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My wheel fell off my 1075 what'd I break?

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So I was backing up plowing tonight and all the sudden it started free wheeling and I rolled backwards into a snow bank. I can pull an entire wheel off it slides off the axle it does spin opposite of each other but there is some clicking idk if it was there or not before. I don't know if a c clip broke in the gear box or the thing in the picture let go I don't know how this comes apart.

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What model wheel horse is it

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heres the pics 



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Is it the whole axle moving out or just the hub sliding off the axle

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Is it the whole axle moving out or just the hub sliding off the axle



its a 1965 1075 hydro 


the hub is sliding off the axle. I don't think the whole axle is slidding because I can hold the passanger side tire if you will, and spin the other tire and the axle spins opposite of the tire im spinning 

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Then it should just need a new half Moon key and the set screw tightened back up

Looks like it could use a new axle seal too

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Then it should just need a new half Moon key and the set screw tightened back up

Looks like it could use a new axle seal too


I hope so, I was thnking that's a sheer bolt but I don't have the slightest clue. As soon as I am done eating here ill go back out and check it. Half moon key? like a key way? 

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If you pull the wheel and hub the rest of the way off there will be a slot towards the end of the axle for a half Moon key if urs is missing I will try to post a picture

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If you pull the wheel and hub the rest of the way off there will be a slot towards the end of the axle for a half Moon key if urs is missing I will try to post a picture


if you have a picture thatd be awesome 

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Here's a pic of my RJ trans if you look towards the end of the axle there is a groove for a key602250219a4dfd249c506a634963083a.jpgif urs is sheared off or missing that will be ur problems

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slide the wheel all the way off and this is my findings, is there two key ways? something doesn't look right inside the hub 





Edited by Coley909

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Your hub looks pretty trashed

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Your hub looks pretty trashed

thats what I was thinking

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If you have a machine shop close You could brooch a keyway ($10) in the other side of the hub and drill a new set screw hole and reuse it. Or get another hub and keyway

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I have a buddy with a machine shop

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Ed Kennell

I always add a second set screw  to all my hubs.  Drill and tap it 90 degrees from the original. The wall isn't as thick, but there is enough to get a good thread . It will help to keep the hub from moving on the axle.  Your movement is caused by all the gear oil from the leaky seal.

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I was thinking about drilling all the way threw and adding a sheer bolt

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Ed Kennell

The axle and its keyway appear to be OK. I would not recommend drilling thru the axle. I would repair the hub or look for a new one. Maybe you can clean up your hub and add the second set screw to get by till you can get a new hub. There may be a member close to you that may have a hub. Is it 1" or 1 1/8" dia.

If you must drill for a shear bolt, I would still use the key and drill the hole 90 deg from the key and near the inside end of the hub. So there is less of the hub to slide over the hole when you have to remove the hub. The hole will mushroom out and cause friction with the hub.

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Ah ok, that hub is pretty messed up that's why I thought I should get a sheer bolt

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definitely replace the hub, if you use the shear bolt and then later down the road if any thing happens you will have to replace the whole axle which is a lot more work and cost. do it right the first time and don't have to redo later , hopefully






eric j   

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Drilling through the hub and axle works, until the hole wallows out. I had this on mine and had to instal 10 new bolts on a snowy day

Edited by C-101plowerpower

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I always add a second set screw  to all my hubs.  Drill and tap it 90 degrees from the original. The wall isn't as thick, but there is enough to get a good thread . It will help to keep the hub from moving on the axle.  Your movement is caused by all the gear oil from the leaky seal.


couold you show us a pic of your double set screw on your hubs?!

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I would DEFINITELY get the hub repaired (new keyway made) with your buddy at the machine shop or buy a new one.


Do NOT drill through that axle unless you want to have a whole ton of heartache down the line when you break the axle or various other major problems. Your axle looks like its in good shape other than the bad seal.


Do yourself a favor and order a new set of seals while you are waiting for your new hub or your hub to get fixed and replace it while you are there. There is lots of good information here on replacing the seals.

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Ed Kennell

could you show us a pic of your double set screw on your hubs?!

Here ya go.


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I contacted my buddy with the machine shop he doesn't see a problem with making another key way or correcting mine.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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