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Sealed for life 6 speed transmission

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Can someone can help me with suitable grease to use on a 'sealed for life' tranny. Its a Foote 3204 (6 speed) on a '79 B-111 tractor. I'm about to open it up in search of the end of the shift lever that has broken off. The grease may be fine but I suspect it may well have dried out somewhat over the years and need replacing.

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I have used wheel bearing grease and a little 80/90 for good measure. thats worked for me and never had any problems sence.

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Thanks for that :hide:. I opened it up today to retrieve the end of the gear shift. The grease hadn't dried up but most of it was attached to the inside of the casing not to the gears. It was a bit dirty from metal/metal wear but did look and feel as though it was originally a standard type chassis grease rather than anything fancy like Molybdenum Disulfide. So I just regreased the gear surfaces before reassembly. Having repaired the gear shift the tractor is on the move again.

Correction to original information - having cleaned the casing before opening the unit was a Foote 3264 not 3204

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