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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2018 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    Tupa was the fourth of 4 puppies. No one wanted to take her as a puppy so we decided to keep her and now she's the only one still alive. She's prone to having seizures every once in a while and earlier tonight was a bad one. She completely stopped breathing, eyes were open, body very limp and her tongue was hanging out long. If you have ever been there when putting down a pet, you will know the look. She had died but my wife gave her CPR for about 10 minutes and she slowly came back to life. She's a bit tired now from her big ordeal but she was walking around and even went out to pee. About a year and 1/2 ago we were told by the vet that it's probably time to put her down as she was very sick with a high fever and wouldn't eat. My wife spoon fed her for 5 or 6 days and she slowly came back as good as new. She still runs around like a puppy every once in while even though she's almost 18 years old. We lost her 17 year old Maltese father about 3 or 4 years ago. Anyway, I'm thankful she made it and proud of my wife for loving her little dog so much. Just thought I'd share a good story about loosing our pets.
  2. 8 points
    I thought Tecky’s shut off by themselves !
  3. 7 points
    What do you think... how's it look?
  4. 5 points
  5. 5 points
    .... ! Hopefully you can get it figured out before the Big Show! And this little girl has her eye on it too .... She’s already tried working out a deal with Zeek’s dog .
  6. 5 points
    Like Gary wrote, the only thing that particular key switch does on that tractor is ground and un-ground the coil for shutting down and running the engine. Pull the starter off and take a good look at the bendix gear. There should also be a spring which contacts the gear to provide just a little resistance so when the starter motor spins, the gear will ride up the worm gear grooves and engage the flywheel. From your description it sounds as though the gear is just spinning in place and not moving out to engage the flywheel. If the spring is there and fully intact, then it may just need to be cleaned and lubed. As advised, use a dry lubricant like graphite. This is not a pic your exact starter but you can see the spring. If yours has a plastic cover, remove it for inspection and/or cleaning.
  7. 5 points
    Hey ebinmaine, Yep, Mental must be the reason why U R 2 funny. Some pictures as promised. I cut the original fenders and joined them with fiberglass and then bondo overlay Haven't decided on colors, but yellow would be great under the red.
  8. 5 points
    Great post. No one needs to wonder what kind of family little Tupa lives with. Your wife is indeed a very special human being.
  9. 4 points
    The balls are 1/4". Assuming that the shift rails are original they will be like the right two and you'll need to use a 11/16" stop pin. The next time I get to the other garage I should be able to help you out. I would suggest checking things out to see what else you need and then start the part search.
  10. 4 points
    Achto, Wheelies, my wife says is that the reason I'm doing this? Well, yah! I mounted 26x12-12 on standard wide rims only because 12" wide wheels were too wide. Might work out for the best because with a skinning footprint I will be able to peel out, throw dirt and wheel stand. Heck, I'm just guessing, I can't comprehend the power but your ride is really impressive. I will be modifying mine after I get it going. Remove the governor, add gas pedal, kill switch, clean up the brake and maybe a go-kart centrifuge clutch. Then I'm hauling it around town giving acquaintances a chance for a thrill ride. People don't appreciate our hobby including my brother, I hope to change that. I might even get a new trailer just to show off. One other thing, I always give over the road truck drivers a good L@@K whenever I haul a tractor.
  11. 4 points
    Hahaha. Now wait just a cotton-picking New York minute here Bob. Seeing as to how I was the o p on this one, shouldn't I share in some of the profit? Wait. Hold that thought. Seeing as to how I was the o p on this one it's possible I also caused all this misery on your part of having to share your hard work. So you could potentially charge me double. Okay, never mind.
  12. 4 points
    @giddyap I think it's looking great so far. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!! Here's a pic of my Rat Rod to help keep you motivated.
  13. 4 points
    That was nice to read. Well done by your wife. The loss of a pet is so damn difficult!
  14. 4 points
    Tupa has a lot of love left to share, glad she is recovering. We are all proud of your wife for saving your beloved family member.
  15. 3 points
    Ha, great replies guys Sounds like the next step it to check the gear like few said. The and switch ground could be my combined issue. We are leaving for the Lebanon Valley show Thursday morning, so that will likely have to wait until we get back Guess I'll have to throw the old pull-start back on for now. Can't wait to get out of the house for something different for a few days Can't wait until the June show . . .
  16. 3 points
    I think it been 2 years since I've used this.
  17. 3 points
    I think you need a new switch and a bendix cleaning
  18. 3 points
    My wife says the fastest two fingers she's ever seen
  19. 3 points
    Yes pretty much it Carl except the 11/16 long pin should fit loosely inside the spring so it will be smaller than 1/4 inch. The spring is a little smaller in diameter than 1/4 inch as well. Maybe one of the fellas who has one apart can get you some dims of the spring. The pin does not need to be hardened or any thing. A 1" roll pin ground down to 11/16 would work well. ...Bob's a faster typer!
  20. 3 points
    Yes, two 1/4" ball bearings. The stop pin is 11/16" long but not 1/4" in diameter. The springs are about 1/4" OD and the pin fits inside. I don't know if the originals are hardened but I don't see that it really matters and I don't recall the diameter. Those little springs are quite stout and I don't know if a hardware store will have something that will work right. Tomorrow is going to be a decent day outside so I'll make it a point to trudge through the deep snow to the garage down the hill and see what I have.
  21. 3 points
    Mine does or maybe it doesn’t start at all
  22. 3 points
    You're welcome, BTW I don't sit in your blind spot for miles when passing. Both my dad and brother drove so I may be among the few who respect your profession. My bro has been retired for a year, this will be his birthday present come March.
  23. 3 points
    Use this thread for the videos that are like your transmission. In the differential are 4 spider gears. At the moment, you will find them in alternating positions...ie. 1 up, 1 down, 1 up and 1 down. To lock the trans, put the spider gears in 2 up and 2 down. You will make steering the horse very hard though.
  24. 3 points
    I misplaced one of the pins once and just made one out of a 10 penny nail and worked fine. Eventually found it in the sludge in the parts cleaner. Spring & balls should be at a hardware store. Get extra balls they have a way of flying away on a guy!
  25. 3 points
    Easier to pull the shroud off to check the business end of the starter Zeek?
  26. 3 points
    Ok just an update . I did order a 1 inch heat pleated vinyl to see if it was close to the old original material. The down side is he only has 6 yards left of the 1 inch. And I also will get some samples of 1.5 inch heat pleated vinyl in different colors of white to see if they looks ok. As I mentioned earlier. My left foot has torned tendons and just getting back from my Dr . 6 more weeks of rest and crutches and wife waiting on me. This may sound good to some with the wife waiting on me hand and foot but I'm not liking it any more. I'm a get up and do something kind of guy. My wife said I better buy a lot of fabric so I can do a lot of sitting and sewing.
  27. 3 points
    @953 nut ,@jajiu , @Sarge and @ebinmaine. That's $29.95 for the electric diagrams please. No just kidding guys use them and give them to all the RedSquare guys that have a need for them.
  28. 3 points
    That's pretty cool and kudos to your wife - pets give us a dedication almost no human can equal, nice to pay them back when you can. 18yrs is pretty amazing - you're blessed to enjoy a dog that long and hope she keeps going in the future. It's amazing what they do for us - I feel sorry for those that have never owned a dog . Sarge
  29. 3 points
    Yeah Rosco’s seizures were bad enough and close enough he just couldn’t come back from them. When he got aggressive after them, we had to make the decision to have him put down. Hard but he didn’t have to suffer anymore. Glad Tupa is doing better. Kudos to your wife for hanging in there.
  30. 3 points
    Should you want to rebuild the transmission, here is a link to a good source for parts. https://www.wheelhorsepartsandmore.com/transmissions.html#!/Base-Kit-1/p/85721183/category=23548039 The spring and balls for the shift forks is not included in the kit. Balls are standard size ball bearings available at most hardware stores. Some one here should be able to help you with the spring size.
  31. 3 points
    Little Tupa seems like she's right back to her old self this morning, prancing around like noth'n ever happened. She's almost 18. Thinking about it now, this event was kind of her third do-over. When she was about 3 or 4, she fell down the stairs, broke her leg and had some other bad injuries. Most people were saying they wouldn't have payed the kind of money we did for her surgery. It was a few grand which we really didn't have at the time and almost couldn't get it together. It's worth every penny for all the years of companionship.
  32. 3 points
    Glad she made it. How old is she John?
  33. 3 points
    1974 Wheel Horse D180 - nicknamed Big Ugly ( seriously - look at it 2010 AKC all-German black and red, semi-wavy long coat German Shepherd - Toby (Drew Von Selten Ruhe) , sorry about his coat - needs to go see the hair dresser, we all have bad hair days....lol. His job is to guard the tractor when I'm not on it ...someone was walking past out on the street - they get the "stare". Loading a video (finally) of the thing doing some minor work - only got 4" last night but the stuff is fairly wet despite the temperatures. 20*F for a high today - was nice for a change. Sarge
  34. 2 points
    @Tankman I tried that once but she grabbed the stick and chased me around the yard giving me a wack ever step I took.
  35. 2 points
    The engine is an Onan with magneto ignition? I think you are looking at the wrong diagram - The 616-Z and 620-Z have yellow wires to battery ignition coil. The 612-Z has a white wire to the magneto ignition and a red wire going to the voltage regulator. Click on the pictures below to get to the file descriptions. 1990 Wiring 1991 wiring In case you did not know The magneto ignition is self powered and the ignition wire simply grounds the ignition to shut it off. Do not allow any battery power into the ignition wire as that will burn up the coil. Black wires are often ground wires but you should confirm that with an ohmmeter. If this is a voltage regulator you are replacing do not ground the black wires - I suspect they come from the flywheel charging stator. Garry
  36. 2 points
    Pick your color! Glad to hear things are coning along well.
  37. 2 points
    Oversized ignition switch hole repair ✅ someone hogged this thing out to just over an inch. WHY? Some things make no sense. Brass fitting drilled out to 13/16” epoxied into the hole brings us back to where it should be, at least for the switch I’m using. Went with a pretty standard Indak toro switch. Plenty cheap on Amazon. Next up is to fill in the choke and throttle cable holes.
  38. 2 points
    @953 nut Richard I love it. But that just shows that I'm a quick learner. My wife says I'm very good.
  39. 2 points
  40. 2 points
    Crazy.Carl...make sure you (by hand) push a 1/4" drill through the holes where the spring and detente balls go. I find it hard to believe that somebody put together and transmission and left those parts out. Also, use a pencil magnet and poke around in the holes where the shift forks go to see if those parts found their way into there. More then likely, you will find one of the balls under one of the shift forks, and the spring and stop and the other ball are in place. Don't ask how I know that.
  41. 2 points
    Yup same part # 3518 for both a 5060 and 5025 on the spring. Pin part # is different, probably as in Bob's pic.
  42. 2 points
    He is a cosmopolitan also...lived in at least 2 states. I would bet the pin is like 1/8" dia and the spring is 3/16" OD. I like the nail thingy if nothing else is available. The spring is stout though...I'll bet you could get one from TORO if Bob is unable to get to that other garage. The spring "if original" is Wheel Horse # 3518.
  43. 2 points
    Sounds to me like you have the perfect scenario for the concept of a tractor for every attachment. Two C160s should be nice! Or, even go with a smaller engine tractor for the dozer blade. If hell bent on both for one tractor, maybe attaching a modified blade frame to the mid Tach A Matic ?
  44. 2 points
    Might be time Zeek... to let that one go too.
  45. 2 points
    1. I did a jump directly from the battery (which is newer) to the starter terminal. It spins very fast, just won't move forward. I think voltage is good. 2. It is never in the weather except for the June show. I am not familiar with these starters, so I suppose I'll see if someone here has some picture of taking one apart. I'll check for lubrication. Ok, I'll check. I thinking I may have a two-fold problem . . . the switch not turning off all the way and the starter itself.
  46. 2 points
    Wow. You must have really taken good care of her over the years. Even for a small dog that's a long life.
  47. 2 points
    Do you have a voltmeter or an ammeter? I suspect you have an ammeter. The only wire on the ignition switch is the one that grounds the ignition to shut the engine off. Wiring diagram here - click on the picture and then the small pictures once you get there and they will enlarge. Garry
  48. 2 points
    Apple trees from an orchard are going to yield relatively short logs and probably not more than 12" in diameter. When you cut the trees and look at the top and bottom of log you can first determine if it has heart rot which is very common . If it doesn't it will probably have some decent board material in it. I would right away paint the ends on them with a couple of coats of any paint you have laying around to prevent checking enamel paint preferably.I use paraffin but not everyone has that around. It should then be milled as soon as possible. 6/4 or 8/4 would be ideal for initial drying. There is going to be a lot of waste since apple will warp and twist like no other. Even if it has heart rot it will have great pieces that can be used to turn small items such as furniture knobs and small bowls. Since logs will be short and not too thick it can be milled with a re saw band saw if available.One would have to devise a cradle to mill the round log.I use a vintage Makita with a 3" blade.
  49. 2 points
    Hey ebinmaine, I appreciate the babble. Today I officially reunited with my tractor and enjoyed working on her all day long. Seems like what you wrote could be true. Which raises the question, Are you in the mental health business, a shrink, or do you just play one on the internet? Could it be, we are birds of the same feather, not normal and not quite on center? I am very lucky to run into a bunch of guys not only willing to share their expertise but have a genuine interest in my project. Really don't know where my interests will take me next but while I'm here I became a supporter to show my appreciation. Can't wait until she's done because I'm not credible saying she is almost done. lol Pictures next post
  50. 2 points
    Let's see if this works - not a lot of snow (4") but I also needed to move some of the piles. Shortly after the end of that clip - I was cleaning and pushing the piles back a little more next to the Cruiser. One thing I hate about straight type 2-link chains is the way they like to side slip - it jammed itself between the snow pile and the front bumper of the Cruiser - the D is pretty strong but it wasn't going to move that 2-ton hunk of rusty iron, lol. Had to drag it sideways with the Dodge. No real harm done - definitely didn't hurt the Toyota but it did totally mangle the left tire chain tensioner...lol. The GSD loves to "herd" the tractor - he's had some close calls getting too close and I need to get on his butt again about it - that blade would hurt . At least he got some winter exercise, he sure needs it . Sarge
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