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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2017 in all areas

  1. 15 points
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the forum is lucky to have members like Racinbob . Bob was kind enough to send me a set screw I needed for my Suburban transmission. Unfortunately the first one was torn out of the envelope, but he sent me second after he found out. I just got it today on my birthday no less! People like him is what is and will continue to make this a great forum. I hope to one day pay it forward to someone here when I can. Have a great day all.
  2. 14 points
    Lots of fun in the mud yesterday.
  3. 11 points
    Picked up # 99 420-lse brand new never started . Also the other one I have is 50 has 145 hours . Nos one is on left hand side .
  4. 8 points
    Well the weather was perfect and the show was busy. I got to take some pictures but for the most part I spent the first part of the morning buying the gt14 and then the other half trying to figure out how I was going to load/unload it when I did het it. Walking along there were some neat things here and there. Just some of what we saw is here. Some red, some yellow and yes, some green. And then there is that gold,green and blue thing I bought. Had a good time. And my treasure
  5. 7 points
  6. 6 points
  7. 6 points
    Boy did we get stuck. They are actually ags but with all the mud they look like slicks. Lots of mud cakes all over yard now. Mom did ask if they got dirty before they went in the house. Of course we said nahh not at all. We later found a little mud in one of their ears.
  8. 6 points
    Better luck next year.
  9. 6 points
    Jason, guess you were on mission for another 420LSE! Congratulations! If you need help putting on a mower deck, let me know.
  10. 5 points
  11. 5 points
    Uh oh, guess what day it is, guess what day it is, anybody? Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, guess what day it is? .
  12. 5 points
    As I am reading the thread laughing, my honest-to-goodness next thought was, "Ooh, I haven't checked the classifieds in a couple hours...*click*"
  13. 4 points
    We had intentions of doing so, however things got a little complicated. Mom was calling to come back in and we did not want to alert of the severity of situation, then the Big C ran out of gas in the rescue process, and it was a full time job to keep the younger one (the one later found with mud in his ear) from jumping off wagon or worse not dive out of it head first.
  14. 4 points
    Lots of this bushing business going on with this project. Seems like every pivot point holes are ovaled out and worn so this fixes them up nice & tight. Very easy to do with regular bronze bushings, over drill hole & cut to size & a little deburring. Hood hinge a real mess, will have to weld new holes in the form of washers here yet. Used flanged bushings here. whoops...must been break time!!!
  15. 4 points
  16. 4 points
    I guess I need to send you some crossword puzzles and monster movies to keep you occupied!
  17. 4 points
    I believe Karl started this forum in a sincere attempt to help those with the addiction. Before he knew it, he discovered it was like throwing a BYOB AA gathering. It becaams quite clear just how great Red Square was for those who really needed the help.
  18. 3 points
    Nice birthday present your wife got you!
  19. 3 points
    Wings and Prime Rib! Now where's that bus!
  20. 3 points
    Tried out a new rattle can for the rears as well ---I guess it was the resists chipping and the epoxy label that got me. We'll be the judge of that...... Will see how it holds up. Real close in color to Rustolem antique white. Looks a little whiter in pics than it really is & dries really fast!
  21. 3 points
    The whole weekend to myself for a change, well almost, but did mange to get a few things done on this project. If I would get off my keester and get some rear rubber ordered would have a roller! Fitting the dash housing up. Plan on polishing the dash, no paint just clearcoat. Saw another tractor that was done like that and was kinda cool so see how it looks. Can always paint it down the road if it doesn't look right. It was in the cards that these rims get finished.....52 pickup anyone... @achto says you get a better finish if you use all RED cards!
  22. 3 points
  23. 3 points
    Group W Bench. And they all moved away from me on the bench there .....
  24. 3 points
    Lowell @wheelhorseman1000 is becoming a one stop shop with reasonable prices to boot, I love it!
  25. 3 points
    Happy Happy Mike.... How did we know the bus stop pic was going to resurface!
  26. 3 points
  27. 3 points
    Hello Karen and yes you and the hubby are a couple of fruitcakes going to horse shows in a converted enclosed Signed There Is No Cure
  28. 3 points
    Any chance we can throw some ags on that girl and break the motor in gettin dirty??? I got a fresh set of Tru powers just dying to get the nubbies worn off!
  29. 3 points
  30. 3 points
    Just come on in...have a seat, & please state your name.
  31. 3 points
    We are an addiction SUPPORT GROUP!
  32. 2 points
    I get to talking with friends about Wheel Horse tractors and I am surprised how my people are into collecting them. Even chatting with my dentist about my hobby, "Oh yes, my husband has a few of those Wheel Horse tractors. I think he can see them driving by on the road in the weeds" . Now I have friends telling me too, "Hey, did you see that Wheel Horse for sale down the road" ? I really enjoy this hobby.
  33. 2 points
    I have a 1972 Bronco 14 and on it is a 48" side deck from the mid 80's. It isn't rusted at all, and I mow with it every weekend thru the summers, as I have done since I put the deck on....in the late 80s or so. The trick.... I made a stainless steel liner shell for it. Using two cardboard cutouts as template of the deck (1) shell and (2) apron, used the templates to transfer and cut out stainless steel sheet metal to same size and shape(s). After heating and shape-pounding the shell template into the general shape, bolted it down to the inside of the deck shell, then tig-welded the front apron to the shell plate. The ss isn't very thick...probably 1/32" and it was easy to work with and drill. Kinda hard on sawzall blades, but go t the job done. The grass doesn't stick to it much and is very easy to scrape off, but that's not even needed...just when I shapren blades. This has been working for me for 25 years or so....no rust at all. ps...A tool and die shop did the mig welf foir me... I'm a bean-counter.
  34. 2 points
    Found the culprit. An intermittently bad clamp connector. Kinda wet but I took it for a spin. Next step......the loader! My wife keep telling me I have a Wheel Horse problem...I contend I have a too small of a shop problem....
  35. 2 points
    Yup! Thanks so much! I like it! That makes two of us!!! If T-Mo could be persuaded, I'm thinking that there could be a logo for us: "One Horse" Club or, a fancier version could be "Uni-Horse" Club...Dedicated to the notion that one horse really can do it all...
  36. 2 points
    both my fuel pumps on my k181 and k301 leaking gas decided to rebuild them. found a place here on RS "then and now automotive" great people there. ordered 2 diaphragm kits and had them here in Ohio in 2 days awesome service. on the k181 it has a vacuum pulse pump some old timer told me check for the 2 halves they may be warped .anyone try to use file to true them up? it has been 30 yrs since I had one apart. my grandmas 856 quit running once (back in the 80's) and it was the pump just went over to the WH dealer at that time I think 15 bucks and they had them in stock well that is no longer the case anymore!! I did visit the old local WH dealer and they are now putting plastic pumps on he told me 100 bucks for a new pump . I have 65 with shipping on these 2 kits and it will be original yet
  37. 2 points
    Happy Birthday Mike from Waldo (aka "where is that guy" )
  38. 2 points
    Didn't your mother tell you NOT to play in the mud!!!
  39. 2 points
    I hear ya! In my many daily CL searches, I ran across a snow blower and a cab for 300, 400, and 500 series. I don't really have a need for those, since Missouri isn't snow mega capital of the US, but.........
  40. 2 points
    For the past year I have been trying to decide how many and which ones of may horses I am going to let go . During this time I have occurred two more .
  41. 2 points
    Thanks everyone. My wife turned 48 back in December.That doesn't make me a dirty old man now does it?
  42. 2 points
    I'd like to add 1 other helpful hint on drilling these bolts out. NOBODY starts off as a master machinist, but when I was young and wanted to show the old guys I knew what I was doing, I would "Practice" on parts from the junk pile. If this is a one time learning experience, go to a small engine shop or junk yard......There's ALWAYS mistakes there that you can practice on. AND, it's junk......there's no more damage you can do to it. The NUMBER 1 tip would be to ALWAYS use sharp bits!!!! I have a few Drill Doctors* and always have sharp bits. If you don't sharpen successfully, buy a new bit......It's cheaper that a new block or head. GLuck, Jay
  43. 2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. 2 points
    Thanks to all for some encouragement and new insights.. My previous experiences a year ago on that engines tin screw, removal has been costly as in a couple feeble attempts, I had managed to drill off center (as mentioned by Don, Sarge and Jay that the screw doesnt snapp flat off), and also have broken 2 yes - (TWO ) easyouts. So I ended up taking that head to a machine shop a year ago just to fix my screw up.. When the weather breaks I will try all of the above suggestions guys, because there are probably enough broken screws in that engine. RedSquare - - you got to love it for all the help that is available. I thank you all greatly for sharing the info Rick
  46. 2 points
    The OEM belt is # 7478 for about $23 on-line sources. It is 84" x 0.625" (5/8).
  47. 2 points
    Best bet is using a relay driven by a switch, either an additional one or the regular light switch. On my big tractor I added extra switches so all the lights do not need to be on at once. Relay will handle the main load and can run from the battery/ solenoid with an inline fuse for protection.
  48. 2 points
    Yesterday I picked up a 1990 312 Hydro. I like everything about it EXCEPT the itty-bitty front rims and tires. So my first task was to do the 8" rim and spindle upgrade. I made a trade with my neighbor....he got the 6" rims/tires and the hubcaps (I also don't like hubcaps) and in return I got the 8" rims/tires that matched the rears and the correct spindles. Definitly looks better! Next will be cast wheel weights and a plow bracket. Pics of course..... Mike...... Mike.....
  49. 2 points
    Hi my name is Karen and I am a horse a holic...my husband is an addict and I couldn't resist myself...
  50. 2 points
    The way asking prices on have been going the past few years it is outrageous, your best bet is right here. In the months leading up to the"Big $how" you will see some great deals offered and you can take delivery at the show.
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