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Milky spore powder

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It is coming to that time of the year again. Dirty hands and knees. I was just reading an ad for Milky Spore Powder. I know there has been some discussion on this for grub control. The ad says it will also control asian beetles and such. So I got an idea. (because, I get alot of them) Has anyone used this in the garden? If it infests the larvae, wouldn't it also work for say, rootworms and slugs and such other creatures of mass destruction? I don't know if it is harmful to us as I would think it would get into the plants. So I wonder if it also control some of the larvae that actually hatched on the plant if the plant absorbs the milky spore? I may be wrong about that. But, I wonder if anyone has ever tried it.

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I saw that also and never got around to trying it. from what I read, you have to apply multiple times and let it build up. makes sense and better than that manmade shock and kill types that also kill all the good insects etc. where did you find it for sale?

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It is in one of my wife's organic seed catalogs. It doesn't say much more than that about it. I guess one can treats up to 2500 feet and its about $40 bucks a can. I also wonder if it will kill some of the beneficials like earthworms? I am looking for something "natural", I think I would like to be done eating poison.

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County Agent

As I read the literature,milky spore only has activity against certain harmful species such as Japanese beetles, but no activity against beneficials such as earthworms. I don't think it's advertised to control all undesirable critters such as slugs or wire worms.

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