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Michael Geraci

C120 Auto Transaxle Failure

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Michael Geraci

Need some quick advice...


My C120 Hydro has served me faithfully for 20 years. Aside from a few parts here and there it has been great. Well taken care of and always serviced. 


Well, I go out today and start mowing. I noticed a couple of times that the tranny seemed to be "slipping". Almost as if the tires were spinning, but weren't.  Literally, on my final pass, it started slowing down and finally stopped. No forward, no reverse. Get off and notice tranny oil pouring out of the transaxle. I first thought that the drain plug had come out, but upon further inspection, I notice a gaping hole in the case. After flipping my lid, I follow the oil trail back and found this in the grass...




Obviously something came apart inside and came outside. I guess my question is:


A. Do I attempt to find a used transaxle somewhere and try to repair a 40 year old tractor? I'm assuming that part is not from the pump.

B. Try to find a newer model. Like a 416 or something?? 

C. Bite the bullet and buy something new? We all know what a "decent" tractor costs. 


Now way Im push mowing 2 acres. 

Edited by Michael Geraci

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You can usually find what you need From Joe's Outdoor Power on E-bay or maybe another vendor here. I needed a hydro motor for my 76 C-160 4yrs ago and got it from Joe's and have since bought a parts tractor and have a complete spare hydro trans in my shop if I need it. Do you have to have a hydro? I do as I have many twists and tight spots. Maybe look for an 8 spd tractor. If you go for a newer Hydro Horse, Make sure you get one with an Eaton 1100.

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You can find a new used tranny if this tractor is near and dear, or like you said, move to a newer model Wheelhorse. The one tractor I've got that starts, runs, never a flat tire, totally trouble free machine I've got is an MTD Cub Cadet lawn tractor. Sometimes you gotta mow and I'm covered with this tractor and gives me time to tinker with the rest of the fleet. Pretty low cost solution/stop gap in my case.

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PM SENT...  I ahve complete gear box and / or parts to fix yours. 

Email me directly at:


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Michael Geraci



Nice huh??




Give me a couple days to clean mine up and disassemble. I think my best option, if I decide to repair, is for you to ship one half of the gearcase and any other parts I need. Traveling to your zip would be an adventure and would cost me more in fuel than it would for you to ship the parts. 


thanks guys. This place is great.

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Differential bolt failed got wedged between the gear and the case and broke the case.  You will need a left side case and new bolts for the differential (Grade 8 or 9)

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You probably are right....   When you get it torn down, lemme know what parts you need. It will be helpful if you can send me a pic of the part(s) wanted and I would return to you a pic(s) of replacement part(s).  In doing so, I've found it more expeditious to use regular emails. 

My direct email is:  daveoman@windstream.net


Just click that address to contact me. 


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Michael Geraci

Thanks..I'll e mail pictures when I get I apart.

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