Today my two diesel tractors finished this year's mowing season. With leaves covering the ground, I needed to fertilize for the last time this year. A portion of my front lawn was torn up a few weeks ago due to having an underground fuel tank removed. Because of where the tank was buried, the contractor's two trucks and backhoe made two routes to the tank's location. A lot of the lawn needed to be reseeded. I added 10 yards of topsoil to help the new grass along. Of course, we had 22 days without rain so I needed to sprinkle every day!
Using "Paladin", my 523Dxi, I first mulched the leaves so that the fertilizer would be applied to the ground and not the leaves. It is nice having power steering as I ran wide circles amongst my trees so that I wouldn't tear up the new grass. Then it was my DC-105's, "Dillon", turn to pull my broadcast spreader. Some nice seat time! Now to get the 523Dxi ready for winter.
Of course, I was supervised the whole time.