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brake pedal drop

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The brake pedal on my C-160 falls down and stays down.  I found a small return spring unhooked and reattached it but the spring seems too long and will not return the pedal to the upright position. Has anyone come up with a solution for this?

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NOTE... Instead of drilling the 1/8" hole, one could use a small HOSE CLAMP on that rod, then connect the spring to that clamp.. 

spr c-160 (3).JPG

Edited by daveoman1966
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peter lena

@whman01   regularly make up connection  go to extension  spots . on my horses , bet its rusty  related linkage points , and  a weak spring  , aerosol  lubrication / grease  on every related area . this also stops  squealing  clutch and   wheel  lift , make the rust run out , while you are at it , lubricate both sides of your lever lift  bushings , and spray down into the  lever top  hand grip area ,  free up the rusted spring ,  only a suggestion , pete 


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1 hour ago, whman01 said:

The brake pedal on my C-160 falls down and stays down.  I found a small return spring unhooked and reattached it but the spring seems too long and will not return the pedal to the upright position. Has anyone come up with a solution for this?

  Daveoman  has a great fix shown above.


If you feel you need originality (and have a streak of masochism) I have a spring that I have used I can give you one.

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c-series don

I tried replacing the original spring on my C-160 and it is damn near impossible. I then used Dave’s method and it took 5 minutes to fix. I did this a few years ago and it still works great. Very funny to me that this comes up because just YESTERDAY I fixed my neighbors Bronco 14 with the same method! @daveoman1966 Thanks Dave!! 

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