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Harrow Disc 32in 1961-67 DP-861 OM IPL SN.pdf

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Harrow Disc 32in 1961 model DP-861


Harrow Disc 32in 1962 model DP-861
1962 serial numbers that have shown up for the DP-861


Harrow Disc 32in 1963 model DP-861
1963 serial numbers that have shown up for the DP-861


Harrow Disc 32in 1964 model DP-861

1964 serial numbers that have shown up for the DP-861

A-75719 - Model year a guess


028749 - Model year a guess


Harrow Disc 32in 1965 model DP-861


Harrow Disc 32in 1966 model DP-861


Harrow Disc 32in 1967 model DP-861

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