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312-8 transaxle noise

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Last weekend my Trans started growling. It makes the most noise when you first start moving or I would explain it as the when you loose the slack from kind of coasting. We had it out the weekend before with no trouble. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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You can do a few things to narrow it down first.  Did you check the oil and how does it look??  Milky if there is water, gritty if something is falling apart.  Take off your belt guard and check the belt and the bearings in the pulleys.  While you have the belt off, put the rear end on blocks...with the trans in neutral...turn either one of the tires (the other tire should go in the opposite direction)...any grinding or weird noises??  At this point, I would remove the tires...horse rear end is still on blocks.  Start it up and put it in gear...grab one of the hubs to stop it from turning...the other one will continue to turn...what do you hear?  Now hold the other hub and do the same.  Now, use a long screwdriver, put the handle by your ear and carefully touch different places where the bearings are with the blade end...like a stethoscope.  You can actually listen to each bearing and get an idea.


Let us know what you find out and we go from there.  :)

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The oil was a little milky but nothing horrible. With the wheels off the ground and running there's is no noise. I replaced on pulley that I was hoping was the culprit. No grinding and no debris in the case. From what I've found so far only with a load on it does it make a sound. 

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It sure is sounding like a bearing.  With the horse on jacks, can you move any of the shafts...looking for play side to side.  You may have to remove tires, brake drum and input pulley to check these.  You will get some in and out...that is normal, but up and down and side to side is what you are looking for.  Keep in mind that this just happened...it may not be bad enough to show those signs yet.  The idea here is to try everything 1st...and then go in if needed.  :)

   The one thing to think about...if you do have an issue in the trans and you keep using it...you could do more damage and the cost to fix it goes up.  It is all fixable, but if you just need a bearing and you are not looking to replace chipped gears...well, I think you see my point. 

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