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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2016 in all areas

  1. 16 points
    Back in Febuary of this year,my dear friend Felix passed away.He was 92 years old and had a very active life right up to the end.Back in 1988 or 89 he bought a brand new 520H.Over the years,he had many questions about Wheel Horse tractors.I would ocassionally help him with little things like changing spark plugs,sharpening mower blades,etc.Yesterday morning,his daughter pulled in my yard and asked me if I wanted Dad's old tractor.She said it had a flat tire and if I didn't want the tractor,they'd just get rid of it.Of course,I said I'd be over in the morning to get it.He lived about 1/3 of a mile from me.I brought my air tank and the Squaw and I took the truck and trailer to get it.We aired up the tire and pushed the tractor on my trailer and brought it home.I charged the battery and it started right up.Needs a little love,but not a real lot.Has a real nice 42 in.SD deck that turns nice and quiet.Perfect seat on it.Real good original paint.Check out his home made parking brake handle.Piece of 1/2 inch copper pipe ,a tee,and two 90 deg. elbows. Gonna leave it as is as a tribute to my old Pal.Thanks Felix I miss you every day.
  2. 13 points
    Only big thing I brought home from the big show was this tub cart(thanks prondzy) to haul my kids around in... Well they have a blast in it! My parents were up so my kids talked my father into taking them for a ride.. I think I already got my money worth in Watching my kids enjoying it!
  3. 11 points
    Here's a few of my show pics.
  4. 7 points
    Bought this guy today for $60.00 on a buy/sell/trade site. Can't wait to start the restoration project. Looking for any advice/tips/tricks/pitfalls etc? Thanks, Marty
  5. 7 points
    The 753 got its chance to pull it around today!
  6. 6 points
  7. 6 points
    Very nice Lawn Ranger pulling the tub cart! Side note...My wife often times rides in the tub cart on a bench with a seat. She made me put a "zip-tie" on the dump mechanism....I don't know why...
  8. 6 points
    It's 5 o'clock somewhere.
  9. 6 points
    Great setup, the best of memories for children. First my children, who will remember forever fondly. Now the grandchildren who want more! Happy 4th of July! Independence Day, ours!
  10. 5 points
    Hold my cup and watch this!
  11. 5 points
    He should close his eyes before he bleeds to death!
  12. 5 points
  13. 5 points
    Don't tell Bob, but I think his wife bought a tractor.
  14. 5 points
    I don't care how much it costs............ That tractor is MINE!!!!!
  15. 5 points
    It's how they pay Cutler's salary!
  16. 5 points
    You would have to rename that tub cart if I got into it. Those pictures you take will be great to look at forever. This is what life is all about.
  17. 5 points
    7-3-1985 “Back to the Future” released, features 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 On this day in 1985, the blockbuster action-comedy “Back to the Future”–in which John DeLorean’s iconic concept car is memorably transformed into a time-travel device–is released in theaters across the United States. “Back to the Future,” directed by Robert Zemeckis, starred Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, a teenager who travels back 30 years using a time machine built by the zany scientist Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd). Doc’s mind-blowing creation consists of a DeLorean DMC-12 sports car outfitted with a nuclear reactor. Once the car reaches a speed of 88 miles per hour, the plutonium-powered reactor achieves the “1.21 gigawatts” of power necessary to travel through time. Marty arrives in 1955 only to stumble in the way of his own parents (Crispin Glover and Lea Thompson) and keep them from meeting for the first time, thus putting his own life in jeopardy. A veteran of the Packard Motor Company and General Motors, John DeLorean founded the DeLorean Motor Company in Detroit in 1975 to pursue his vision of a futuristic sports car. DeLorean eventually set up a factory in Dunmurry, near Belfast in Northern Ireland.
  18. 4 points
    I love seeing the kids getting involved. One day we will be old and the ones riding in the trailers with the kids driving the tractors pulling us around.
  19. 4 points
    Kimosabe me hear horses coming!
  20. 4 points
    "The wine tasting place? Turn left at the show entrance and drive a few miles. When you get to the fork in the road, take it."
  21. 4 points
    See kids, this is what I have been cautioning you about all of these years!
  22. 4 points
    Glad you guys made it home. You know the tolls in Illinois go up when you have a Wisconsin plate on your vehicle.
  23. 4 points
    A very moving story. And a fitting gesture to your buddy. Glenn
  24. 4 points
    Looks like smiley was having Fun!!
  25. 4 points
    We suggested that to Greg so Lillian didn't go for a tumble......but take it off if @stevasaurus got in!!!
  26. 4 points
    gp2, There are lock screws in each hub that keep them secured to the axles.It looks like the right side needs attention also.The axle should not be sticking that far out.Raise the rear of the tractor and loosen the lock nuts and screws.Slide the wheel so that the axle is flush with the face of the hub.Retighten the screws and lock nuts. Luck,JAinVA
  27. 4 points
    Where's my cup....
  28. 4 points
    Hmm , I wonder who that happened to??
  29. 4 points
    In spite of your cleaning of the carburetor, there could be a minor deposit or two; use some Seafoam spray into the air intake (outdoors) and add Seafoam to the fuel. Father and son in the shop; best teaching method ever!
  30. 4 points
    Contact your local FASTENAL outlet. They use their trucks to transport 'extra cargo' when having room in a truck to do so. About 3 months ago, I send a Wheelhorse tractor from my zip in n/w PA to the upper Northwest corner or Washington State. I had to strap it to a pallet for their forklift and take it to the Fastenal outlet. The charge to me was $250 total. Make a phone call to this website, and go from there. https://www.fastenal.com/products
  31. 4 points
    Don't get that GT-14 anywhere near me. If you know pirate history, Blackbeard met his demise at the hands of Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Oh by the way, nice tractor.
  32. 3 points
    Hello fellow addicts! I have been reading others posts and gathering info for long enough, time I introduce myself. I was given a 16 auto with a tiller a few years ago that started the addiction. The tractor was rough as the couple I got it from used it once every couple years to till a large garden. I got it running well and started my own garden with it and began learning of all the other possibilities that were out there for this tractor. Soon I made my own rear or mid mounted blade and used it in the rear position to drag my gravel drive and then the following winter in the mid position to scrape ice from the pavemed drive. Since then I have rebuilt the K341 as the piston split on me and have painted a few of the tins My addiction has spread to my dad (312-8), father in-law (c-160), and a good friend (b-165, I advised against the b series...) and I now have the c-175 the old couple used to mow their yard (kt-17 smokes like crazy but everything else is good). Anyway, enough blah blah here are a couple pics
  33. 3 points
  34. 3 points
    Was nice to finally meet these guys face to face... L-R... Richard(953Nut), Tom(Shynon), and Terry(TerryM).
  35. 3 points
    I have this SK-486 with 16 HP Kohler. I noticed gap between rear end and wheel. I have no manual but am in the market for one. In the meantime, anyone know how I can fix this? Thanks.
  36. 3 points
    Im going down tomorrow and Ill take some pics then. Im sure you all are right but, I thought I saw C200 on the tractor. Thanks for you patience with a newbie!
  37. 3 points
    Your back and your bottom are two very important body parts to keep happy! Looks very comfortable, enjoy!!!
  38. 3 points
    Welcome ... nice find!! Remember, it will run better with CHROME!!! LOL
  39. 3 points
  40. 3 points
    You do NOT want 12v to a magnito coil (assuming your working on a K91.) That will fry the coil! Please advise on the engine you ARE using. You write that you installed new points, Try cleaning the contact surfaces because they are usually coated from the factory to prevent oxidization. A K91 will run with ZERO wires connected to it. The kill wire grounds the ignition to shut down so if it is open, the engine should spark. I see we posted at the same time! Disconnect the wire to the toggle switch too. It's possible the current to ground can jump the contacts in the switch.
  41. 3 points
    You should go with the c100, the c200 is so rare nobody has ever heard of it
  42. 3 points
    Welcome to red Square where everything known to man [lady's also] about the Wheel Horses is right here for the asking. we want pictures
  43. 3 points
    I would vote for the C-100 over the (D) 200...... Oh, and ... photos are mandatory!
  44. 3 points
    Sorry for the loss of a dear friend, but his daughter knew you would take care of his WH and cherish it as much as he (Felix) did.
  45. 3 points
    Here is a link to a SK-486 manual. Check the "Manuals" Section on the main page if this one is not the year you have. Actually, in your picture above, it looks like the set screw and lock nut are on top of the hub under the grass and grime. Loosen the 9/16" lock nut first, then the set screw...move the hub so that the hub is flush with the outside end of the axle. Tighten in reverse order. The reason they are flush is because the width of the turf tires, that would be put on at the factory, will not rub the fenders.
  46. 3 points
    Some of the early tractors, they are supposed to be flush, but on the later ones, they are not supposed to be flush, so that axle looks okay to me, that gap is supposed to be there. what JAinVA is saying is also true, the right hub from the side picture looks like more of an issue, because of how it is sticking out past the hub on the outside of the wheel. If they are flush together, it may damage/grind down the metal of the hub/transmission case, and or damage the seals. This is an easy fix, if you can take the wheel off, and if you have a small puller, you can just inch the hub to the end of the axle, and all should be well again! Enjoy the Tractor!
  47. 3 points
    Sorry just getting back on here, yes 43 is live4outdoors aka Brian and 43a is Autumn Myers and 43b in some of the photos is Mason Myers. Lol she does look angry in that photo...but she had a blast at the show!
  48. 3 points
    Hope everything came....... Well; you know!
  49. 3 points
    One thing. Make sure that cart is latched good. We had 2 carts at the show that i know of that came unlatched and engines and snowblowers were sent a flyin!
  50. 3 points
    Im not puttin a 520 decal on my 857.......!!!!!!! lol
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