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Cole J.

Gears that are blue

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Cole J.

While I still wait for my axial to be fixed:wacko: I was wondering if it is necessary to replace a gear that was being jammed and heated up to the point of turning blue. I figure it is but I'm not sure were I could find one even if I did need to replace it. It is the gear that fits the end of the axial, I can get pics if they are needed. The tractor is a '72 Charger 10. Thanks for the help. :)

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Once the gear turns blue it probably isn't as hard as it was supposed to be.It may be  more likely to wear faster.With that said it should be fine since the base metal should be close to the same strength.I personally would not worry about it.JMHO,JAinVA

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Some pics might be in order here Cole for a complete diagnosis as well as some more cause as to why it jammed up....jeepers  cats...:text-imsorry:...I sound like a doctor!:)

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If you decide that you want to try to replace it...and I think you are talking about an axle gear...send a PM to @racinfool40 (Mike).  He has an assortment of transmission parts that he sells on here.  :)  Without pictures, it is not possible to recommend keeping or replacing the gear.  Maybe give us a picture of both gears.

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