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Motion control linkage play

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I have a 520H and the linkage between the motion control lever and the hydro has some play in it, as in I can move the motion control lever a bit without any actual change in speed. The linkage seems to pivot excessively here, probably about 15-20 degrees. Is this normal? Everything is pretty snug and looks right based on this parts diagram except I seem to have an extra nut between 57 and 10. Doesn't seem like that would cause this issue though? 



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#65 could be broken, #57 looks bent.

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#65 is good. yeah #57 has a little bend to it, but its not flexing. The bolt is pivoting on it.


Maybe this is normal? idk. I had a 416 with the same kinda setup and I don't recall it acting like this but its been a while...

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Take that bolt out, straighten #57, replace the bolt if it is worn and tighten it properly.  Apparently someone decided to screw up this stuff.

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FWIW, mine requires "snugging" the nuts in the center pivot every couple months. New nylocks, no difference. It works loose all the time. 


I've been thinking of machining a solid part to replace all those locknuts. Maybe add some better heim joints as well. 


The fact that your "pivot" arm is bent tells me that maybe you have too much friction set on the cam on the transmission. Or you're constantly applying pressure to the MCL to keep speed up. 

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If you need parts, check with @Bow_Extreme.  He’s fairly local to ya!

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UPDATE: went to go dissect and try and straighten things up and it became clear real quick that he issue is there is a 1/4" bolt and it looks like it should be 5/16". nothing a quick trip to the hardware store won't fix. :handgestures-thumbupright:

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