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no start help

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Hey guys, 

So we got hit with some snow yesterday and this morning I went out and fired up the old 416H to blow the drive. It fired up normally but when I turned the lights on the engine surged for a second like it had a load on it, came back to life and then a few seconds later tractor just shut off. Now there is no electrical power at all. No dumb lights on the dash, no crank nothing. I check for power to the start at the battery cable (good). Check the ground from battery to frame, good. I even has 12 volts at the resistor that has 3 wires coming out/in to it at the top of the engine, all three wires has power. Any idea on where I should go next? I should say that until today I haven't used the headlights in years. Thanks. 

Edited by leepster
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Did you check your fuses?

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953 nut


The likelihood is that a wire terminal or fuse holder is corroded and needs to be cleaned. Most of the wiring lives near the battery and over time the acid fumes from the battery being charged will take a toll on wiring connections. I have attached a wiring guide link that may be helpful.



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I have this same issue on a 416-8.  I have changed battery, fuse block and fuses, start relay, bypassed all safeties to make sure they are bad, new key switch, and solenoid.  I shoved it outside and quit working on it til my mind quits hurting.  LOL

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Check your 9-pin connector.

Edited by rmaynard
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So just an update. I started checking connections and what not. The previous owner had installed a small car battery in the tractor that actually pushes on the fuse block and covers the fuse block. It actually loosened the fuses n the holder over time. I pulled all the fuses and speed the terminals out and it started right up and runs fine. I put a thin piece of wood under the battery so it won't hit the fuses for now, until I get the correct battery and can fix it correctly. thanks for the advice. 

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