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Lane Ranger

Early 953 Wheel Horse Hydraulic Pump

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Lane Ranger

My brother David and I were given a very early 953 Wheel Horse tractor which we are about to restore .

The original motor has been refurbished with new piston, rings.

But an intersting detail came to light on the Hydraulic Pump when taken off the tractor. This is an HY-2 pump according to the decal on the pump but the Hein-Werner original metal tag says it is a Model 4 00WH unit.

I took several photos and put a reburbished 1054 tractor pump (which was also used on later 953 models) side by side.

The early 953 pump had no plug for replacing hydraulic fluid on the canister accept for the plug you see on the outside by the bolt/rod that runs thru the canister. I think the fill plug probably had a plumbing type can on it at one time.

The hydraulic canister unit on the 953 is longer-by about one inch.

The original panel on the pump refill tube side had a "bump out" rounded indentation that stuck on the outside of the panel to cover the longer hydraulic unit.

Also the handle for operating the unit was a steel rod threaded into the unit on the right side of the pump much like the 701 Wheel Horse hydrulic units had.

I have not opened the early 953 hydraulic pump yet but I suppose it to be similar to the early 1054 ones with the double looped spring inside.

I thougth I would post several of the photos I took to offer some details to Red Square members.






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