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shift control spring 99-8028

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I just finished restoring (not cosmetically but mechanically) a 314-8. There is a spring that keeps the shift lever back to make the neutral switch on so the tractor starts ( have all the safety contacts working except the reverse mowing, that's always on now.) What I did was run a spring from the transmission housing bolt to the shift lever, it works but I'd like to find the original spring or even a sized drawing or broken spring that I can duplicate.


Thanks for the time and help,


Edited by Robaroni

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953 nut

Are you speaking of the detent (part # 3) for the motion controller? If so you would be best off contacting Lincoln at A-Z to see if he has a good used one. https://www.a-ztractor.com/.  K&B might have a NOS one.  @76c12091520h, send him a PM.


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