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42" RD Deck and 42" SD Values

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I recently bought two 42" rear discharge decks, one is a recycler, and the other is a a rear discharge with baffles going straight back. Both are in excellent shape. The recycler is a 1991 and the regular RD is a 1978. How much are these worth? The recycler is great, just sharpened the blades and it mulches nicely. The Regular RD needs new blades and a spindle belt. I also have a 2000 42" SD deck which is immaculate, the blades are sharp. How much is that worth also? I need to sell some things in order to buy other things I need. If someone is interested in a deck because I think I'm going to sell one RD and the SD or both RD. I can get pictures of the bottoms of the decks.

1991 42" RD Recycler deck



1978ish 42" RD Baffle


2000 42" SD (Its on my 416H)




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bump? Can anyone help me with this lol

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I'm sure you have heard before that a tractor or implement is worth what someone is willing to pay for it, or what you are willing to accept for it. Location, condition even time of year are factors.

You recently bought those two decks so you probably have had some idea of their value. You must think they are worth more than you paid for them right?

I would say look on Ebay, CL and search through past classifieds here and see what others have been willing to pay or sell similar decks for. Pay attention to what ones sold and how fast.

People ask high prices on Ebay sometimes but that doesn't mean people are buying them for that price. For example there is a used deck on Ebay now with a "Buy it now" of $900. The only decks with bids on them are at less than $200 and end in a day or so. Add those to your watch list and see what they sell for.

Good luck

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can whlvr

i would say pipes is correct on his thinkings of value,sometimes you are at the right place at the right time and a great deal can be had,ive picked up decks for 50 bucks and paid 100 for decks,yours look tot be in good shape,depends on how many are in your area,how bad you need the cash at the time is another factor,how bad the buyer wants it,id say those decks look to be worth between 150 and 250 each in my area,ive seen a few latly for 350 nice shape but hasnt sold,so its priced too high i would assume,but area has much too do with also,and theres guys out there who dont have acess to info like on red square so 350 for a good deck is a good price if you NEED it and its cheaper than a new one

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I assume you bought both decks because you got a good deal. If you want to sell one, put it in the RS classifieds at a fair price (that you'd be satisfied with) and see what happens. If it doesn't sell here, list it on ebay and see what happens. I've seen 42" and 48" decks go for $50 to $400. Like was said previously, depends on where, when and how badly someone wants one at the time.

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