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No reverse on 95 314h

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I was recently given a wheelhorse/toro 314H from 1995. It has worked well until recently when i started experiencing issues with reverse. It usually works fine when the tractor is cold, but after about 10 minutes of use reverse either stops working or goes very slow. I changed the transaxle fluid, but that didnt help (it needed to be done anyway). I have also noticed that when i use the brake pedal it tries to move forward and sounds like it is straining to move. I no longer use the pedal until the engine is off. From what i understand that is just a minor adjustment, but wasnt sure if it was contributing to my other issue. If anyone has any ideas on what my problem may be i would appreciate the info.



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thanks a lot for the link. I wont have time to get to the tractor until this weekend, but if this info wont help me fix it i've probably got no business working on it in the first place

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so i changed the fluid as i had mentioned in my first post. all winter i used the mower with the 42" snowthrower i have without problem. after it seemed we werent going to get more snow i put the tractor back in my shed. went out today and there is oil pouring out of the transaxle dipstick tube and onto the floor of my shed. I have heard of fluid expanding, but going from the middle of where it needed to be on the dipstick to overflowing seems a little odd. anyone have any ideas? :thumbs:

i also found out that it is a 96, not a 95

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