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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2017 in all areas

  1. 13 points
    Came across the first picture recently of my first and favorite horse. Father bought her in May 1967. That is my nephew in control. (He retired a few year ago as a CAPT in the Navy) The other picture was today after she hauled 750 lbs of coal up from the barn. Some irony there, in the background you can see a big blue boxy thing. That is one of 144 Fracing tanks (holding about 2.8 million gallons of water) being used to stimulate the 11 gas wells up there, and I am shoveling coal.
  2. 13 points
    Jim, I still remember the first post I ever made on this site. I had a specific question I needed an answer to and couldn't find it on the Internet search; it kept leading me here! I had posted a few times on other sites (different topics) and wasn't impressed with social media. I joined RedSquare to obtain the information "I" wanted and didn't expect that it would go far beyond that; wrong! Within an hour I had two excellent answers to my question and a dozen or so welcomes. The warmth of this group was refreshing to say the least. It made me want to return the favor. We all encounter a few "Users" regardless of where we go in life, all ages, all walks of life and all ethnicities have a few. There have been a few posters who are inconsiderate and a few that were down right rude, but they aren't going to read this post anyway, so I will just get down off my soap box and go have breakfast!
  3. 13 points
    Jim, I understand where you're coming from. To me, the "Like" button is for when you appreciate a post, but have no constructive comment to make. Sometimes, too many posts on a thread that has a question may hinder the original poster's efforts to find the answer within that thread when he has to go through a few meaningful posts that doesn't address his question. Then the "Like" feature keeps things concise and moving forward. But, I also understand that when a question to a problem is answered, it's just good etiquette to respond with some sort of appreciative remark. I guess I have been guilty of not responding appropriately at times, as probably we all have been guilty of said crime. I sometimes jump on the site at work where I can't spend a long time responding the way I would like to, so sometimes the "Like" feature comes in handy. Then when I get the time I try to go back and make a good, proper response. The problem becomes I sometimes forget to do so. Was I rude or just forgetful? Maybe both? I'm on a few forums, as I'm also a JD guy. I'm on WFM and Greentractor Talk to just name a couple. I see guys who join a site to either sell an item or they have a problem and want a quick response. Many, many times, they post their question and never come back to that site for some strange reason. Or they come back just long enough to see if their question got answered and then they don't come back after that. You will find that most who stay around are in it for the long haul and want to be a contributing member, want to learn, and want to pass on what they learn from this site, or any other site they're on. If I was retired I might spend more time articulating a responses to various threads. I don't know though, as I might be too busy with things to get on the site as much as I do now. I heard from those who are retired, that they're more busy after retiring than when they were working. I'm hoping that I can experience whether that is true or not someday. The point is, some just don't take the time nor feel they have the time to make a good response. And they really should if they posted a question and that question was answered. It is as you commented, good manners.
  4. 12 points
    The "like this" button on this website is valuable. I don't feel strongly about someone typing a thank you note, but I worry about people posting questions and not even reading the responses. I like to see some sign that the original poster is still engaged in the thread.
  5. 11 points
    Computer`s been down for the last week. Tried using the phone but it`s not the same. At my age I never thought I`d get hooked on these machines. Next thing you know I`ll be texting... Guess I needed my fix. Couldn`t be that I missed you guys.. Anyway, it`s good to be back
  6. 10 points
    I have been posting here for a little while and have had the pleasure to meet a few of you personally.It may be a small point but in some ways I feel that some folks were raised by wolves or something.If you post a question on this forum for help about a problem why do some feel that its some kind of Google search.If someone offers advice or information is typing in a least thank you so Dam# difficult.I will say this I keep track of the clowns for whom a simple thank you is beyond them and it will be a cold day in hell if I will help them in the future.You guys are on your own.For the rest of you fine folks I thank you and will look forward to your guidance.JAinVA
  7. 10 points
    This is a very good thread. Sometimes, I offer information or advise and I end up being the only one to answer a thread. I would like to know if my information was correct, or my advise helped out. I'm fine with the "Like" button, because it tells me that person I was trying to help, at least read my post. We had one member here a year or more ago, that would come into transmissions and just ask a question...like he deserved an answer. I answered him and he never acknowledged anything at all. On his 3rd thread, I went and searched his content to verify he did this all the time. We don't get paid enough to sit here and answer questions for members with no manners. I sent him a PM and explained that if any information was helpful to him it would be nice if he came back in and said the information was good...it helps other members who take the time to search and a finished thread works wonders. He never answered my PM and I have not seen him back on Red Square either. I was in no way demeaning in my PM.
  8. 10 points
    Yeah, that's me - I love to help people, but as far a WH products go I have a tenuous grip on the bottom end of a slick stick- learning more than giving I am afraid - like the others- social media is a farce - but I really do enjoy Red Square....thanks to all of you for the things that I have been steered in the right direction on- they are priceless. Maybe this is inappropriate, but I have to say if you haven't had the pleasure of dealing with an excellent person, I recommend Richmondred01..-Mark I apologize if I have embarassed you, but I couldn't help myself......I tried too...
  9. 8 points
    As I stated many times is what keeps me sane...Everyone has to vent sometime and it doesn't seem what you vent about here you'll get a response and Positive ones ! ...grandpap was a wise man , I was a learner by doing and when you mess up something that's expensive you learn real quick !
  10. 8 points
    I don't think we have ever had a member that is a Supporter act like what we are talking about. In the 1st place, no one needs to become a Supporter...in the 2nd place, being a supporter is kind of saying "Thank You" all by itself. I would think that most of the time this happens, these are young people, but the manners are reflected in their parents. I by no means would ever want to drive somebody away from this hobby because of their lack of manners, but I will send a PM to some body to explain why I sent them a PM. One thing I tell them..."Remember, we do not have to help you."
  11. 8 points
    Thank You...Two little words, but they have a big impact,and go along way! In my opinion.
  12. 8 points
    If a single reply is not acknowledged is one thing ,but in my mind multiple posts and PMs over a couple days deserves more than a Like post.If you have solved a persons issue then a Like post in mind is not respectful.I will say the LIKE feature on this site is great but rude is rude and an old fart like me may not know what I had for lunch but some things get burned in the brain.Most here seem to appreciate the help provided.I know I do,but I feel that some just don't get it.
  13. 8 points
    I remember many years ago I was going into the local post office with an arm of load packages and a kid not more than 10 opened the door and held it open for me to enter.I asked him to wait as I disposed of the load and handed him a gratuity.I told him that good manners would take him places.I don't know if he remembers the encounter but I have always thought that you should encourage and reward good manners and civility. I rarely post on any other forums because there seems to be no one in control of the content.(thanks again to the moderators).I hate to seem like I'm whining but as a reminder to all here for some of us a typed thank you is meaningful.JAinVA
  14. 8 points
    I hear you - I'm wondering if it's a bigger issue than the typically fine folks on Red Square though. Seems appreciation and expressions of it are going the way of the social media trash heap...Sad really, all the negative vitriol on most sites...Very unlike this site. I guess I have been very fortunate on this forum. With one exception, I have received nothing but outstanding help and consideration for my inquiries, and usually an appreciative "thanks" or something along those lines if I have tried to help someone out...And in that one instance? The gentleman, whom I do not know, PM'd me shortly after with an apology and explanation. Upstanding and appreciated. I don't go on other social media sites for the very reason you are talking about - they are anything but "social" - they are ANTI-social... I just hope this site continues to be used by such knowledgeable and kind people who are willing to share their expertise with those of us who are not WH experts. It really is amazing to me how willing they (and you) are to spend their time helping folks out that they don't even know (Including some who won't say "thanks"). I certainly appreciate it! Thanks for posting this. Good reminder to us all what a great group is here to help us out and that they deserve a "thanks".
  15. 7 points
    You guys are amazing! I was bummed and venting when I posted this last night.Your responses have been heart warming.I really never thought the topic would get this kind of reaction.I will add my thanks to anyone who may not have got a thanks from me.As stated before no one has to help and ,when they do. two little words is all someone gets in compensation.Sometimes that is priceless.JAinVA
  16. 7 points
    I for one use the " Like this " option when I agree with the post and have no more to add, and want to acknowledge the poster for there time and effort. I have learned a great deal from the fokes here and have owned Wheel Horse and only Wheel Horse since 1979 , there is knowledge here that is not only book learned but more importantly hands on " this is how I solved the problem" knowledge. Like my grandpap used to say sometimes you learn more from doing something wrong than doing it right. Bob Blough Jr.
  17. 7 points
    Mark, I am really surprised at the responses from folks here so far.I think that one of the responses suggested that the offenders would never look at a post on manners.How true. stevasaurus pointed out that supporters rarely if ever lack mannerly behavior.I have looked at the posters here and sure enough you guys that have commented on this topic are all supporters.Again I have read all the comments on this thread and feel better getting my frustrations off my chest.JAinVA
  18. 7 points
    Boy talk about me being paranoid,,,, I posted a question last night, then after reading this thread I was omg did I forget something? went back and checked,, I hadnt forgot a thank you. Such a simple thing. Only two words needed and thats a small price for the knowledge available and willingly passed to all on this site. Aaand since I'm getting older,, Thanks to all that make this site what it is! Bless you all!
  19. 7 points
    Thanks for this thread. I think sometimes the older generation was brought up a little different than the younger generation.That being said that does not in any way excuse this behavior. Example, I was taught to remove my hat when in side a building, still do that but not because my mother says to, but habit, not many others of later generations do. We all need to treat others as we would like to be treated, another one I learned while very young from my examples my Father and Mother! Bob Blough Jr
  20. 7 points
    I've always been tech savvy, and I've had a computer with internet access since 1993, but I've always said that I could walk away from my computer at any time and be just fine. That was then... Now, I'm never more than inches away from a computer what with a smartphone in my pocket all day long. When I plan a hotel stay, the room has to have Wi-Fi. When I go to the WHCC show at South Mountain fairgrounds where AT&T coverage is poor, I take a throwaway Verizon smartphone with me. So Jay, I feel your pain. It's good to have you back.
  21. 6 points
    Ditto to most of the comments made above. My pet Peeve, of which I have likely also committed myself is the lack of initiative to use the search function.at least give it a couple tries. Overall I tend to give supporters and frequent posters a pass. Try to help and assist where my limited experience can be of aid. With the advent of smart phones, there are occasions where I am knee deep in a problem grease all over me and I need some assistance but I'd like to think I have either shown appreciation on the thread or in a direct phone call to said helpers. I really appreciate the support all the members provide. I often read and hit Thanks button due to higher level of expertise individuals chiming in with more valuable input than I could offer. Almost everyone I have met personally have been great people. I hope to hit the show again this year and meet even more friends.
  22. 6 points
    Jim, I could not agree with you more. Along with your pet peeve, l hate it when someone blows in asking those on the site to diagnose their machine. The worst is that it's usually some simple problem (for anyone who has a slight knowledge of internal combustion engines), they get dozens of replies from the wizards here, and poof- they're gone. No "Thank you", and won't take the time to tell us what the hell was actually wrong with it!!! Sorry to join the rant. Mark.
  23. 6 points
    Believe me , I know how far a simple THANK YOU can go . I sure hope I'm not one of the offenders . This is a great thread by the way Thanks !
  24. 6 points
    Thanks to you all for the comments.I have read them all and you as usual have some sage advice.I was just venting.I am sure you guys have been there too.I look forward to learning more from you all and hope I can be of some help in the future.JimAnderson
  25. 5 points
    Saying thank you for anything you do for someone is a sign of civility which I think has been lost these days. Its as simple as not getting a response or wave from that person you just let in while sitting in traffic or someone walking by you as you hold the door open for them. I always try to show appreciation for anything anyone does for me. Thankfully we all feel the same.
  26. 5 points
    You guys........im hoping I have never came off ,,,sounding like some one that fits the description......and I realize,,,,NO ONE is being suggested as such...........But I do know,,,,Once I get a head of steam going,,,,and going and going.What ever is the topic,,...I can clearly recall about 50% of what I have said,,,,,All of what I say is pretty honest,,,,,,,,hopefully never hurtful......If so,,,,i know there are a good 2 dozen in this crowd that would recommend a sobering moment,,,,or 2,,,, That said.....I consider all here friends,,,Pals....My Boyyzz......Many on the cutting edge.......and a few Over the edge...... thank you for taking a knee
  27. 5 points
    Great post. I think we need one of these every now and then just to remind us of what this forum is all about. And oh by the way, if I have ever forgotten to thank any of you for your advise or assistance, THANK YOU!
  28. 5 points
    stevasaurus, You got the spirit of my comment perfectly.Thanks for the comment.I think you explained it much better than I did.Luck,JAinVA
  29. 4 points
    My wife, our almost 4 year grand daughter and myself went to Festus, Missouri today. Our grand daughter got a Happy Meal and as we was traveling home on southbound 67, she was playing with it in the back seat of my truck and drop a piece. We had to pull off onto an exit ramp so we can find it. As I was pulling back onto the southbound lanes, I had to let a semi go by, a truck pulling a trailer and two SUVs. I didn't really paid attention to the truck pulling the trailer other than to let it go by. As we headed up a hill near the Jefferson/St. Francois county line, I passed the truck with the trailer. First thing I noticed was some red peeking out from underneath some other stuff. Then on front of the trailer there were two Wheel Horses, both in their faded red glory. Also I spied a deck and more red underneath and around the other stuff on the trailer. So, who was in a late model beige Dodge Ram pulling a trailer load of Wheel Horses headed south on Hwy 67 between Festus and Bonne Terre, and passed the county line around 12:30 pm? I would have stopped and snapped a picture, but I know my wife wouldn't appreciate it. So who was it??????
  30. 4 points
    Like being a newbie all over again. Thanks for the "re"welcomes... Jay
  31. 4 points
    Surface prep is key... dash plate should be smooth like glass, before the decal is applied. http://www.redoyourhorse.com/brushed-chrome-dash-decals-5-designs/ For an idea of the process, follow along, starting with post #25 here...
  32. 4 points
    You could always drive a Horse down to the fairgrounds with your Horse Mask on!
  33. 4 points
    From my experience...I wouldn't be so quick to sell that nice Mustang... I had only had four 's when I sold my Javelin a couple years back...to make more room. Since then, I'm currently hovering right around the thirty mark now.
  34. 3 points
    For those who remember the 1975 B-100 Automatic find: I messed with it again today. It has spark and tried to hit. I only had a few minutes, but I think when I can find more time, it will actually start.
  35. 3 points
    I wound up buying a Hobart Handler 140 (110V and flux or gas capable) and for everything I do it has been awesome. I don't regret spending the extra money, but it is quite a bit extra money over the Harbor Freight. My buddy had some pretty bad luck with the HF version, but it is reassuring to hear people on here that have had good luck.
  36. 3 points
  37. 3 points
    In sharp contrast on the site I used to MOD on , one guy had a total of 9 posts & they were all HIS . He started with an electrical problem question or two . Posted a little more every couple of days his progress . And his last two posts were a solution and a tongue in cheek "thank you " It was a couple days before I realized this & finally offered him a welcome but he never responded & must have left . Makes you feel pretty bad being a MOD & missing stuff like that .
  38. 3 points
    Thanks to @Lane Rangerparts are on the way. Wow the power of
  39. 3 points
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you here for the knowledge that has been freely shared with me. I hope that I can give back as much as I take. I will also apologize for a couple of posts I have made that were completely unnecessary. I appreciate your patience. Mark.
  40. 3 points
    @953 nutJim did not fall out of the box "it is just cheap Virginia Red Neck Engineering " ask me how I know. Been there done that.
  41. 3 points
    I know the one you are talking about. You, Ed, Bob and I all responded and never heard back; after the second one I just quit responding to his questions.
  42. 3 points
    Jim, I think a bit outside the box from time to time; but - - - I think you just fell out of the box!
  43. 3 points
    There is a simple solution if you REALLY need a hydraulic lift.You can mount a standard hydro lift cylinder and corresponding linkage.Attach a porta power pump on the fender pan and connect the hose to the cylinder.A few pumps ,it will be slow, but the cylinder will respond.No down pressure but at least it can move something really heavy with little effort.
  44. 3 points
    Welcome back Jay. Keep on droppin those "apples".
  45. 3 points
    You have to remove the right side panel off the tractor, the hoses and there are two bolts (apparently four as the photo shows two on top and two on the bottom) holding the Hein-Werner pump in the side of the frame. Make sure to look at the 953 Manual drawing. It is available on Red Square.
  46. 3 points
    Hate it when that happens, glad you got it going again.
  47. 3 points
    30! Yesiree Mr. Craig, you might have some issues there.... Perhaps a touch of hoarding? As long as the Magic Shed holds out you should be okay. Its too late once you start stacking them like cord wood or they begin to over flow into other rooms in the house... Redhorse, nice grab on the 1075. That would look real sweet with some ag tires out back. I would have a hard time parting with that 66 Stang . It looks like a very nice one.
  48. 3 points
    jgoodshell, I just swapped out a 7 for an 11 on a 518H. After I swapped it out I got to looking and I thought the 1100 hydro pump might bolt up the 7 transaxle??? Maybe some one out there can shed some light on this matter? My 7 trans axle was good the hydro was not working. I do know you need to make sure you get the control cam with the 11 they are different. I enclosed some pic. As far as the gasket, I just used the gasket in the past and have had no issues. I like to use new keys and set screws when I have a hub off for any reason. It highly unlikely that you will need bearings. these parts are for a 1995 520H with 1100 hydro 108312 GASKET-TRANSMISSION Both 518 and 520 use this same gasket. 6449 SEAL-OIL (2 each) 937108 KEY-WOODRUFF (2 each) 3243-5 SCREW-SET, SQH (2 each) Hope this helps.
  49. 3 points
    We've all been missing our roadapples fix too Jay... glad to hear your back on the line.
  50. 3 points
    Well another brief update and wanted to let you guys know I'm still kickin this project. 🤘🏻 Things are still working out as planned. The past couple weeks have been spent tying up loose ends and trying to figure everything out with the blower and what not. I got everything in pieces so it all went together a bit slower than I would have liked, going by the manuals and pics online, since I didn't take it apart...put me at a wee bit of a handicap. I got the blower on and it seems I had all the parts, minus a couple little things, EXCEPT the chute crank handle. 🤔 Weird. I would have sworn I had it, had you asked me. I looked through everything, and no dice. The snowblower parts breakdown was no help at all as far as rod dimensions so I decided to guesstimate and make my own after a few days of googling didn't turn up a used one. I guess it comes as no surprise, however shocking, Toro wants $97 for the crank handle rod alone 😲....which is asinine. I took some measurements, went to Menards and bought a 3/8 rod for $8, a bronze bushing for the hole in the support for $1 (to prevent any further wallering) a locking collar for $1 and a cap nut for the end of the rod for $.50 because this one didn't come with a rotatable handle on the end, and I wanted one. The handle on Amazon was about $9 Prime. Fired up the torch and a little while later; Works great...and ill be dad gummed, I get that thing installed and get a text message the next morning from the guy I borrowed the trailer from to pick this whole mess up in.....yep, I left the rod in the trailer. Dummy. O well, mines better anyway. I guessed right on the diameter but my setup has a bushing, a crank handle and it's 7" longer so toro can go pound sand. I added a bunch of oil to the gearbox, greased the worm gear, chute sprocket, guide ring, auger shaft bearing and found out the the hard way that the 90 degree auger shaft gearbox was packed with grease because the output shaft oil seals are bad so I'll be rebuilding that this summer. I don't have chains but I got the wheel weights on. I read that some guys leave the tiller on to help. I had it sittting there so I decided to try it. Oh man does that help with steering. Well we got about a half inch of snow yesterday so guess what I did haha. Fully knowing everything was gonna melt today in the 42 degree wave, I didn't care. It was the perfect functionality test and would give me time to work out any kinks before the next hammering. I ran her at about 3/4 throttle and the snow was so light, that second stage created a whiteout that made me look like the abominable snowman within the first 10' of blowing. This tractor gave no crap at all what was attached to it either. It's like I had nothing on it, flying up and down the driveway like it was a joy ride, plastering mine and the neighbors house with a wheelhorse blizzard. I couldn't be more pleased...and the neighbors knew it if they were outside, thats for sure. If they were on the fence about me being crazy before, I pushed them over last night. I was laughing my fool head off, soaked to the bone and didn't care, belly laughing up and down the driveway at full speed completely covered in snow. I'd bet money I was the only house in town that cleared their drive but man oh man I haven't had that much fun in a long time. Of course there's a bunch more satisfaction that went along with it...everything finally coming together and all. I know you guys know exactly the feeling I'm talkin about. Anyway, it worked great and I can't wait to get some real accumulation. I'll keep you guys posted. I did get my inspection camera and tried to get into the trans tonight but it's much harder than expected trying to see everything without dunking the lense in oil. I have no idea how it's going to work or if we're even going to be able to see anything interesting but it's fun to mess around. I was in the case for a good 10 minutes lookin around and everything looks clean as a whistle. I got a couple shots, nothing great, but I want to get up close to some more gears. There's a gear almost right at the opening for the fill tube so I don't know if I'll get video of it running but I'm gonna try. Bottom of the fill tube. Motor output gear. Thanks again guys, Ill be checkin' in soon.
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