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Daddy Don

Seal Removal Help

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Daddy Don

OK, the hub is now off thanks to a saws all...

We need some guidance, how do we remove the wheel seals with the axles in place?

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Lane Ranger

Don: Here is a link to a good deal of oil seal removal and installation information!

Nana and/or any good auto store sells a cheap oil seal pick to remove one. You can use an old ice pick -just bend a little hook in the end of it to get under the old oil seal and remove it. Usually they are so worn if they are leaking that they come right out with no trouble.

The replacing part is also a little tricky as you want that seal to go in the shaft around the axle without damaging the metal portion of the seal. The two links below should help you.

If you don't have the answers you need just ask again on Red Square. A lot os us have done this job already on our old Wheel Horses!



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You should be able to dig out the old seal with a sharp pointy tool,

like a scriber or ice pick.

Tom in RI

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Sears sells a seal pick - great to have in the tool box

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I have a old screwdriver that is custom made, with a point and hook on the end, I normaly punch a hole in the metal part hook it and pull them out, I use the boxed end of a end wrench to tap on when installing them, a piece of pipe the right size will work too. oh ya make sure you polish the shaft,(may have to file around the key slot) and grease it before putting the new seal in, so you don't mess it up.

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A trick that I used to install the seal over the shaft was to wrap a piece of tape around the shaft so that it covers the keyway and then apply some oil over the tape before you slide the seal over it. This worked really well on my transaxle.

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Hi , jumping in here, where can I get new axel seals for a R J 58/59 ??? thanks mike

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Seal removal, as per "oldest trick in the book" -

Drill 1/8" hole in the seal perimeter lip (steel part), insert small sheetmetal screw tight. Using either a small forked prybar you can easily pry it out. Some require a screw on each side. Also, have used a pair of dikes on the screw head and a solid hit from a hammer works good....


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Daddy Don

Hi , jumping in here, where can I get new axel seals for a R J 58/59 ??? thanks mike

I got mine from Toro for the c111 you might check with them and see if they have them.

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Lane Ranger

Best way to find the seals you need to repair or maintain your wheel horse:

1) Check you manual for the original Seal number.

2) Go to the SKF/Chicago Rawhide website and place the origianl Wheel Horse seal number in the site.

Here is the link:


3) After you get the New SKF number you can take that to several auto stores for a seal. I use NAPA and they can get in two days. The seals are a lot cheaper (and just as good of quality) as Toro will sell you).


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may have a set of seals for a RJ just give me a part number,Rick

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thanks Rick , I will try to find a # on the old seals when I pull them, I don't have a manual, also while we are at it the keys on the rear hubs are worn, they fit sung in the hubs and are loose on the axel shafts, what should I do to fix, thanks for any help, mike P S also thanks to Lane Ranger and daddy don. I will try that also. mike

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rick part number fore rj58 59 is1232 :thumbs: dadstractor1 :notworthy:

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Wheel seals are available at NAPA-

1" is PN CR9815

1-1/8" is PN CR 11050

Thanks to a previous post by a good soul

whose name I don't recall.

Tom in RI :notworthy:

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Wheel seals are available at NAPA-

1" is PN CR9815

1-1/8" is PN CR 11050

Thanks to a previous post by a good soul

whose name I don't recall.

Tom in RI :notworthy:

I did not find the seal by that part number, but I did find a seal under this part number. It is a NAPA oil seal Part #NOS 11050. Is that the one I need for my 1 1/8 tranny? NAPA says that is a Pitman Arm shaft seal if that helps. I am sure it is the same oil seal but just want to make sure before I order.

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From my understanding the CR/SKF seals for the axel won't fit properly for the RJ tranny. The input and brake shaft seals are a common seal and can be bought fairly cheap. I know MikesRJ and Fireman ended up with Toro seals for the axels after searching for replacements. You could do a search here and find the threads that they posted about it.

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Oklahoma Steven-

I installed the NAPA 1-1/8" Part No. CR 11050 in my C-81. No worries.

Cost less than $6.00.

Tom in RI

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This thread is getting confusing...

The RJ seal is a different kettle of fish than the common seals found in most of the other transaxles.

Most of the posts in this thread are talking about the common seals for the 1 and 1 1/8 axles. These are available from Napa and bearing houses.

The other half of the posts in this thread are talking about RJ seals, which I understand as being different. There was a thread not long ago about RJ/Suburban seals. A search will uncover it.

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I ordered the NAPA seals. i may try to run by there and pick them up in the morning and compare them to Dads TORO seals.

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Dad brought over his Toro part number 110509 wheel seals. I compared them to the NAPA NOS11050 seal and they are the same dimension. The NAPA seal actually looks better than the TORO seal. The TORO seal looks like cheap plastic casing and the NAPA seal is a metal casing.

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Daddy Don in Okla.

Just wondering about your hub problem. Might you have freed up the hub on

the axle by pounding the hub inboard before attempting to pull it off? Or did you?

Also, the Woodruff key installation is important after all is said and done. The key

supposedly is a USA standard #812, but in ordering one last week it was found

to be too large in height above the axle slot. After grinding down, the proper total

height is a bit more than 0.5 in. Grind and try to find just the right height so as to

avoid problems later. You should be able to drive the hub over the key onto the

axle with only a little persuasion.

Hope this helps, Tom in RI

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That hub would not budge either direction. We applied heat, oil, wax. Everything in the book. It did not move a fraction. Even our 12 ton puller would not budge it.

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Guess you gave it everything.

Tom :notworthy:

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Daddy Don

Replaced the seals today. It was easy. I drilled a small hole on each side and then took the pick and pulled them right out. Used an old hub to drive the new ones back in. Make sure they are all the way in. I cleaned the shaft with WD-40 and 100 grit paper. It worked great.

Thanks for everyones help. :notworthy:

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