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agri fan mow n vac adapter

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I have a c160. Just bought a used agri fan lawn vac and have purchased the universal adapter and now need to cut it to fit my 42" deck.  But first I have a couple of questions.  It seems that the back of the adapter is going to be awfully close to the deck wheels and secondly because the deck opening slants back toward the blades on the bottom I'm not sure I can get a good tight opening.  Any suggestions?

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If you are talking about the plastic adapter that agrifab sells good luck.I got one with a used lawn vac and while it works you can't get a good fit .You can add some metal
to help seal it but the biggest problem is that once you cut an opening in the plastic chute it deforms top and bottom.I found a metal chute supposedly made by Wheel horse
used on Ebay.It works much better than the plastic junk and you can weld on whatever bits you need to seal it to the deck.I know that the plastic is cheaper but I don't think you will be happy with it.JMHO,Luck JAinVA

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