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Traveller28, in Restorations, Modifications, & Customizations
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By MainelyWheelhorse
Hi All, I’m a member of the RedSquare Facebook group, some of you may have seen My tractor there. I have a 1992 312-8 with a 37 inch deck. It came with a house my brother bought, and was given to me. It needed work but just minor things. I mow my lawn with it, and I just bought a plow to push snow/dirt so it’s a working restoration. It was relatively well taken care of by the previous owners so it really just needed a refresh. Anyway see you around the site!
By wh315-8
The RJ58 was the big hit for spectators this year at my local festivals here in Carroll County OH.
the children loved getting their pictures sitting on it, then they discovered the bicycle horn under the steering wheel. It’s always a joy even in parades. Just love showing off part of my collection every year and hearing all the stories from those that had WH in their lives at one time. Can hardly wait to get to retirement so I can get some of my other models back to their glory in working order and be able to attend other shows/festivals throughout the year. My fellow tractor enthusiasts always know when a spectacular starts asking about WH, they point in my direction. I study up on the history of the different models and always intrigue those that didn’t know much about how WH came to be. This website is one place that has helped me learn so much about the WH history and I thank you for sharing your knowledge that I am able to pass on to keep WH alive and well.
By Thatoneguy
I finally decided to restore my grandpa's 1974 C-120 with the original HH120 motor on it.
It will be a big project and i look forward to getting it completed for everyone to see!
I would like to hear anyone's criticism or advice as i have never done a project this big especially engine work on this level!
Happy 4th to everyone out there!
BTW he (my grandpa) is waving at everyone in the picture!
By Redneckdavis
This is going to be a slow project probably but I figured I'd start a build thread. I bought a pulling horse and it came with this c-81 for extra parts. Also a kid's puller for my little girl.
Homely looking thing missing front tires, and engine. Steering was rusted seized along with pedals and linkages. Extra hood(I don't know what it fits) and back fenders came from the grass next to where it had began to rot into guys yard. Who knows what else its missing but rear end oil is clean and it rolls.
This is the wife's tractor. She originally wanted any tractor I could modify and turn into a mini Ford 8N. She has since fell in love with the horse and wants it built as is.
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1964 Wheel Horse sales brochure
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