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Relay Low oil 116397 List.jpg 1.0.0

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116397 relay used 1989-1998 and replaces 116379 and 48-4700

116379 relay used 1992-1993 

48-4700 relay used 1994-1998


116397 relay used on 1990 300-Series for the low oil starter circuit and 1990 200-Series and 500-Series as a starter relay.


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82-12o502* - Correct and tractor series

82 -12o502 - Not correct

82-12o502 - Suspicious and not checked or determined yet


116397 Low oil relay used on

1989 model Y1 -16OE01


1990 models 31-10K801*300, 31-12K801*300, 31-12KE01*300, 31 -16O802, 32 -10B501, 32 -10BE01, 32 -12O501, 32 -12OE01, 32 -16BE01, 41 -16OE01, 41 -20O801, 41 -20OE01, R1-12K802, R1 -16O802, R1 -18OE02, Y1 -12OE01, Y1 -16OE02, Z1 -24OE03


1991 models 22-14O501, 22-14OE01, 31-10K802, 31-12K802, 31-16O803, 32-10B502, 32-10BE02, 32-1205A1, 32-12OEA1, 32-12O502, 32-12OE02, 41-20OE02, 51-12KE01, 51-16OE01, R2-12O501, R2-12OE01, S2-12B502, Y1-12OE02, Y1-16OE03, Y1-20OE02, Z1-27OE04


1992 models 22-14O502, 22-14OE02, 31-10K803, 31-10K804, 31-16O804, 32-10B503, 32-10BE03, 32-12O503, 32-10OE03, 41-20OE03, 42-16BE01, 51-12KE02, 51-16OE02, R1-12K804, R1-16O804, R1-20OE02*, R2-12O502, R2-12OE02, R2-16BE01, Y1-16OE04, Y1-16OEE4, Y1-20OE03, Z1-24OE05


1993 models 70040, 70042, 70060, 70080, 70120, 70140, 71140, 71180, 71181, 71200, 71202, 71203, 72040, 72041, 72060, 72081, 72101, 73320, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440, 73501, 73520*, 74021, 74041, 74101, 74140


1994 models 71182, 71184, 71191, 71200, 71202, 71213, 72042, 72043, 72062, 72063, 72083, 72103, 73362, 73380, 73400, 73401, 73420, 73421, 73440, 73501, 73520, 74021, 74041, 74101, 74120


1995 models 71182, 71184 x 2, 71191 x 2, 71192, 71200, x 2, 71202, 71205, 71213 x 2, 71216, 72042 x 2, 72043 x 2, 72062 x 2, 72063 x 2, 72084, 72103 x 2, 73362, 73400, 73401 x 2, 73420 x 3, 73421 x 2, 73440 x 2, 73501 x 4, 73520 x 2, 74021, 74101, 74120


1996 models 70060, 70081, 70131, 70142, 70183, 71182, 71184, 71185, 71188, 71191, 71192, 71193, 71196, 71201, 71205, 71217, 71218, 72042, 72043, 72045, 72046, 72062, 72064, 72084, 72085, 72102, 72104, 72110, 73362, 73363, 73400, 73401, 73402, 73403, 73420, 73421, 73422, 73423, 73441, 73501, 73502, 73521


1997 models 70060, 70081, 70131, 70142, 70183, 71185, 71188, 71189, 71190, 71193, 71196, 71201, 71205, 71208, 71215, 71217, 71218, 71219, 72045, 72046, 72064, 72085, 72102, 72104, 72110, 73363, 73402, 73403, 73422, 73423, 73441, 73502, 73521


1998 models 70041, 70060, 70082, 70084, 71185, 71188, 71189, 71190, 71196, 71201, 71208, 71215, 71218, 71219, 72045, 72045, 72046 x 2, 72064 x 2, 72085 x 2, 72102 x 2, 72104 x 2, 72110 x 2, 73428 x 2, 73448 x 2


116379 Relay used on

1992 model R1-20OE02 (Original parts list shows 116397 so a typo was made somewhere)

1993 model 73520 (Original parts list shows 116397 so a typo was made somewhere)


48-4700 Relay used on

1994 models 70040, 70060, 70100, 70141, 74140


1995 models 70040, 70060, 70141, 70142, 74140


1996 model 70040


1997 model 70040 x 2


1998 model 70040

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