12. 4 points
    Mark I think you're going to find that the world of tires is kind of like the world of Paint. There's a million different ideas from a million different people. None of them are necessarily right or wrong. I personally have a leaning preference towards Carlisle as a brand. I've used them on the forklift at work and because of that I bought them for my own tractor. You could try to find some online which is what I normally do. You may also want to contact A - Z tractor. He does sell used tires as well.
  13. 4 points
    Whatever I could fit with the given amount of time I had... I thought I was full on the way there, with the 502 8-8 and an old Toro cart. Unloaded the cart to @dells68 and picked up a Commando 800, 656 and 857. The Commando is back together after some crafty loading technique and took a drive around the yard this morning! The 656 just needs the seat pan bolted on and the 857... well that one is just a pile of parts for a little while.
  14. 4 points
  15. 4 points
    @Vinylguy Terry better watch out, with skills like that comin' 'round!
  16. 4 points
    I don't think I could do it again, especially all the way from Florida. I had to experience it at least once. Had a good time. I will be back one day.
  17. 4 points
    I needed a tow Thursday night but didn't have my AAA card!
  18. 4 points
    Good post Lane... David's camp was right across from ours so we got to watch the whole thing. Mr Cline said he bought the wrecker for a measly 1500 at the show and this was his first haul. Would'ta known that by the way he operated it. Was a really cool custom with all the doo dads it had on it.
  19. 4 points
    I have to add this... someone bought something from me and he paid me with this $10 bill - I think I’m going to frame it!
  20. 4 points
    Can't wait for the new publisher's clearing house junk mail now. Think I'll order you every magazine on their list. Enjoy!
  21. 3 points
    I have a couple of machines missing the proper battery hold down. So I decided to make my own out of stainless (of course). Hook rods are cold rolled steel. I threaded the hook rods then heated and bent them. They have been bead blasted and first coat of paint applied. Battery hod down rods are heated and bent. Angle has been cut. Just need to weld and polish them and job done. Here are the plans. Wheel Horse battery hold down.pdf Here are a couple of pics with the factory piece also shown. I will post more when the job is done ! Cleat Wheel Horse battery hold down.pdf
  22. 3 points
    We just picked up this little beauty. It runs and cuts. My sons and I plan to bring it to the 2019 big show with nice red paint on it.
  23. 3 points
    HUGE THANKS to Wallfish and his Father for letting me rape this two spoke beauty off their tractor!
  24. 3 points
    At least you were on the right side of the booth at Texas Roadhouse so you didn't get a bath!
  25. 3 points
    Looks great Aldon. A special time with you at the show. Send some pictures of Idaho.
  26. 3 points
    Yeah, no fun here! Nope not a bit! On a whim, I tried cleaning up the head on a flat plate with some 400 grit sand paper, then I put a film of copper RTV on each side of the head gasket and set it all back together with the bolts in place, but not tight... for about an hour. Then I torqued it and fired it up. Runs great, no head gasket leak and the smoke is starting to clean up after her running around the field for a while. Best part - really the best is that both the girls told me they love me at random today, playing on the tractors! Gotta love a girl who loves Wheel Horse Right now we're working on that shorter pedal and Rylee is painting the Wheel Horse logos on her front tires.
  27. 3 points
    I thought you might sell the most valuable card in the deck. OK Mike...how much did it bring?
  28. 3 points
    Yea there's rat rods why can't there be rat horses?! Clear it!
  29. 3 points
    Yes go to the manual section and download the manual with the IPL for the 1054
  30. 3 points
    I was very happy to get it Kevin. I think it will look great and be the perfect size for my newly acquired rj!
  31. 3 points
    All that took the Group Pictures post them here and we will set up something to try to put a name with the face. My wife (Chris) took these. There is a group of 5 going to the right, and then a group of 5 going to the left. 2ND shoot.
  32. 3 points
    Took last night off any forward progress in the shop, first time my family has been together for a week... movie night! The girls are excited about the new toys, my loving wife Taylor just smiled and laughed... like she didn't expect any less or something!
  33. 3 points
    What dumb thing did I do this time??
  34. 3 points
    No one has said this but I would be very careful not to push a bunch of carbon fragments into the cylinder. I personally would blow out and vacuum out the cylinder very well before running it.
  35. 3 points
    Likewise @Wild Bill in VA. Great show. We finally made it home today after a stop over in NC. On the way home we saw @pullstart‘s cousin(?) with a boat on her roof, had a semi truck tire explode the lane over and scared the 💩 out of me. Then someone lost a backpack of kids toys on the interstate and someone hit it and kinda tossed it in my lane where I proceeded to scatter it all over I-95 after I ran it over. Then when we finally hit Florida, we knew we were close to home when all the idiots behind the wheel came out.(most had Florida tags😂) Getting cut off several times and nearly rear ended by a painter’s van reassured us we were close. But getting off of the interstate onto the “expressway” and coming to a stop, that sealed the deal. Pay to sit, the Florida way. But we made it. Had a great time. Now to decompress.
  36. 3 points
    Look at his smirk in the last pic, classic! Stevebo looked like he just ate a lemon cruising around in the rain and little bo had smile from ear to ear the whole time. He sure does enjoy that tractor. Didn't mean to put you on the spot to tell it but the story is a testament to the strong father and son relationship you guys have. I go there to spend time with my father too. Not so much for the tractors anymore.
  37. 3 points
    Seems that a Father & Sons project is a wonderful bonding and learning opportunity. We all have differing opinions on how to finish a nice survivor. I would suggest you do it as your sons want it to be so they will be involved and proud of the outcome.
  38. 3 points
    "Specially from them Wisconsin guys!
  39. 3 points
    I like that idea, instead of a savings acount I will fill a barn with wheel horse parts
  40. 3 points
    @12 hp Kohler Keep on collecting those parts and have a big sale at the Big Show so you can buy a pickup when you turn 16.
  41. 3 points
    I am the guy with cigar and blue shirt. My son is Brennanbo next to me.
  42. 3 points
  43. 3 points
    All of Aldon’s leftover gt14 parts, a gt14 frame from kyle, a K341, some decals, a clock and a ton of memories & friendships.
  44. 3 points
    I brought home a lot of money. Sold 6 or 7 seats and had a really good time even in the rain. I got to see some old frends and meet some new ones. I love seeing the kids in the parade and Wild Bill is amazing with his knowledge of the wheel horses. I got to work with my frend @953 nut and see his ingenuity at work. I didn't bring home very much for my horse's But the memory's will last forever.
  45. 3 points
    I went to the Big Show with a '69 Charger 12 and three 48" decks, came home with another 953, tub cart, three Kohler twin cylinder engines, three 3 speed transmissions (for parts) a HD-42 snow blade, a LMR-30 front mount reel mower some tires, lots of cool stuff from @Vinylguy a couple of@BOB ELLISON seats for the 953s and a fist full of the collector cards Terry made up for us. The best thing I brought home was some great memories and a strong desire to attend in 2019!
  46. 3 points
    Sorry I missed you. I'll bring what I have left next year.... Anyone wanting to complete their set can mail me one with their return address and I'll send one back.... Jay Myers 642 Mcglaughlin Rd. Fairfield, Pa. 17320 Oops, now I'll have to lock up the "horses".....
  47. 2 points
    That's great Kevin, 2 happy girls, that doesn't happen often with girls Nothing like a Wheel Horse to put a smile on any one's face
  48. 2 points
    Banishment to Deseret Modern definition of Deseret: "The Land Without Wheel Horse Tractors" (except what you take with you on the trek).
  49. 2 points
    Hi guys, thanks for getting back to me, Im defo going to keep a look out. They do seem to be cheaper stateside than here. I wonder how much it would be to import a suburban to the UK. I love minature working vehicles. For a hobby I build and sell little landrovers that can be driven by adults and children. For power I use shop rider mobility scooter motor and transaxle so they can carry a load of weight. Im pretty confident I could restore a wheelhouse to a high standard as Im not to shabby with a spray gun
  50. 2 points
    Thanks to Lowell... we now come in from the garage in style.
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