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Horse'n Around

Im bummed...Wahhhhhhhh

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:thumbs: Greg i wasn't demeaning the cars but down here they last a long time and it seems the people hang on them as they are pretty cheap,in price, and they actually drive them until they fall apart,:whistle: we have a car lot actually 2 of them that is full of these cars, called U=pull- it, and people go there to remove parts and fix their cars, there is 2 or 3 lanes of nothing but chevys, a lot of novas and chevells, i own a chevy 3500, and wouldn't take anything for it, been a chevy man all my life but those are considered throw away cars down here,

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here 4 the horses

linen beige,,

:thumbs: understood sry bout that i was a little confused :imstupid: ...but anyways :whistle:

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Im just messing with you :dunno: i sure wouldent mind coming down that way and buying a couple though :whistle: never had a chevelle yet :thumbs: had several impalas, biscaynes, 5- 57 chevys, and lots of others :whistle: :lol:

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linen beige

Now Jim, at least up in these parts, a solid pre-'58 T-Bird would require an armed escort service and a Brinks truck......

I know a FEW poe lease and my baby sister is a supervisor for an armored car company. Armed escorts are not a problem. So easy even my beat up F-150 has one every time I'm in it. :whistle:

I've covered several miles of back roads in the past week and saw several '70s Novas and a few Chevelles. They are still pretty common in this neck of the woods. One of the top restorers of these models is in a small town near here and has several. Bring me one dry climate '56 T-bird and I'll scrape up a couple of old Novas and a Chevelle for trade that you can take to Pa and trade for some 'Horses. :thumbs:

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here 4 the horses

im bringin 2 novas a 69 and 70..anyone intersted for trade in horses let me kno ill be there! :whistle: :thumbs:

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Horse'n Around

I was refering to the username, AZTROOPER.




Rust free, western dry climate cars are in high demand in the rust belt. It should be pretty easy to find an interested buyer.

Ive lived here all my life and I guess that there are some advantages to living here like rust free cars and parts. Years ago I was a bodyman and your right,the drive trains in cars and trucks wear out before the bodies do thats for sure.I live in the country,between Tucson and Tombstone and as you drive down the back roads there are a lot of vehicles just sitting in folks yards that havent moved in years. Not too many years ago there were a lot of nice cars with lots of potential laying about, but they are getting fewer and far between.Older trucks can still be pretty common but even they are thinning out. I dont want to make anyone cry, but I know of one individual that had a 58 chevy 2 dr that had been in his family since it was new along with a 70 Malibu and a 68 Chevy pickup and they were all just sitting in a open garage just off the road collecting dust for years.They had offers all the time but they wouldnt part with them for anything.Well the guys mom died a year or two ago and they got sold to the first person that came along. There are a few Novas and Camaros from the 60's and 70's in some yards here,as well as a few 70's Chevy pickups too but like I said folks just dont part with them , they just let em sit, it makes me sick, they would rather let them sit than part with them so someone can do something with them .The bodies and chassis remain nice but the interiors sure get baked and ruined by the sun. I used to have a nice 69 Charger R/T that was my daily driver and in my back yard I had a 70 Baracuda, 68 Road Runner and also a 68 Charger parts car but I got domesticated and sold them all in the mid 80's UGH!

I will do this tho, in my travels around here, I will make a mental note of whats around and if I see anything good I can let yall know.I would be happy to try and get a phone number for you so you can contact the owner.

linen beige, I was in LE for a short time but I had a bad crash on my motorcycle (racing motocross :lol: ) and broke all my lumbar vertibrae and herniated a couple of disks so I had to give it up (along with motocross :whistle: ). I am extremely lucky, I can still walk and all but it hurts quite a bit. Im not complaining, I am defineately blessed, I could have ended up in a chair or killed. I got off easy thats for sure, the Lord was defineately looking out for me!

So yes your right, thre are a lot of rust free cars and trucks to be had around here so I guess my glass is half full in that respect, but there still are no Wheel Horses. I cant get over it..... didnt anyone in Arizona ever buy them????? Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! So in that respect , my glass is defineately half empty :dunno:

The best of both worlds would be for me to find a few old Wheel Horses (rust free ) just sitting in a yard out here under a tree next to a bunch of Novas and Chevelles and trucks just sitting there waiting to be hauled away ..... I will take the Wheel Horses and you all can have your pick of the cars and trucks :whistle: .I guess it could happen, so I will keep looking ! Also my offer stands, I will be on the look out for any cars and trucks laying about for yall.


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AzTrooper, first :thumbs: , you've told us there aint no snow to blow, I imagine in the desert there aint much grass to mow, guess if you find a horse out there, it'll have a power broom on the front to sweep the sand off the driveway, after the desert wind stops its blow. Great thread and you found a bunch of good guys an Gals

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Hey John, :thumbs: My nephew retired out of Fort Huachuca and bought a place in Hereford. My sister retired and moved to Sierra Vista to be near the grandkids. She's always antiquing/yard saleing (?) so I'll tell here to keep an eye out for a stray 'Horse :horseplay:

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Horse'n Around

Hey John, :whistle: My nephew retired out of Fort Huachuca and bought a place in Hereford. My sister retired and moved to Sierra Vista to be near the grandkids. She's always antiquing/yard saleing (?) so I'll tell here to keep an eye out for a stray 'Horse :horseplay:

Buzz,Im just a hop skip and a jump from Sierra Vista and Hereford its really nice there.They picked a nice place to live.That is some pretty country.If you ever find yourself out this way, please let me know.

I would defineately appreciate any help finding a Horse that needs a good home. :thumbs:


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