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Farm ette Tractor

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Here's a photo of a little FARM ETTE tractor I picked up several weeks ago.

I believe it is a 1961 Model 450.

It has a Lauson H55D engine which is correct for this model.

The YAHOO site for "Farm ette tractors" is 3-4 years old, and has only 2 members other than myself.

Would be interested in hearing from anyone who knows about, or who has information about this tractor.

Information which I have found states that the tractor was painted with IH Red, with white engine and rims.

The metal "lid" on the hood fits a hole, cut by a previous owner. I assume this was to get easier access to the oil dip stick, without having to remove the hood every time the oil was checked.

The hole is a perfect circle, and I'm pretty certain that I will NOT try to repair it.

Might try to find a better "lid"...

Any comments on that?????


This is the first and only NON-WHEEL HORSE tractor that I have ever owned...since I started collecting in 1959! It actually doesn't look too bad surrounded by my 40 + Wheel Horses.


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I can't help you with info, but it is kinda cool looking, it looks to have the up draft carb like the early WH's did.

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Tractor looks to be in good shape!!

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Any comments on that?????

pretty interesting lil tractor :banghead:

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Great looking tractor.It looks like the feminine version of a Wheel Horse with all of the nice smooth "curves". Perhaps it shoule be named the Wheel :banghead: Horsette

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That looks a lot like a Lambert tractor that I was looking to buy. Pretty cool looking tractors...hey, I sure could use that H55 Lauson :banghead:

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Looks very close to a Lambert.

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Farmette was bought by the Lambert company and then turn into the Hunter company I believe. May have bee in a different order but they were all involved some how.


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