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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2012 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    This will come as NO surprise to any of you and it's been said countless times but I think it's important for everyone to realize just how important this is. As I write this I want you to think about who this is and and at the end click on the spoiler and see if you're right. It's refreshing to see people continuing to give and this individual gives on a daily basis. You never hear the word no, never I can't do it and never a no answer. He's constantly bombarded with requests for this, requests for that and manages to get it all done all the time. I know when ever I have needed something, this guy not only steps right up, but gets it done in short time. EVERY single one of us are reminded every time we come here about the work he does and it's easy to take for granted. You see only a portion of the work, this guy is very active in other activities as well, and important things, things that go unnoticed by so many people. When we began the Max Nunn book raffle he was one of the first to donate, he's always one of the first to donate, he's always there ALWAYS. This morning I work up, got my coffee and do what I always do and check to be sure that RS survived the night (it always does). We had a spammer who reported a post, and I got a receipt about a PayPal donation. I opened the donation and it wasn't very large, but the note associated with it brought a tear to my eye. Here's what it reads: Let me say this again: By now of course you know exactly who this is and it's no surprise is it? Understand this. The world is filled with all sort of crap, but it's also filled with this as well. He doesn't need to do this, he's not making loads of money off of any of you. Heck, most times he just sits quietly on the forum and DIDN'T even have a Wheel Horse until recently! I don't know why he does what he does, but like I mentioned in Neil's thread, THESE are the people to look up to and I for one surely do! Thank you! Not just for the logo's, the decals, the graphics, the dedication you put forth, the caring in the quality of your work, but Thank You for the kindness and honesty that we have become accustom to when ever dealing with you. I do not take that for granted, and it is very appreciated what you do.
  2. 4 points
    I got my Hienz 57 narrow front rolling tonight. I was going to use some 3.00-4 tri ribs, but they look like airplane landing gears! Haha So its going to get 3.50-6 tri ribs. Just have to finish the steering now then some sheet metal, paint and a motor! Joel
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    I started working on this today and thought I post a few" before pictures" before I post others. This is my first WH restore and the majority of it will be done in my garage so things will be slow going until the weather warms up . Please don't laugh at the after market engine. it runs really well but I'm not sure if other WH tractors will reject it. I haven't decided if I'll keep this engine or try to locate an HH60 somewhere. I picked this one up last year in Manitowok, wisconsin and I think my greatest challenge on this will be overhauling the transmission due to the 3rd gear not working. Thanks for looking,more pictures to follow.
  5. 1 point
    I just got a Brinly 10 " this past weekend in case I ever make it to a plow day. Bought it from Boris and Natasha from the Bullwinkle cartoons! Going to hook it to my Power King 2414. Hydraulics are my friend! :banana-wrench:
  6. 1 point
    He uses it to haul his family of 12....that thing sees alot of abuse!
  7. 1 point
    started taking things apart this week. Most of these photos I took for reference but thought you like to see them because I know everybody loves pictures. If things work out this 606 will be brought back to life being powered by a tecumseh HH60.
  8. 1 point
    Here we go again, my Commando 8 spruce up is back on, I bought the Auto 12 and its a hit with the kids, so while they were distracted....... I GOT BUSY, no going back now. Its strange how you prepare yourself for the worst, then it turns out ok, then, when you expect something to be straight forward it turns out a PITA. Case in point, I started with pulling the rear hubs, got ready to do battle......and they were relatively easy. Wondering what all the fuss was about I thought 'I'll just whip the steering wheel off then have a cuppa'.....yeah right. It took me as long to do that as pull the rest of the tractor down. Finally the dreaded seized hitch pin.....and yeah, I got lucky again and that proved to be a non event just shows, you never know. Here's the pictures,
  9. 1 point
    Was at a Toro dealer today and saw this back in a corner with about a 1/4" of dirt on it, Asked the guy if he would sale it? To my surprise he said I could have it, FREE Jumped right on that Didn't get a pic with it covered in dirt but here is one of the sign cleaned up. Start of my collection. :techie-ebay:
  10. 1 point
    Not according to our model list posted here on the forum Bob. 1-4831 1968 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando 8 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30108D 8 Wheel Horse 5053 1-4832 1969 Lawn & Garden Tractor Commando 8 4-Speed Kohler K181S-30108D 8 Wheel Horse 5053 Craig, I know what the list says, but I and many others believe that is a misprint. No one has ever provided an ID tag or a picture of a 1969 Commando 8. :wwp:
  11. 1 point
    Chip, Thanks for sharing the pics, I'll take a look at them. By the way I noticed you're from Florida! You live about an 45 minutes away from a friend of mine that lives in Christmas. P-J
  12. 1 point
    People Like Terry are an inspiration. He reminds us that life should not be about taking or even all about giving, but about sharing! Imagine...actually apologizing for only being able to give $500....how humble is that! All of us here share our appreciation of wheel horse tractors, if all of us shared as much of ourselves as Terry does with us what could be accomplished would be amazing. Maybe even someday through Maxx's charity we can even share the blessing of sound health with those who need it most. For all those who cannot say it, Thank You Terry. Where you have Lead I will follow, not to donate as I already have, but to continue to donate!
  13. 1 point
    not a cultivator but a 12inch plow
  14. 1 point
    Chip, Thanks for joining in in my topic with such a nice and helpfull comment! I'm trying to contact someone who has a P218G Onan for sale for parts but so far he didn't responded to my many emails. Oh well some things take time... Anyway thanks that you want to post pics of yours and the engine! A valve job isn't that difficult to do, I did it on a Kohler engine. If you need my email addres to swap information and pics, just let me know. Thanks in advance! P-J
  15. 1 point
    That it James!!!! I saw it on Youtube myself but it wouldnt allow me to post it on here for some reason.... I think I will contact a mod to pin this video. It could help some others on here
  16. 1 point
    No action footage, but I have a few "stills" of the 1056 from a few years ago. I used the rear section as more of a chisel plow to loosen previously-worked ground.
  17. 1 point
    Yes, the key for my 606 is just an on/off switch with a 1 wire terminal that grounds the ignition when the key is in the off position. ( I think thats right??) Terry
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