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520-H Hydro replacment problem

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Hi all,

I had to replace my eaton in my 520-h and got a used one that was said to work.

however after i installed it nothing works at all no up down won't even budge. did i get a bad pump or am i missing somthing. i dumped oil down in the top of it befor installing and everything is hooked back up.

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can whlvr

i think these units usually bleed them selves but may be take a line to the lift off and CAREFULLY try the lift to see if its pumping at all and maybe let some air out and check your lines to see that there where they should be

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i did take the metal line that goes from the front of the pump to the oil filter block and there was no oil at all coming out while running at the oil filter block.one thing i noticed is quite a bit of oil did come out of the old pump when i removed it and i know what oil i did pour in before i installed the new one wasn't alot.

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Hi all,

I had to replace my eaton in my 520-h and got a used one that was said to work.

however after i installed it nothing works at all no up down won't even budge. did i get a bad pump or am i missing somthing. i dumped oil down in the top of it befor installing and everything is hooked back up.

Are you saying you replaced the whole transmission, or just the pump :hide:

What does your dip stick read my auto holds 5 quarts. It is the same Eaton 1100.


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well ya the whole transmission i guess it would be had the gear on the one end and shaft on the other for the pulley and fan. The dipstick reads where it should be it's full.

here is the used one i bolted on.


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That is just the pump. Do you have a manual for your transmission? Is it possible you have the hoses hooked up wrong?


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ok i thought it was just the pump myself but some call it the transmision.

i hooked all the hoses that same way they came off the other one and really there is only one way they can go 2 of the 3 are metal and in position. so these self prime and suck the oil in on their own?

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There is a rubber one that goes to your Hydraulac valve also. Did you put the woodruff key back on the pump pulley? I have missed that sometimes my self.


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sure did on both accounts.

The question i have i guess is do these pumps need to be primed or filled somehow with oil first or just bolt on and go? because its hooked up right it just isn't moving any oil.

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Well I have run out off suggestions for the day :hide:


PS I was hopeing you get It working I have to work on mine in the future :WRS:

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can whlvr

sorry i cant answer about the eaton self priming or not,i do know the sundstrands self prime

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