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Part swap

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After reading quite a bit on this board I decided to put a smaller pulley on my single stage snow blower to spin it faster & throw the snow better. I dropped the diameter of the blower pulley by one inch. It worked better than I imagined.

This left me with a five inch pulley, now the drive pulley on the tractor had been worn out for some time, the keyway was opened up so it would not tighten down and had way to much play in it. More than likely from all the plowing it had been thru in the past.

I put the five inch pulley on the drive of the tractor replacing the worn out four inch. Now this will slow the speed of the tractor, This worked out well as I like to cut the grass at low speed especially when mulching leafs, the lower speed works the area longer so the stuff gets ground up better.

This also makes second gear more useable as it's not as fast, also I noticed that when going up or down grades the motor stays at a more even R.P.M. The lower speed increases the torque.

The only modification needed to make this swap was to make some clearance on the belt guard, and add an inch to the belt. :scratchead:

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sounds good....with my rough yard second gear high range can be a little fast .

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:scratchead: What a differance an inch makes :hide:

Well here is an update on the pulley swap project. I put a larger drive sheave on the trans. went from 4 inch to a 5 inch. But the stock belt on the 856 (71 inch) was to tight and was unable to clutch it to get into gear without grinding. So I got the next size up a 72 inch belt. No big deal.......Wrong, as soon as I got the belt guard on and was going to try it out I found that the clutch peddle was frozen up. The belt guard had set down on the idler pulley and locked it in place. O.K. so I got some 3/8 nuts and my J.B. Weld, used the nuts as spacers on the top two bolts of the belt guard giving an extra 5/16 clearance, glued them down with the epoxy so I won't have to mess with them the next time I take off the guard, and the idler was free. Off for a test spin with my new belt, got from the front yard to the back yard and it thru the belt, with the extra belt length the clutch had too much throw and would jump the motor pulley. After a little tweaking I shortened the throw of the clutch and readjusted the break, also needed to cut down the parking break locking bar about 3/4 of an inch. It's all better now and the 2ed gear speed is now about what 1st used to be and 1st is now much slower about a slow walking speed what is what I was looking for. :ychain:

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thanks for info !

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Going to try that on one!,Rick

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I did the opposite to mine. When I swapped to the 8-speed, needed a smaller pulley, the 5" wouldn't fit under the belt guard, and, well wanted to speed it up anyways. Went to Tractor Supply and got a 2 1/2" and a 3" and a 1" shorter belt. Sped it up some, but not enough... :D

When I bought the C-81 for parts, noticed it had a 4" pulley on the motor and was 1" shaft. Put that on with the 2 1/2" and the stock belt, NOW it hauls a$$!!!!! :thumbs: I'm surprised the tired Tucky 6 horse can push it along, but doesn't do too bad.

Put some 18" ags on it, need to get some pics of it.....hyjack over.....

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Just an up-date, the slower speed has work out even better with the snow blower, in heavy snow 1st is great and in lighter stuff to keep up the feed I can use 2ed gear with excellent results! :ychain:

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sound pretty cool oh and :D:hide: of the :ychain: :D

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