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This scenario has happened to me 3 times in the past 2 or 3 months:

I call about an advertised horse and I am the first caller. I tell them I want it and need to arrange a time to come pick it up with my wife. I call them back 20

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It hasn't happen to me yet. But, I'm thinking someone must have let the seller know that it was underpriced, or perhaps, he got a higher offer. The problem, I think, that there are sellers out there who lack honesty and ethics. JMHO :banghead:

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That has happened to me just recently. For some, money is what matters, not gentlemanly dealing.

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I got that feeling with wone I just bought. The old I have someone else willing to pay full price. :USA:

He also did'nt tell me about a problem, I sure he knew about. :banghead:

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It happened to me once on a pickup truck. I paid a sizable cash down payment for for it at lunch time with the understanding that I would be back with the rest of the cash and pick up the truck and title after work. He said he would go to the bank and pick up the title in the mean time. He handed me the keys, and said everything would be ready when I got there.

I went back after work and there was no truck. The guy handed me my money back and said he got hit while going to the bank for the title and the truck was totalled. On my way home I met a guy on the road driving the truck and there was not a scratch on it.

Not being one to let things go easily I called the guy and asked him where they towed the truck to after the wreck because I wanted to see if maybe I could buy it to rebuild. He said there was nothing left of it, it didn't even look like a truck anymore, a dump truck hit it broadside at 50 mph. I told him he was one lucky S.O.B. to come out of that without a mark on him. I let him going on lying and digging himself into a deeper hole for a while longer before I told him that the next time someone makes a higher offer and he backs out of a done deal, make sure the guy doesn't live right down the road. He stuttered and sputtered for a few seconds and hung up the phone.

I'm probably better off not getting it anyway, if he was that much of an a$$hole there's no telling what problems he might have hid on that truck.

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Awesome story, you made him look :imstupid:

Funny stuff right there.

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you made him look :imstupid:

Nope, God beat me to it. :banghead:

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:USA: i know it works on epay, one person will put an item up for auction and their buddy will jack the price up some.. a person i know sells a lot of items on ebay and they use this all time, sometimes he has to eat the costs, but he stills makes money.. crooked as all get-out and i told him so , i would not buy anything from him and didn't know he was such a person that would do that. it's impossible to proove , :banghead: jerry

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When yer dealing with Horses I have found to be ready and be able to go at a moments notice! Have that bank wadd ready to go! I am fortunate enough that I dont have to consult the wife. I hook up the Horse Hauler and off I go.

The man with the cash in hand will get the horse. :USA:

Duke :banghead:

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It happened to me once on a pickup truck. I paid a sizable cash down payment for for it at lunch time with the understanding that I would be back with the rest of the cash and pick up the truck and title after work. He said he would go to the bank and pick up the title in the mean time. He handed me the keys, and said everything would be ready when I got there.

I went back after work and there was no truck.

I had this to happen to me as well once. But I was dealing with dealership not an individual. I had a written sales agreement and had paid a couple of thousand dollars down payment and was to return the next mroning with a bank certified check. When I returned, MY truck was gone. They were more than willing to give me a deposit back, but I reminded them that I have a "Legal Binding Contract"! When I left that dealership, I was driving a truck with same options but two years newer for the same money. This time I WON! :banana: :banana: :banana:

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good news!!! the wheel horse that I got beat to by shady dealings was not actually a horse...it was a crap MTD with a 416-8 hood...

makes me smile...

cheater cheater never beater :banghead:

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good news!!! the wheel horse that I got beat to by shady dealings was not actually a horse...it was a crap MTD with a 416-8 hood...

makes me smile...

cheater cheater never beater :banghead:

:USA: :omg:

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Got burnt on a craigslist post. Called the guy, told him I was on the way be there in a hour, got bout 5 min. away, called me saying the tractor was sold. Went anyway and there be JOP guys gettin in their truck and driveing off. It was on epay 3 days later. I guess parts is parts and it just will make whats left whole, worth more.

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big mike

Years ago my Dad asked me to go with him to pick up a Jeep he had made a deal on.I pulled up with the trailer only to have my Dad tell me they guy wasn't going to sell it now because HIS deal fell through for something HE was buying.I learned a couple of things.

1)go look ready to buy AND haul it away.

2)sell as I want to be sold to.

As far as JOP......any time I can ****** one away from him I will!

He has the right to run a business but my one and only dealing with him was enough that I wouldn't spend a nickel with him.

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This raises an interesting thought experiment in ethics.

Let's assume there is an item for sale for X

The "fair market value" is X + Y (seller is asking too little).

I call and tell the guy I'll take it for X.

2 minutes later another guy calls the seller and says "you are asking too little, I'll gladly give you X + Z.

The second guy, regardless of his actual motives, is helping the seller get closer to the fair market value. So one could say his conscience should be clear.

The seller (if he somehow implied he'd hold it for me, and he may not have) obviously benefits by selling to the second guy, and he may even feel good rewarding the guy who is trying to help him out.

If Y is a large number you could even make the point I was greedy (but on firm ethical ground) by not offering on the phone to give him more!

Now, if I had gotten there and given the guy a handshake and went to the ATM the seller is ethically suspect if he sold it before I got back (at any price). If I gave him a deposit and went to the ATM he is definitely ethically suspect, and possibly even legally suspect.


Now there are a lot of variations on this theme. I won a WH snowblower on Ebay for (I think) $35. I gave the Guy more than that because I knew I was getting a steal (I can't recall how much I gave him but it was at least $40, probably $50 and still well below fair market value.

Obviously in this case I had no obligation to pay more than the winning bid, but I did anyway.

Interesting topic :USA:

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I'm not made of money, if it's good deal. I'll give him what he's asking. :banghead:

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Your stories remind me of a town in Missouri.(yes, it is real)....the story goes that back in the early 1900's this guy was selling watermelons on a busy road in the middle of nowhere....guy comes by on horseback and pays for a watermelon and says he will pick it up on the way back home....night comes and he comes by to pick up his watermelon and yep....it had been sold to someone that paid more for it than the original buyer....so that intersection got the name of Tightwad...

That place still carrries the name of Tightwad, Missouri and about the only business in town is a bank....they don't do alot of business but is known to have hundreds of bank accounts because people from everywhere open an account just to get some checks that say TIGHTWAD BANK, Tightway, Mo.

Eldon, Tightwad is not far from Eldon, MO...so the next time you come back you will have to see BOTH towns....ya might even want to open a bank account!!! :banghead:

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