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From the #492-4207 Electrical Service Manual

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108437 (1980-1982) four-terminal external ground heavy duty solenoid.

Used on

1980-1983 model A-81 (E)

1980-1983 model A-111

1982 model RR-832


8658 (1969-1983) replaced by 108544 (1980-1986) three-terminal with case ground heavy duty solenoid

Used on

1969 GT-14 model 1-7441

1980-1982 B-Series

1978-1983 C-Series

1982 LT-Series

1982 GT-Series

Common replacement - 1975 and later Ford car and truck solenoids didn't have the "I" terminal.

                                     - 1958 to 1974 Ford solenoids are four-terminal.


109605 (1982-1987) replaced by 110979 three-terminal with case ground light duty solenoid

Used on

1983 A-Series

1983 B-Series

1983 LT-Series

1983 GT-Series


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