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310-8 drive belt issue

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Ok, So I'm ready to roll my 310-8 to the scrap yard. Anyone have a pic with the side panels off where I can see how the belt routes up to the engine and back? I'm ready to scrap this thing or beat it to pieces with a sledge. Can't keep the stupid belt on the pulleys. 

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Got the correct belt?

Toro 7473 {HB/5Lx81.95"}

6982 Gates 21/32"x82"

5L820W Napa 21/32"x82"

Which pulley is it coming off of?

Idler pulley is 4" OD?


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Not sure on the 310-8, but the older B and C series tractors have a belt guide on the back side of the belt cover.  The belt MUST be atop this guide for correct tension and release function.  If you are running with the belt guard off, that MAY be part of the problem.. Make sue you have the right belt 7473.  Put the belt on the engine PTO   Next, lay the flat side of the belt onto the idler pulley and...trans in neutral...walk it up and around the trans pulley...it should go on easily.  The spring on the tension pulley is what keeps it tight for power to the trans.  MAYBE.... you have the wrong spring...MAYBE.         

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It comes off at the engine.................but now I see my problem.....so its not an 84x5/8 belt?

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To double check get your long model number off the data decal under the seat and check the chart. If it's gone post all the numbers off the engine decal including the serial number and will see if we can figure out the tractor's model number.


Tractor drive belt chart. There are mistakes and models missed but a good start.



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Please be humaine to your horse, :deadhorse:  :no:,something is definitely wrong  :confusion-confused: .


I've had mine for over 25 years and never had any belts come off, I don't think this is a common problem.



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