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Help, my air cleaner doesn't fit!

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OK folks,

I need your help once again! I have a '62, round hood lawn ranger that the previous owner put an Tecumseh H60 into. The old hood mounts were broke and the hood loose when I got it, so I never noticed that when the hood was properly mounted, the stock Tecum air cleaner wouldn't fit.

Here is my original post showing the air cleaner style I have...it sticks out about 1/2" to 3/4" too far, and subsequently hits the inside of the grill...

Is there a quick and easy, (and hopefully cheap!!) fix for this, say an air cleaner off a different application that any of you can recommend?

Does the round filters of the larger Tecs fit this engine, and are they lower profile?

Any help would be appreciated!


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My 655 has a larger diameter round flat filter on it reminds me of a large bore Kohler only much smaller, I wonder if that is the one you need?

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Indy w h

Some of them teckys had a thick adapter between the carb and the block. If yours has that just remove it and replace the gasket


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Hello Indy, yes i have a spacer, about 3/8" thick, but without it on the block, I have no screw holes for the carb, just two larger 1/4-20 holes that are clocked off of the horizontal, so my carb will not bolt directly to my block...

Kerry, I was wondering about the round flat filters myself...hopefully someone with an H60 in a roundhood could tell me what they had used. Any chance you have a picture??


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I know this isnt exactly what you are looking for, but it might help. This is a pic of my 14 horse Kohler from my Bronco 14. I think this is the flatter style filter they are talking about.


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i was going to take a picture of the air cleaner on the H60 in my Lawn Ranger , then i realized that the answer is in your original post

here is your air cleaner:


here is the air cleaner that sorekiwi posted:


it looks like the air cleaner on mine , and as you can see is a lot shallower. i assume that it's the original as it clears the grille fine. yours must be from a different application , so you need to search the swap meets/ebay/etc for the correct one

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Thank you!

Yep, that cleaner in Kiwi's photo looks like it will give me the room I need.....if anyone has an extra they would want to sell, send me a message please.


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