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520-H Assembly Valve Leaks?

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Had a big hydro fluid leak on my 520H under about where the Assembly Valve is located. After losing all the hydro fluid, I took off the two rubber hoses to the Assembly Valve but did not notice anything obvious. Does the Assembly Valve ever leak?





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953 nut
12 hours ago, muz123 said:

Does the Assembly Valve ever leak?

Not too sure what you are referring to as an Assembly Valve, but if it is hydraulic it can leak! All valve assemblies have "O" rings to contain the pressurized fluid while allowing movement. The only way to know where the leak is would be to put the hoses back in place, thoroughly clean everything, fill the system and run it until you see the leak.


12 hours ago, muz123 said:

did not notice anything obvious

If one of the hoses has a leak it could be a pinhole and pass a tremendous amount of fluid under pressure.

Good luck and let us know how you do.

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