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96' 520 oil overflow

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Last couple weeks on occasion my 96' 520H has been overflowing oil out of the dipstick tube onto the ground below. It sits in an unheated garage. I open the dipstick tube and leave it set and tomorrow it will be back where it should be and correct on the stick. This is my first winter owning this tractor. What is this thing doing? Is there a vent blocked somewhere I'm missing?

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I have never heard of this before on an Eaton 1100. I could see this if it was overfilled and expanded but not sitting in a garage. I don't know what to say as to a cause.

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It is kinda weird. It hasn't been started in a month so I was surprised to see oil under it. Almost scared me to death like what is going on.

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Maybe there is water in the transmission. It may be freezing,expanding and pushing the oil out? Just a guess . :scratchead: Maybe trapped air bubbling up? Never ran across this,so just throwing it out there.

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Wrong or plugged oil filter :confusion-shrug:

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did you do a tranny oil change recently?  any pinched hydro lines? 

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I haven't changed the oil or filter. I should. It only started this after the garage has been warming up. Didn't do anything all winter at -15. Everything was perfect last fall.

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like KATO said, maybe a plugged up filter causing back pressure.  when was the oil and filter changed? :wh:

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i've had it happen before on 1 of my 520s did you push it at all since you last ran it or the other possibility is the change in temp and was it overfull to begin with


eric j 

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My 1990 520 did that a couple of times, never did figure out why.  I sold it so don't know if there was a long term issue.  The transmission seemed fine.

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can whlvr

my 312 has done this also,dont know why,(it has an 1100 in it)

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I never thought about pushing the tractor as a cause for the overflow but it would seem a viable reason. Were the tractor's pushed in your recollection before the overflow was seen?

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