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518-H Hydro Oil Weight?

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Hello. I have a 518-H with an Eaton 700 transmissions that's about 2 years old (Not many hours on it).

The other day I was mowing, it blew out all it's oil and started making funny noises. Let it drain for an hour, re-filled, had all it's power back, blew out again. 3 times this happened.

Today I changed the belt and it didn't seem to do it. But it did lose power after getting hot. (It's to hot to touch, is this normal for a hydro pump?).

I've been putting in 10W-30 but have been hearing it's better to use 15W-20 and I was thinking about going synthetic. It's going to be cold soon. It seems that 30W just doesn't work well when it gets to warm.

I've tried looking for bulletins etc, but can't seem to find much. What Weight do you use in your hydro? Thanks! BRad

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The manual I have (1986) calls for 3/4 quart of "SAE 20" in the Eaton 700.

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