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Hi guys-Long time no "see". I just had to show you the latest events in our household these Holidays. You probably know I am a Foster parent. Things being as tight as I can remember financially, this picture is a Miracle. We all worked, scrimped and saved and got it done. This is my oldest Grandson-Trevor- he is beaming with pride! He just got his High School Class ring!

In view of the trauma this young man has gone thru in his life-it's a wonder he has come this far. I am proud of him-he has good grades and good conduct-and he loves to drive my C-125A!

"What a guy!"


Thanks for looking-Merry Christmas from us all-Al

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He looks like a happy young man Al. Tell him to keep up the good grades and make Grandpa proud. As if you could be any more proud of him. :)

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Congratulations to you both for all your hard work.

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Great you were able to help him get that. I remember back in high school my older brother had his and while working on his car he took it off and put in down on the air cleaner of his 69 nova. He then closed the hood and took it for a ride. By the time he rembered it was on the air cleaner it was too late. Close to 10 years later a guy stopped by the house and asked if the ring was his? He lived about 2 miles away and found it on his front lawn while mowing his grass. Funny how things happen.

Make sure he keeps it on his finger and oh yeah.... don't let him let his girlfriend wear it either !!!

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Al, that is terrific. Those days and times are never easy...and they are also the ones you never forget. Congratulations to you both. :greetings-clappingyellow:

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