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Sad Day

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There has been a standoff going on just across the county line in Tennessee all morning.  Two deputies have been shot.  One has died. Deputy Steve Hinkle lost his life this morning.  He had just submitted his retirement papers recently.  A VA State Police officer, Lucas Dowell, lost his life trying to serve a warrant just west of Richmond about 2 weeks ago.  Something has got to give folks!  It is a shame when the men and women in blue can’t even do their jobs without facing death over minute things.  This world is going crazy.  I grew up knowing that the police are there to serve and protect us.  They need our respect and support now more than ever!  Rest In Peace gentlemen and thank you for sacrificing your lives so the rest of us can be safe!!

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I agree my friend my prayers go out for those men and their families. We have a lot of sick people in our world today, if these people new GOD and understood his word I think it would help. When someone does not value their own life they certainly are not going to value someone else's. 

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The Tuul Crib

Well  as much as we will deny it, it all stems back to parenting. There needs to be something put in place with when a man and women get married to put an end to this . You have to start from the beginning!  L O V E!! God bless us all and those families of the fallen officers!

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Sad day indeed ! RIP officers and God bless and comfort their families. 

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I absolutely agree with poor parenting, I will 67 later this year and firmly believe this got started back in the 70's when my wife and I got married. I can say my wife and I did not contribute to the problem, because we were never able to have children. A world without GOD is a troubled world and these things are the example.

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The Tuul Crib

Best tax dollar well spent and not enough is to law enforcement and fire protection!!

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Praying for the officers and their families.


Thursday a 19yr old posted on Facebook that he was going to blow up the school. This is his second time to do so. Today they said no charges do to lack of evidence (he admitted to doing it according to police statement) and he did it do to bullying. What kind of message is this ? 

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Now, local media is saying that officer Hinkle did not pass, but is in critical condition at this time.  I’m praying the first report was wrong and that officer Hinkle is able to pull through this!  Please send prayers his way in hopes the latest info is correct.  I will say that in the case of Trooper Dowell that I have never seen such an outpouring of love and respect as was shown to him at his funeral.  There were officers from almost all 50 states in attendance at his service.  We all need to stand strong with our police officers and military members!

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I am saddened to hear of this news.  I was just blessed to receive good night duties with my 8 month old niece, she smiled and giggled when her bottle was gone.  She has the childlike faith that I wish more people had, with love and happiness in her eyes... nothing more.

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1 hour ago, pullstart said:

I am saddened to hear of this news.  I was just blessed to receive good night duties with my 8 month old niece, she smiled and giggled when her bottle was gone.  She has the childlike faith that I wish more people had, with love and happiness in her eyes... nothing more.

That is what is missing in our world Kevin.  Not just her innocence, but your love and appreciation of life.  Sadly, that is what is missing - Love!

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Speechless about,

respect is a thing i found, what is missing more and more in several Issues.

In the past, my Grandpa was a person of respect, even like a Police Officer.


But when i must into the City, respect was an issue i miss most.

That begin's simple with peoples, who jostle you, but without a sorry, 

passes thru a missed "hello" or a simple good morning and ends up in the whole Ellbow Society.

A very sad development, as i found.










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 It is so sad that all this is happening. We see this all the time around here. My wife was on the grand jury, and I asked her to just keep the names of the people they indicted and a short description of what they did.  After her service was over, we looked up a few of them and the rap sheet extended to 20 crimes or more. Makes you sick. Most of them were treated to a fine or something that was added to all the previous fines they did not pay.

  Our governor pretty much decided to let the inmates out of the jails to get rehab instead of punishment.  All the costs then shift to the counties so they have more money to play with at the state.  One of the things they spent the savings on was to subsidize a hockey team. These criminals steal everything not nailed down out where i live. 20 years ago, we did not even lock our doors...


 So, beer and circuses for them and we in the townships pay the price. So sad it has come to this insane state of affairs.

Edited by ohiofarmer
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I always tell my students that the number one rule in my classroom is respect, not just for others and their belongings, but for themselves.  Seems that is one of the biggest places we’ve gone wrong.  There is no respect for ourselves anymore.  If people don’t value their own lives, they certainly aren’t going to have respect for others and their lives.  Altogether to easy for folks to just take what isn’t theirs, even someone else’s life.

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The Sullivan County Sherriff’s Office has released a statement that Officer Hinkle is in critical condition with a prayer vigil set for later today.  Please keep him in your prayers.  I am thankful that initial reports of his passing yesterday were incorrect.

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The Tuul Crib
1 hour ago, dells68 said:

I always tell my students that the number one rule in my classroom is respect, not just for others and their belongings, but for themselves.  Seems that is one of the biggest places we’ve gone wrong.  There is no respect for ourselves anymore.  If people don’t value their own lives, they certainly aren’t going to have respect for others and their lives.  Altogether to easy for folks to just take what isn’t theirs, even someone else’s life.

:text-yeahthat: This brings to mind there was a Belmont student shot to death just last week here just going to get in his car at his home. Three kids shot him and robbed him. 12 13 and 16 year olds and at their first court appearance the judge ordered them to leave his courtroom because where laughing and acting like kids really unaware of the seriousness of what they had just done. 

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What too many kids today are not taught at home, is that individual personal responsibility is what allows society to function well.

They are but one piece of the gigantic puzzle that makes up society ....... in their neighborhood, in their school, in their city or town, in their county, in their state, in their nation, and in the world at large.

Everyone is personally responsible (ultimately) for every thing they do, for ever action or activity they choose to partake of.

I always had very well defined and understood limits as a kid to what was expected of me and what I could or could not do.

If I chose not to abide by one of those limits, there were always negative consequences to be faced, first at home, and perhaps elsewhere. You learned the penalty was much worse than whatever fun  or joy of doing something you were not supposed to be doing could bring you.


There are two leading contributors to all this violence directed against the very people meant to protect society to allow for safe normal functioning of communities: the breakdown of the nuclear traditional family unit, and the widespread proliferation of illegal drugs and drug use.

Far too many kids grow up in single family homes where there is little direction, oversight, and too much free time on their own. Many kids don't even know who their father is. There may be man or many different men in the house during the week "visiting" their mother, but they don't usually know them or see them again, and those men certainly aren't contributing financially or providing moral and civic responsibility examples for the kids. So, kids grow up not knowing or understanding what really family unit is and how it should function. Not surprisingly, that behavior perpetuates itself in future generations.


The proliferation of and easy access to drugs contributes greatly to the breakdown of the family unit mentioned above. It destroys relationships, legal income earning opportunities, and destroys the physical health and the mental/psychological health of those who partake. It leaves society with social burdens rather than social contributors, social teachers, and social builders.


If we don't get back to the basic idea of personal responsibility being a building block of a safe and orderly society, we will be doomed.

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6 hours ago, dells68 said:

I always tell my students that the number one rule in my classroom is respect, not just for others and their belongings, but for themselves.  Seems that is one of the biggest places we’ve gone wrong.  There is no respect for ourselves anymore.  If people don’t value their own lives, they certainly aren’t going to have respect for others and their lives.  Altogether to easy for folks to just take what isn’t theirs, even someone else’s life.

I don't know if anyone pointed things better as that "Song"  i have heared several years ago.


Heared it several times ago and anytime i hear it, i agree! 





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It has been released that officer Steve Hinkle passed away this afternoon.  This has now been confirmed by the sherriff’s office.  Please remember both him and his family in your prayers at this time. Thank you for your service Officer Hinkle.  Rest In Peace.


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14 hours ago, dells68 said:

It has been released that officer Steve Hinkle passed away this afternoon.  This has now been confirmed by the sherriff’s office.  Please remember both him and his family in your prayers at this time. Thank you for your service Officer Hinkle.  Rest In Peace.



Such a sad story.  What was the stand off relate to?  I’m sure a death was not justifiable regardless.  🙁

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In honor of Mr. Hinkle and those first responders who have helped my family as of recent, I stopped by a State Police Officer’s house this afternoon just as he was starting his shift.  I shook his hand, reminded him that there are people who appreciate him and his brothers and sisters and thanked him fofor what they do.  He told me it’s not that bad around here, I told him Officer Hinkle probably didn’t think it was that bad either.  I offered to help keep his drive clear, but he assured me that he and his wife 3njoy th exercise.  Please know I’m not telling you all for recognition.  I’m just reminding you that a simple thank you or a smile and a nod might make someone’s day.  It’s a great time to share positive vibes in some effort to make the world a better place.  

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Kevin.  If I’m not mistaken, the whole incident started as a WellCare check.  It ended with the suspect being found dead in his home and Officer Hinkle being fatally wounded.  Sad part is that the police were simply checking up on the individual, but he must have had something he felt he needed to hide.  Sad situation for both men.

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Prayers for Officer Hinkle's family


Back in November in my hometown of La Grange, Tx, an officer serving a warrant was shot point blank in the face when the suspect opened the door. The office was wearing his riot helmet and face shield which saved his life. Unfortunately he lost one eye and ear. He is legally blind in the other eye but can see shapes. They are hopeful that his optic nerve will support an eye transplant after all the wounds heal.  He has three young children.  This is happening too much!


I too agree that "Respect of Human Life" has to be a cornerstone for society to work.  

Edited by oliver2-44
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