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I have a problem with left side drive axle working it's way out about an inch, when this happens it will not have any gears at all, can anybody tell what is causing this and how hard is it to fix. I also have been told if you open up the trans some times parts may fall out of place, is this true? I can push it back in and goes again. This is on a 310-8. Thanks for any help, Wheely

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Sounds like the C-clip has come off the axel retainer inside the transaxel. It isn't really a big deal to open the case and check it. I may be wrong and someone will clear it yup for you but I can't think of anything else it could be.

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Lane Ranger

wheely: I think Jerry nailed it for you! Sounds like a clip is loose in the inside of the transmission case - the one that holds the axle in place.


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Yup sounds like the clip. There are some good posts with pictures in the trans section on here, Need to open her up before it tears something up. :omg:

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I talked to my local W/H dealer about this many years ago. He said it was not un-common for the retaining ring groove on the end of the axle to break out or crumble from age. He also said that he has cross drilled the end of a few axles and used roll pins instead of E-clips to hold it in place. I didn't like the idea and bought a parts tractor to get the rear end out of it. That's just the worst case possible. I hope the clip just came off and your repair is easy. I keep a few rear ends around, in case I need one.

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Spare parts always pay off! :omg: Rick

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can whlvr

its not real hard to take the tranny off and split it,u will need to order a new gasket as well as a c clip if that is the problem,which is most likely,its a good time to check the bearings and general condition of gears,just take your time and its a good idea to take lots of pics just incase.

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Piece of cake to fix...as long as the hubs and hitch pin come off easily. Even if you have to drill the axle for a drift pin. The early 3 speed uni's have the drift pin in them. And no...parts will not fall out when you split the case. Manuals and pictures are available...and help is only a post away. :omg:

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Are you sure it's the whole axle sliding out or just the hub moving on the axle? just checking :omg:

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