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Ed Kennell

The Snow Stacker

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How are you heating your cab?

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Ed that sure looks like a tuff spot to get out of if that was to drift in. Great job.

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I've got to do something with my fronts, either roller chain, different tires or roller chain.  My goto snow plowing C-85 with filled rears and 2-links will overdrive my steering so until I address that there's little reason to add rear weights.  And I'm very impressed with that 8hp will push!

Looks like you have ice grips front and rear so what do you think, roller chain or tire chains on the front?

Are your fronts filled?

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Ed Kennell
7 minutes ago, rjg854 said:

Ed that sure looks like a tuff spot to get out of if that was to drift in. Great job.

That it is Randy and it does drift there.        I use the 312 to back in trailer loads of wood.     I could use the 520 , but It is easier to back in with out the cab.   The old neck only has about 5 Degrees of rotation.

I have always been able to get out, but my back up plan is my neighbor with his FEL on a 4WD Kubota.   He watches me plow (his is one of the 5 driveways I plow) with the 520.  I think his best day will be the day when I have to ask for help from his Kubota.


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Ed Kennell
10 minutes ago, DennisThornton said:

I've got to do something with my fronts, either roller chain, different tires or roller chain.  My goto snow plowing C-85 with filled rears and 2-links will overdrive my steering so until I address that there's little reason to add rear weights.  And I'm very impressed with that 8hp will push!

Looks like you have ice grips front and rear so what do you think, roller chain or tire chains on the front?

Are your fronts filled?

I would try the roller chain and filled tires Dennis.      I don't have any weight on the fronts, and even with the 2 link chains, the 54" blade will steer the 520.   I may try the roller chain over top of the existing chains.

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2 minutes ago, Ed Kennell said:

I would try the roller chain and filled tires Dennis.      I don't have any weight on the fronts, and even with the 2 link chains, the 54" blade will steer the 520.   I may try the roller chain over top of the existing chains.

The roller chain is waiting for me to find the repair links...

I've got enough links to build a set of chains for the fronts.

But today I watched my fronts fail to steer and it seems to me that with a steering only, non-powered front that the roller chain would have been a better steering aid. 

Now, I was also using my TC-35 and watched my front driven R4s do nothing!  There I would think I could benefit from cross chains and very little from a roller chain.

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I 2nd the use of roller chains! 

For me it made all the difference in the world on my Commando 8


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I'm with you guys.


With the latest 8" snow in Southeast PA  the plow was steering the tractor at times.


Hanging weight off the back end probably doesn't help matters much.


Still amazed at how much the 5xi will push (have a sacrificial blade that's all bent up that I use when pushing the heavy wet stuff) 


Just standard # 40 roller chain .. right?



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Ed Kennell
7 minutes ago, emdmat1981 said:

Just standard # 40 roller chain .. right?

That's it.  Let us know how it works.

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I just recently put roller chains and weight on the front of Trina's 867 Pigpen. 

It made a good difference. 

She still needs a little more weight added. 


I highly recommend adding extra weights on a bracket at the front. 



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I find my front end getting pushed around some times.  I lift up a little on the handle to pick up the blade just a bit  and it helps plant the tires a little so I can steer 

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Those are pretty hefty piles, Ed!  What a set of machines!

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12 hours ago, ebinmaine said:

I just recently put roller chains and weight on the front of Trina's 867 Pigpen. 

It made a good difference. 

She still needs a little more weight added. 


I highly recommend adding extra weights on a bracket at the front; good thing I was driving through my neighborhood on bulk trash day and saw someone was throwing out a partial weight set.  Between the weights and reversed ags, that rig turns pretty good in the snow.



I bolted plate weights to the front wheels of my 520H

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  This is a good thread. My question is on the520 with the swept axle, is there a longer frame model  for a 520 blade?  The blade that came with the c-141/145 set hits the tires and will not lock in to the side sweep position.. i am at the point of deciding to make a rear extension to the frame or finishing up the little issues with the Black hood twins.

   Being semi retired still requires time management in that I had to decide whether or not to gamble on completing the black hoods or just mounting the blade on the 520 with the 420cc predator engine. Then Mr Murphy shows up.....

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29 minutes ago, ohiofarmer said:

  This is a good thread. My question is on the520 with the swept axle, is there a longer frame model  for a 520 blade?  The blade that came with the c-141/145 set hits the tires and will not lock in to the side sweep position.. i am at the point of deciding to make a rear extension to the frame or finishing up the little issues with the Black hood twins.

   Being semi retired still requires time management in that I had to decide whether or not to gamble on completing the black hoods or just mounting the blade on the 520 with the 420cc predator engine. Then Mr Murphy shows up.....

There is a additional bracket that fits on the back of the long frame plow.

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46 minutes ago, ohiofarmer said:

  This is a good thread. My question is on the520 with the swept axle, is there a longer frame model  for a 520 blade?  The blade that came with the c-141/145 set hits the tires and will not lock in to the side sweep position.. i am at the point of deciding to make a rear extension to the frame or finishing up the little issues with the Black hood twins.

   Being semi retired still requires time management in that I had to decide whether or not to gamble on completing the black hoods or just mounting the blade on the 520 with the 420cc predator engine. Then Mr Murphy shows up.....

You need an extension kit for the frame, its 3 parts rear, center lift point and new angle handle. Check here http://x65.d8d.myftpupload.com/product/toro-wheel-horse-520-snow-plow-ext-kit/




Edited by WVHillbilly520H
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Question Ed why did you quit blowing and go to plowing? 

Also looks like you would have a lot of water in the basement shed when spring thaw comes?


I guess I don't see what the hoopla is about having chains on the front. My machines (520H with blowers) generally all steer real good with bare tires. One tractor I have ribbed V61's on the other  just plain old turfs and they both steer the same. The few times I do have an issue a quick tap up on the lift lever and she swings right around. Maybe a blade only thing? 


10 hours ago, pullstart said:

Those are pretty hefty piles, Ed!

Really I really didn't think a GT could stack that high! 

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Ed Kennell
1 hour ago, WHX24 said:

Question Ed why did you quit blowing and go to plowing? 

 I had the blower on the 520 with the heated cab and the 312 with a 54" blade w/o a cab.    For several years we never got a dry snow.  They were all sloppy wet and freezing rain.   I found I was always using the 312 and the 520 sat unused.   Finally decided to put a blade on the 520 so I could plow in the dry and warm.    Throwing stones on the stone road was also a problem with the blower.  I really do like the high speed action with the plows.  The hydro, hyd lift, and foot control is on both tractors and it is a must have feature for efficient plowing , especially in the confined spaces of the 5 driveway I clear. I probably use reverse as much as forward and the angled  blade works much better for the  back dragging I do to clear snow from steps and garage doors.



Also looks like you would have a lot of water in the basement shed when spring thaw comes?

    Never have Jim.   That was a concern when I excavated to put in that door in the basement.   I dug a pit  4 'deep and 4' wide across the front of the door and filled it with big stones.

    You can't see it, but I also have a breaker at the top of the slope that turns the water away from the slope.


I guess I don't see what the hoopla is about having chains on the front. My machines (520H with blowers) generally all steer real good with bare tires. One tractor I have ribbed V61's on the other  just plain old turfs and they both steer the same. The few times I do have an issue a quick tap up on the lift lever and she swings right around. Maybe a blade only thing? 


  When I was using the blowers, I agree it was easy to make a steering correction by tapping the blower up which puts a lot of weight on the fronts.  I found if you didn't take a full width cut, the wing that was in the snow would tend to pull you into the snow.     With a 54" angled blade without question there is an enormous amount of side push and even lifting the blade slightly doesn't add the weight to the fronts like a blower.      


Really I really didn't think a GT could stack that high! 


Edited by Ed Kennell
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Thanks a lot for the info. There are also helpful adapters for other tools on Lowell's website.   A buddy and i bought out hundreds of pounds of motorcycle chain from Dixie when they liquidated, so the front steering will not be a problem.  Rural King stores seems to have about the best prices for roller chain if you buy new, or maybe you guys know of a motorcycle shop that can sell worn chains for the tractor front ends.

   We do have a reprieve of sorts for the snow. we might get rain today, so no more drifting. anyway, between the scrap pile of steel and getting tractors sorted, i probably will have an operating 141 or 145 very soon.. It seems like maybe some issues with the angle blade control handle and the motion control on the same side of the tractor could get things a little busy, but then maybe Murphy will give us a break.

  If i really needed this blade to work Right Now, I could always make some clamps to do the angle swing. That is what seat of the pants farmer engineering is all about after spending a lifetime of bodged repairs needed to get the fields harvested. I once saw a farmer make a very accurate comparitive balance scale from an ice cube tray and a ball bearing.:bow-yellow:

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Got the # 40 Roller Chains installed today ... should get a good work out with 4-8" of snow in forecast for tomorrow ! 



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7 hours ago, emdmat1981 said:

Got the # 40 Roller Chains installed today ... should get a good work out with 4-8" of snow in forecast for tomorrow ! 



Very nice. 

Be sure to take them out and do a few sharp turns BEFORE it starts to snow so you know they're nice and tight. 

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Thanks Eric.  That's exactly what I did.


Jacked up the front, deflated tires completely, installed 51.5" of # 40 per tire (as XI has 16 x 7.5 x 8 fronts), then re-inflate to 12 lbs.


Then ran it around the snow covered yard and checked for slippage (none - all tight) !!!

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46 minutes ago, emdmat1981 said:

Thanks Eric.  That's exactly what I did.


Jacked up the front, deflated tires completely, installed 51.5" of # 40 per tire (as XI has 16 x 7.5 x 8 fronts), then re-inflate to 12 lbs.


Then ran it around the snow covered yard and checked for slippage (none - all tight) !!!


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