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18 auto points problem...HELP!!!

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I'm hoping someone on here can help me out. As most of you know I bought an 18 auto that has fought me from the day I got her home. I finally got the tires and wheels swapped out and repainted got a new coil, plugs, wires and battery. I have a problem now with the points. I ran it yesterday at an idle for anout 40 minutes to warm the hydro as it was 18 degrees this week. I was tidying up and there was no issues, it purred like a kitten. I wanted to take her for a ride so I ran the throttle up to about 1/2 or 3/4 and set off down my road. 15 minutes later.....dead tractor. It shut right off. I knew it couldnt be the coil so I checked the points....Stuck open :confusion-scratchheadblue: . I push the points closed and it fires right back up and purrs just fine until the throttle is run up again...then dead...points stuck open.....Any ideas what could be causing the latest of a bunch of issues with this thing? I am truly lost and I really need this thing to be reliable for hours and hours not minutes.

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Have you tried removing or replacing the points and grease the pivot pin? Just a thought :eusa-think:

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I have no idea how to go about doing that RC. I have touched pretty much every part of these things but have absolutley zero experience when it comes to points and timing. Im really nervous to be quite honest.

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Sounds like the spring for the points is bad. You will need a new set and a condenser. We can walk you through changing them and don't be scared or nervous about changing them. Its not hard and you will learn a little witch is GOOD!! So go out and pick up a set of KOHLER points and condenser and we will walk you through it. Do not buy a off brand, they are not the same. Scott

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Yes by all means use Kohler parts, and it is pretty easy to do, get your parts and we can go from there.

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