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Fun Engineer

Green house or hoop house.

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Fun Engineer

Anyone in the northern states use a greenhouse or hoop house to extend their vegetable gardening season?

We can't plant until early to mid June and our tomatoes and squash don't seem to have enough time to ripen naturally.

Sent from my tractor seat.

Edited by Fun Engineer

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953 nut

My dad tried the in the garden hoop house a few times in the Syracuse NY area. Had a good result a couple of times and got frost bitten many more times. One thing we tried once was to water heavily the night before a forecast-ed hard frost, it seemed to help reduce the loss. If you are starting from seed and have about three times the plants it will take to plant your garden then give it a try, the most you could loose is a little labor and if you have a mild spring you will be harvesting long before anyone on your block. 

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I have "tented" some plants late in the season. I just take 11/2" furring strips and cut them to the desired length and "heel" them (basically, bury one end in the ground) then, depending on the size you need to cover. Put the upright poles at an angle and attach them to a center strip across the length of the "tent"  Then I drape 4mil. plastic over the whole thing with extra length plastic on the sides and ends. Then just put dirt on the extra plastic to hold it down. It actually ends up pretty sturdy. It helps protect somewhat from frost. It also acts as a "hot house" for the plants during the sunlight hours. BTW, this also works in the spring to get your plants in a little earlier. It is alot cheaper than a high buck green house.   Good Luck to ya.

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A lot of people up here use either one. Because we also need to extend our growing season. I'm actually now building my indoor greenhouse to start my cold weather crops, cabbage carrots etc... And as soon as they are hardening (taking in and out of greenhouse) I'll start my tomatoes inside and in time for soil temps to reach high 60s ill put them out. Then I'll disassemble the indoor greenhouse till next winter.

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