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RJ Short Throw Shifter

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So I was messin' around with my RJ this weekend, showing it off to my brother, and one thing that really hit me as rather dumb, is the length and placement of the shifter. I like the center location, but due to the length and throw, when in gear, the shifter knob is pressing on the inside of my leg.

So my idea was to fabricate a second shifter, with a shorter top section (part outside of the trans) and the same bottom section, so that the shifter isn't banging into my leg when I shift.

Am I the only one with this problem? If not, how do you guys deal with it?

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I've got a short throw on my RAT, you need to add a little extra force in order to get it into gear compared to an original length shifter....... IMO I never really noticed and issue on my originals.

I've got extra shifters if you want to cut and weld like I did.

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I've got a short throw on my RAT, you need to add a little extra force in order to get it into gear compared to an original length shifter....... IMO I never really noticed and issue on my originals.

I've got extra shifters if you want to cut and weld like I did.

would you by any chance have a pic of the modified shifter?

Considering how old these tractors are (and how sought after), was the reason I was going to try to fab one from scratch. If the shifter's are a dime-a-dozen so-to-speak, then I may be interested in one of your spares.


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Here's a vid of the RAT which you can see the short shifter.


BTW my brother said you might be looking for a K91 for that RJ, I've got a couple which I will be lloking to sell. Let me know if you are interested. You can PM your email addy or phone number.

Here's the shifter in action.


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