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  • Hydraulic valve assembly woodruff #22 keys

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    I need two woodruff keys #22 1/4 x 1 3/8 for an axle shaft. Also a hydraulic valve assembly with lever for a 1973 C-160. Lift valve I need is item in white in photo. Mine is in second photo.



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    2 hours ago, ebinmaine said:

    Your lift valve is not rebuildable? 

    It probably is but the tractor was rigged numerous places including the lift valve. The handle on the valve is also not the correct one. The valve stays in the in position(pulling on the lever) and only pulls out(pushing on the lever). I can detect a very slight movement in while pulling the lever. Seems like 1/16 inch. I'm assuming it should be more. I can detect it moving a considerable distance out while pushing the lever. Seems like close to an inch, maybe more. Just assuming it's messed up. I never had an implement on it to test it.

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    Handy Don

    Posted (edited)

    FWIW, I’d strongly suspect that the hacked lever thing is the issue. You might try disconnecting the lever and rigging up a way to manually push/pull the valve spool (the shaft sticking out). It does take some significant force to do this and the spool should move about 1/2” in each direction from the “rest” position.

    I also agree with @ebinmaine that unless there is internal damage, those valves are pretty easily rebuilt with a new set of O-rings, springs, and a snap ring. I believe WH parts and more has kits.


    Edited by Handy Don
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    On 7/19/2023 at 9:26 PM, cafoose said:

    It probably is but the tractor was rigged numerous places including the lift valve. The handle on the valve is also not the correct one. The valve stays in the in position(pulling on the lever) and only pulls out(pushing on the lever). I can detect a very slight movement in while pulling the lever. Seems like 1/16 inch. I'm assuming it should be more. I can detect it moving a considerable distance out while pushing the lever. Seems like close to an inch, maybe more. Just assuming it's messed up. I never had an implement on it to test it.

    I think you would find the solution to the lever travel issue might be fairly simple. Remove the "cap" (I don't know the proper term) from the end of the valve (two flathead screws) and work the lever. I would bet it will move. Just something to consider...

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